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Messages - Kaldra

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DF Spoilers / Re: He's gonna do it.
« on: December 05, 2020, 11:29:33 PM »
I honestly think that the biggest thing Dresden will learn is how to not "tear himself apart" with his own strength.

"Shapeshifting" will let him protect his body, we already saw one example of magic aiding movement in Ghost Stories and i think River Shoulders will show Dresden how to turn that to 11.

DFRPG / Re: Amazing session and Scrying (Through pants)
« on: July 22, 2011, 05:09:11 PM »
i think a pair of pants walking back to its owner would be a hilarious way of running it; i can see it now the group is in a car racing after a pair of pants running down the middle of the road... ya that sounds about right...

here is some general advice for gm'img:

first the lists ( i like lists )

first and last names. this list will be for any time you need a random name for your NPC's that crop up that you didnt expect to need.

descriptive things that can make people or places stand out or unique. this is mostly to add flavor when players ask for more detail in a place or about a person.

if you feel up for it plot hooks for either the larger picture or some side "quests", a good way to key players in on plot hooks and such is to use the same sort of descriptors or same flavor a few times.

A note book, or pad or some loose pieces of paper.
the primary use of this is for writing down A) all the random names/bits of flavor/plot hooks and what not that you use.
the secondary use will be for writing down things you want to follow up on, or build on. did one of the players or npc's say or do some thing funny? or funny? (the odd kind ) that you want take another look at or use later.

just some other tips for ya: even though your using a pregen adventure feel free to go with the flow if your players do something different or stray from the path if you feel up to it try and see where it goes it can lead to some fun times.

and one thing my drama teacher taught me, when improving dont say no, build on what your given. for example if a player asks is there a window on the alley side. instead of saying no or i dont know build on it, Yes though its higher up to see over the other house and seems to be _______. this gives you a chance to add things to the world and to make your players feel like they are apart of the world, it also makes you look like a prepared god if you do it right.

any areas you want some more help on?

DFRPG / Re: Casefile: Neutral Grounds
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:54:27 PM »
move to resource board?

DFRPG / Re: How many Wizards (or lesser magic-workers) in a city?
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:30:05 PM »
i think we tried to stat out the average number of council level wizards born each year, if applied right it could probably give you an answer. ill see if i cant find it.


using this data at a more sane time of day could probably lead to an answer.

i have done it before, for a pathfinder (dnd) group of 11. aye 11. just have built in snack time/waffle time ( its only waffle time if they earn it ) and be ready to fly by the seat of your pants often, and remember beyond here thar be dragons.

DFRPG / Re: How does combat go for you?
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:01:55 AM »
aye, i did not mean to imply that every one does become evil, only as the traveling people say "as the axe does violence to the tree so does the tree to the axe" its going to have an effect on you, in the end it will vary person to person but its still there.

DFRPG / Re: How does combat go for you?
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:18:33 AM »
aye it depends on the group, however in the DRFPG setting if your character takes action against children, long term it means your character thinks they are the type of person who can hurt or kill children and their gm slowly starts to let the evil maniacal laugh roll out of his/her belly, you have to get the deep belly one.

thats another way to make combat a bit harder on the characters, what are the long term emotional or psychological effects of killing/harming these people they fight; do they care if the shops damaged in the scuffle go out of business?

what happens when the mournful daughter comes a knocking one day and wants to know what happened to her father, that bouncer at the night club who got in the way or maybe he was one of the goons that the party tuned up.

DFRPG / Re: How does combat go for you?
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:18:06 PM »
 ;) you think thats bad?

taking a leaf out of one of my players books from an old 3.5/3.75 game your BBEG starts up an orphanage and starts teaching children the ways of thievery and eventually shape shifting, in the dnd setting it was infecting them with lycanthropy but la we digress.

start out by having the children stealing from occult shops, small things crystals and such, then have the pc's stumble on one of the robberies and see one of the kids do something like a minor evocation or some such, eventually have a wolf attack the group and when they kill or knock out the wolf have a kid form in front of them, no better way to stone cold stop a group from violence or make the waaaay hesitant than to have the children be on the other side.

DFRPG / Re: How does combat go for you?
« on: January 17, 2011, 08:46:07 PM »
to make a unfriendly encounter for a wizard:

turn on the sprinklers
lure them into a room pre-built with a magic circle
turn off all the lights ( wizard becomes a target if he summons light and friendly fire is a pain )
have lots of innocents around

to make an encounter unfriendly for the physical people:

unstable ground, loose sand, ice, knee high water, a kids inflatable jumping gym ( great fun here )
Aoe, like grenades
choke points, make them walk a path to get to the villains with pits on either side, or walk across a plank between two buildings
multi-tiered fields of combat, makes them have to split up and focus more on the movement then the beating

now to some of the above, the nickelheads fall back to a Family Fun Center ( you now have several engines of destruction in a giant building full of kids and parents, on can go hide in the giant climbing structure (think McDonalds on steroids then times 10 ) another goes to the lazer tag area and the other heads out side to the out side area.

inside you can make use of the sprinklers after some fire has been thrown, plenty of humans to make the wizards sweat, all of  the people will make for a hard time running anywhere, multiple floors allow for some great chases.

outside, the miniput course will provide a great place for a fun battle as you have all sorts of odd things in the way and no good straight paths.

DFRPG / Re: Severe consequences aspect suggestions
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:21:19 PM »
>.< da** it richard....

"tis but a flesh wound"

"my all seeing eye"

"Seeing red"

DFRPG / Re: 100 shift potions
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:54:58 PM »
situations like this are why i GM/DM/Storytell by the seat of my pants, i try and stay knowledgeable on the rules but at the end of the day your the one running the game for the people playing it; if it works for the story and if it works for the group, then go for it. make them work for it but let them try at least. as people have reminded me in this world its more about the rule of cool than the rule of law and at the end of the day its YOUR STORY so go with what works for it.

one last thing to think on if your players want to do it, try but for some reason they dont succeed; there are multiple levels of failure and as some one once said either some guy in Asia or some foot ball player "In great endeavors it is glorious even to fail" or some such thing, so maybe they didnt get the uber potion but they did get a McGuffin... just not the one they were looking for.

DFRPG / Re: Beginning character in advanced game?
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:21:06 AM »
also good lord the amount of fate points you would have would be HUGE, and many fun things happen with fate points.

DFRPG / Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:12:07 AM »
i am running a character in a pbp, or will be here soon, who runs a consulting firm one of the aspects is "WARDED not ACCORDED neutral ground". things wont go boom, its his place of business after all, instead you may find your self hearing colors, smelling sounds, feeling sights and feeling like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is coursing through you.

DFRPG / Re: "It Slices, It Dices..." Dismemberment and the Bar Snicker
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:20:25 PM »
belial, why dont you get a degree in applied mathematics and prove string theory; you certainly inovative enough to... and that said bravo i think i have an item for some pc's to quest for over winter break.

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