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Topics - yrtalien

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Consequences
« on: September 12, 2018, 09:42:09 PM »
If I take a "gunshot" Moderate consequence.  Then in the next scene, at a Red Court function, I take an 8 stress social hit can I take Moderate "red-faced" consequence... or do both come off the same consequence heading?

Do I have 3 separate consequence tracks or just one?


DFRPG / Inhuman to Supernatural
« on: September 09, 2018, 06:56:45 AM »
Say my starting character wants to buy Supernatural Strength... has he paid 4 or 6 refresh.

Basically when you pay the 4 does it include the power below it?


DFRPG / Luck Power?
« on: September 06, 2018, 08:30:57 AM »
I am trying to create the child of a Luck God who grants and takes luck at will.  There are some interesting Luck powers listed in the homebrew powers section that manipulate the number of fate dice you roll between 2 and 6...

Im looking for a Scarlet Witch type power or Roulette from Marvel.

Id like to be able to attack with it (Flower pot falls on head, gas main explodes underfoot) and block (Flask in the right place to stop the bullet).  I know I could just take channeling for luck o mancy but we are trying to avoid the game having any wizards or wizard subtypes.  Consider me a Minor Mutant talent : )

Does anyone know of such a power or have a crafty mind that can conjure it up?

I'd prefer a power but is it just easier to use magic?

If magic is the easiest route is there a way to take Luck rituals and Luck Thaumaturgy...

DFRPG / Blocks
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:23:45 PM »
In most cases the overage of success achieved during to hit aren't applied to effect except when calculatiing damage correct?  What I mean is I'm a Wizard with a Coviction 4 who is channeling 4 shifts of power for a block.  For the Discipline roll (I have a 4 as well) I roll a 7,  The block that people challenge against is still 4 right not 7?

Am I doing that right?  What does the enemy roll to resist? If the block is designed to keep him off his feet he rolls athletics correct but does he get an immediate roll to resist when it happens or does he have to wait till it's his turn then he can try to stand?

Basically can someone give me an example of a block in action?

Thank you

DFRPG / Construct AI
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:51:54 AM »
OK guys my player has another question I need help with:

He would like to use Thumaturgy to create some "ectoplasmic-bodied" protectors for his Sanctum.

He would like it to be "manned" / "piloted" by an AI as per Our World p.31
"Continual guidance requires ongoing energy
and attention; again, creating an AI for a golem
requires a lot of up-front energy."

Unfortunately other than the references under Constructs (Our World p31) there are no real hard rules that we can find on how to do this.

He's ready to give up on the idea, after I tried explaining Dresden is a little loose on rules like that (he likes crunch). 

Can anyone help us?

Sorry for all the bother,

DFRPG / Transmutation
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:52:16 AM »
I'm still sort of new to this and I have a player who wants to use Thaumaturgy to change his pea-coat so that it is storng as Kevlar but still flexible.  Basically, I think he wants to add the aspect Tough as steel (or kevlar), in talking about the process by which this is done I told him it would allow him to tag its tough aspect in order to defend against gunfire... he believes the coat should just provide the armmor of a kevlar vest (armor:2) I think.  We can't seem to agree...  How should I do this.

He also says that if he made a wine glass hard as steel would he have to spend a fate point every time he wanted it to resist breakage... or would it just be strong as steel.

Please advise

DFRPG / Could someone explain glamour to me
« on: March 11, 2012, 12:38:27 AM »
I have a player who is taking the Glamour power and reading through it I noticed they don't really explain how it works.  Does it work like Evocation? Does it cost stress?

The way I imagine it works is I want to make my friend invisible, I pull shadow over him and and roll my deceit (3) vs their alertness or investigation (put both at 3) we roll.  My player rolls and gets +2, the defending guard rolls and gets +0.  The group man moves past the guard unmolested.  this costs no stress and lasts only that exchange.... am I right.

Now if I want to veil my group of 3 friends do I use the evocation rules and and divide up shifts between them? 

What if i wanted it to last longer than an exchange?

Could someone explain and give me a good example?

Thank you

DFRPG / Enchanting Weapons
« on: March 08, 2012, 05:54:46 PM »
OK, gonna give DFRPG a shot in my big Sat game, so far wev'e only tried it in a 2 person game and it went nicely.  The thing is one of my players has a question I don't know the answer to:  What if his wizard with a Lore 4 wants to enchant a weapon permanently so that when it swings it hits harder?  I know that a permanent enchantment uses 1/2 his Lore skill as its shifts of power should I just add the 2 shifts to the weapons (sword) damage of 2 so that it becomes a Weapon:4 item?  It makes sense to me but I don't want to just make changes that are stupid (so I come to you lot). 

Second he's thinking of giving weapons to other people in the group... we've got someone who is pure mortal and he wants to help her out.  Should I just allow her to take refinement and callit weapon rack or armory of magic?  Does it need tweaking am I missing a huge problem if I allow this?

Thank you,

DFRPG / A sword for a WCV
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:50:53 PM »
I'm looking to create a weapon to be wielded by a WCV.  One of the players in my game is going to be named a Warden and recieve a warden's blade and I was wanting to offer something of about equal value to the WCV also playing who has been seeking an enchanted weapon since the first game.

So far I've had the idea of enabling the wielder to draw on a set of power similar to the tattoos of St Giles and spend a fate point to meet a catch ... ideally though it would have something new that my player hasn't seen or read before so I come to these boards with the hope of your help.

Thanks in advance!

DFRPG / Riposte and Fists and a few more questions
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:00:50 AM »
My room-mate and I are looking to play Dresden later in the year (as our next game) and he is looking through Mortal Stunts.

He's come across Step into the Blow and Redirected Force both of which require you to sacrifice your next action and Riposte from weapons which does not. I can sort of understand Step into the Blow because it offers you a +1 on your Fists roll but I wonder about Riposte in comparrison. Now other than our one on one test run we havent really played the game so I may not be seeing something... Could you tell me if these are really worth it? He's asking about Redirect which forces you to lose your next action and with their next action in the next round they (the target) has gotten back to his feet and lost the "on the ground" you put on them.  though I suppose you could just go with "fucked up knee".

Also he is wanting to play a Kinetomancer Kung-Fu guy with a high concept of Kinetic Martial Artist Defender of the Streets who takes a few of the Inhumans (Toughness, and Speed) because his training was that good... and Channeling (Force) of course would be things like kinetic bolts.  He doesn't forsee ever taking anything beyond Inhuman. I don't think that sounds too bad but those with experience let me know if I'm getting into the area of too powerful, like I said still verrrrry new so any advice.

He's trying to come up with a catch that he can apply to his toughnesss and true magic seems kind of nebulous any suggestions.  Sorry if I seem wildly out of my depth I'm still getting my feet wet and having a place I can go to ask these questions feels reassuring.  if I get bother some let me know.

When countrmagicking, which he should be able to do with channeling, can he only countermagic force effects?

Thank you all,


DFRPG / New to the game with a couple of questions
« on: March 22, 2011, 06:37:24 PM »
Hi, Im new to the Fate / Dresden system and am hoping that you all might be able to clariify a couple of things for me.

Can an NPC make a declaration of "You have a bad knee" and then make a fists roll  to make it true?  So that next exchange it can be tagged?

Can a wizard cast without benefit of his hands or gestures?

Can a wizard cast without speaking?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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