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Messages - PsionicFox

Pages: [1]
CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 1-15 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:57:25 AM »
That's a direct quote from a Pratchett book. So I'd say you're fine.

And it spoils NOTHING.

But I am not a mod. I'm just telling you what the quote is.

CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:55:05 AM »
Molly? Seriously? MOLLY?

Jim, be thankful I cannot cast ritual spells, or you'd find yourself with an exploded chest - right after you pen down EXACTLY how it all shakes out.

And dude, hasn't Dresden gotten enough missed opportunities with Karrin yet? Its been what, fourteen years since they've been working together, and about ten since they've had a 'thing' for one another?

Just let it happen already!

Finished the book last night, and may I say: DAYUM!
I just KNEW that whoever killed Harry had to be good, but I never expected it to be himself. Holy suit that was awesome! That whole thing was a setup. you could have called that book: How I Narrowly Avoided Becoming A Monster.

But that wouldn't have fitted in with the series' naming conventions.

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