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Messages - Leatherneck

Pages: 1 2 [3]
DFRPG / Re: That music is evil... Story idea that needs some refinement
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:32:50 PM »
How about Jonathan Coulton?  Then his song Re: Your Brains could become real.  Then you can have real flesh eating zombies running around.  But that is the night they go to check out what is going on.  The previous night, several programmers are transform into monkeys because of the song, Code Monkey.

The cause is his new Guitar.  Poor Jonathan isn’t even aware it is doing it.

DFRPG / Re: Catch Calculation
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:15:22 PM »
The catch can be worth up to +3 (well it can be more than that but you won't get the benefit of it)

So, what would “Carbon Based” be of value for a Catch? 

DFRPG / Re: Catch Calculation & Catch Ideas
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:13:51 PM »
Currently, I'm going for a +3 catch. I had a few ideas before, mostly along the lines of Special Material, common (+2) and Difficult Research (+1).
My take you are going adding too much value (mathematically) for your Catch.  The Difficult to Research would reduce the value of the Catch, not increase.  So, it would become a +1 Catch, not +3.

DFRPG / Re: were form question
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:23:03 PM »
I would play the Were-swarm as suffering consequences that would take full effect when returning to human.   Many of the Physical would have to be converted from Swarm Form consequences to Human Form consequences.  With the stress values would have to carry over true.

Example; A Severe consequence in were-swarm of “Scattered and disorganized” could become a Human form, “Concussion”.

DFRPG / Re: Tech
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:21:27 PM »
Also, I wonder how high circles extend up? And do they go down too? Magical circles are commonly placed on ceilings in Supernatural but is that because they are aiming down? Can flying or burrowing demons get caught in a circle?

I interpret them as going high enough to cover what is required in side and deep enough to be below the circle. 
The other answer, is they are the size to fit the plot.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG over Skype anyone?
« on: June 17, 2010, 08:30:30 PM »
I have a player that joins via Skype.  I use OpenRPG for the dice roller and some chat.  Best of all it is free.  It doesn’t have Fudge dice, but rolling 3d6 worked fine when we played Spirit of the Century.

DFRPG / Re: Veil fallout
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:50:17 PM »
Suggestion: Only the wizard's clothes become invisible.
Oh, that gives me an idea.  Give the companions of the wizards the aspect: EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHS.

I like the idea that Fallout should make things difficult for the Wizard, failing that, his friends.  I’m sort of looking forwards to a wizard causing fallout for a veil and me passing out notes; “Everyone except you is naked.”

DFRPG / Re: Veil fallout
« on: June 02, 2010, 04:47:33 PM »
Per page 256; “Fallout affects the environment or other nearby targets.” This is where the GM can put aspects on the environment or unattended targets.  The spell still happens; it just overflows in a negative way.   So I would say, the veil still works and your target is hidden. 

For sight veil, it might result in the wizard being invisible, but the building disappears with the aspect, INVISIBLE BUILDING.   Or if the wizard is in an alley behind a bar and tries to veil scent and fails, patrons in the bar get sprayed with skunk musk for an aspect, STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN.   Sound veil fallout could result in every church bell in the city ringing.  Aspect? maybe DING DONG? 

My two cents about the Chupacabra, I think it's more likely that it was a Red feeding on animals without his flesh mask (Maybe a blood slave?).  :P
That is a possibility.  Personally, I think the Chupacabra is an evolution branch of the Red Court Vamp tree.    Like how tree monkeys are a branch of the Homo Saipan tree.

To have this Physical Stress Trek it has to have Endurance at least at great (I think) and Inhuman Toughness to boot. The rest looks plausible.
Oops.  It once did, but I decided on the mortal stunts instead.


High Concept: Blood sucking hunter
Other:  Catch me if you can

Great:  Stealth, Athletics, Intimidation
Good:  Fists, Alertness, Endurance
Fair:  Discipline, Survival
Average:  Conviction, Presence

Echoes of the Beast –1
Incite Emotion, At Range –2
Inhuman Speed –2

No Pain, No Gain
Tough Stuff
Swift and Silent

Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO

Refresh Spent: -8

When the Chupacabra screeches the its eyes glow an red and all in hearing suffer nausea (Incite Emotion).  The attack is Intimidation based defended with Discipline.  Those that fail, suffer a sticky aspect, Nauseush.

Note:  This is my first creation with Fate/Dresden.  Anything wrong?

Edit:  fixed Physical stress track.  Added Other aspect, Catch me if you can.

I could use some bayou anminals. Alligators, non-native Python snake.  For the bayou panther or couger, I can use Mountian Lion.

DFRPG / Re: Compiling City Aspect
« on: May 06, 2010, 06:39:44 PM »
If I have a situation where I compel corruption part of the city aspect “Corruption and Decadence”  to limit the groups actions, who gets that Fate Point.  Everyone?  Which is fine by me.

DFRPG / Compiling City Aspect
« on: May 05, 2010, 08:06:11 PM »
Is the City and Location aspects there for flavor and window dressing, or do they serve a rules mechanical purpose?  Can they be compelled?  If so, to what result?

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