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Messages - bookivore

Pages: 1 [2]
Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 15, 2008, 12:54:12 AM »

I will not suggest that Thomas carve Justine's name in his back just like the Black Dagger brotherhood.  The guy might actually do it, and it's too sad.

I will not ask Thomas to 'do' Luccio's hair.  Or Murphy's. 

I will not ask Thomas for business cards to hand out at the police station.  But I might hand them out at Executive Workout (or whatever it's called).  Business girls need a good hairdresser too.

I will not ask Thomas to join in the Hunky Supernatural Guys calendar for charity that we're doing.  Or Michael, or Fix, or Carlos.  Even if some of the females think it's a really good idea.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 15, 2008, 12:43:50 AM »

I will not let Bob convince Butters to bring over a laptop and set up an internet connection to go surfing.
I will not let Bob get an Amazon account.  Or trade paperbacks online.  I will not tell the mailman that the brown paper packages are for "the skull in my basement".

I especially will not let Bob get caught in an online predator sting - even if it would be a fun way to get Murphy's ex in trouble ("well, the guy I was pretending to be a 14 year old with was actually a skull with a spirit stuck in it, and he actually always said he was a skull, so I'm not quite sure how to prosecute him...")

I will not get Bob paranormal romances.  I do not need him encouraging me any more than he already is to go to bed with anything female that comes by.

When the time comes, I will not take Bob to Ivy's Sweet Sixteen birthday party.  Or Molly's senior prom.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 15, 2008, 12:31:16 AM »

I will not sit on the porch whittling a new Blasting rod when Carlos comes to pick up Molly for their first date

Oh yes I will.  Michael needs backup, and he'd be too nice anyway.

And I will not give Molly The Look and say, "I hope you will not keep my friend 'Los out too late, Apprentice." 

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:41:29 PM »
I also wonder how long Isana and Araras were separated - we know that Isana told Bernard to buy Fade which implies that she didn't just meet up with Bernard at some point with Tavi and Fade with her.  At the very least Fade was with someone else who was the supposed owner.  At most?? He was off doing something away from Isana for a while and showed up with a slaver.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: September 08, 2007, 04:16:30 AM »
Er, no, you don't get my point.  What I was saying is this: do the books -say- outright that Tavi's birthdate (the one Isana gave him) is the same time as the First Calderon?  Let's say FC happened 15 years ago.  If Isana wanted to hide his age, she could say he's older than that, or younger.  He looks 'young for his age' so older than that is possible.  It would all depend on whether or not his birthdate is flagged as the time of FC ICly or not.

Though oddly, looking at the book (to get information to comment further on), Tavi insists that First Calderon happened far before he was born--it's in the section with the Princeps' Monument.

Somehow I missed a page of replies discussing this same point, sorry.  But for a few specific details:

I looked a the monument section and the next section with Amara, Tavi & Bernard walking to Bernardholt and found a time check - "The Marat had returned to the Calderon Valley, something that had not happened in nearly seventeen years." near the beginning of chapter 15.

Elsewhere in the book Tavi says that he is 15 but others think he looks younger than 15.  Amara asks if he's 12 or 13 when he talks about being furyless, and he says that he is 15.  15 plus nine months does not equal nearly 17, so Tavi does not know his correct age.

With Isana confessing to having stunted Tavis growth and specifically saying "I didn't stop" I think she has lied about his birthdate and then stunted him to appear even younger than his supposed 15 years.  The main logical flaw to her lie would be the official date of the death of Isana's sister, Tavi's supposed mother, which would be another thing to research.  There would be no witnesses other than Isana and Araris to leap out and say "Aha! but the woman was dead a year before you say!" if they went immediately into hiding.

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