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Messages - Leatherneck

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DFRPG / Re: Too silly for city faces?
« on: December 01, 2010, 05:33:08 PM »
Now, if you go and say that Brad Pitt is also a were-panther, and that's why  he tried to make sure that green building practices took place in the rebuild, that might be cheesy. (and awesome).

Yep, they are miss-guided do gooders, out to force their Ninja Hippy views on New Orleans.

DFRPG / Re: Too silly for city faces?
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:26:14 PM »
Extremist Environmentalists, Were-Panther, Ninja Occult Nazis?

There, fixed that for you.

Also, no. Not at all. Do it and video their reactions.

Dang - why didn't that idea happen two weeks ago.  Way too funny.  No video, but I do audio record the sessions for my own notes.

DFRPG / Re: Too silly for city faces?
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:21:01 PM »
One of the city themes is, the shrinking marshlands and buoys is causing strange things to migrate to the outskirts of the city.   They players thought it would be a good theme for monster hunting.  Of course I am going to complicate their simple idea.  My idea of the extremist environmentalists is they are trying to protect the buoys and will use any means to do so.

Now that I am talking to someone about the idea, I don’t think the were-ninjas is silly.  The Were Panther Clan uses ninja tactics, cloths and weapons, but are not Japanese trained assassins.  I am now thinking, they are actually American enviro’s using the ninja trappings while in human form.

Ninjas and Nazis in back to back sessions.  That will teach my players to leave everything up to me.

DFRPG / Too silly for city faces?
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:58:01 PM »
Little background.  My players couldn’t bring themselves to help me create New Orleans for DFRPG beyond two Themes and a Threat.  So I created the locations and all the faces.  Then at the last minute they threw in two city faces.  “The Cult of the Blue Oyster” and “Were-Panther Clan” with no idea what they are beyond the names and a hand wave, ‘the GM can figure it out’.  “oh, and GM they want to rock the boat.”   Grrrrrr

So, I decided The Cult of the Blue Oyster is an occult Nazi origination from Brazil in direct completion with them to gain all the pieces of a key to open a seal.  (the threat).  I’m good with occult Nazis.  Defiantly bad guys, but all mortals so the spell slingers have to be careful.

But what to do with “Were-panther Clan”?  I had planned to introduce them as extremist environmentalists, were-panthers.  That could set them up as both good and bad guys to the PC’s.  But last night I had a vision of a Were-Panther Ninja Clan.   The visuals in my mind are pretty assume.  The first few encounters would have standard ninjas working with black panthers, leading the players to believe that the WPNC has animal companions, and are not shapeshifters.  Later they would learn the truth the hard way.

However – I still have this shapeshifting environmentalist in the bayou story I was planning for the weekend.  So, am I too silly to have them as Extremist Environmentalists, Were-Panther, Ninjas?

DFRPG / Re: Glamours
« on: November 16, 2010, 09:05:25 PM »
Can Seemings be used to completely change the character's appearance and act as an immediate disguise?  "cause someone or something to appear to be other than what it is".  Does that apply to the one with the Glamours power?  The idea was for a changeling to appear as an unmasked Red Court Vampire.

DFRPG / Re: Combat Thaumaturgy?
« on: November 02, 2010, 08:36:06 PM »
One of my players has a Man of Faith with Ritual, specialty of Warding.  I am trying to figure out how to apply his Warding during a conflict.  How long to strengthen a Threshold?  How long to create a Circle?  How to use his ability in an action orientated game?   I am worried he will become too background during physical fights. 

DFRPG / Ritual Limits
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:55:03 PM »
If a character takes Ritual and their one particular application of thaumaturgy is not Crafting, do they still get the two free Focus Item Slots?  If so, how do they make them?  I am thinking of an NPC that has Ritual Divination and I would like to have a “crystal ball” focus.  Is that possible with Ritual?

DFRPG / Re: Creating a "Dead Like Me" Grim Reaper style character
« on: September 27, 2010, 01:45:28 PM »
In order to be able to realiably rip the soul out of an otherwise healthy person, you need to come up with a way to do enough stress to take out your target in one attempt.  Which sounds to me like a Thaumaturgy-at-the-speed-of-Evocation effect, which it turn would mean a sponsored magic power (simmilar to Kemmlerian Necromancy, but customized). 

To reflect the unique quirkiness of the death, each level of bizarreness of the death should be considered a tag-able maneuver to be used in “Thaumaturgy-at-the-speed-of-Evocation effect”.     The Sponsor magic could be something like Soulfire, but as the magic to release the soul from the body.  As an effect, if the body does not die, the soul reattaches to the body.

As an example of a bizarre death for tangible maneuvers; a priest enters the confessional to start confessions while an alter-boy and girlfriend are getting it on.  After a brief awkward back and forth, the priest realizes he doesn’t have an upset crying for their god young lady in need of saving, but a couple doing… well yea, he calls out in surprise and they kids bolt.  He runs after to, not confront in anger but to help them in the way a good priest does.  The scared boy knocks over a basin of baptismal water.  The priest slips and bangs his head on a pew.  Staggering after them he falls in a open floor hatch, somehow managing to get his head caught in a loop in the bell rope.  Mercifully he dies instantly and the bell rings steadily as the grim reaper escorts the released soul to the light.
I count that as 7 maneuvers to be tagged. 

For these maneuvers, I would make the player devise the death before hand.  Put the work in the player’s hands, not the GM.  If they start repeating death maneuvers, then start refusing the maneuver values.  One thing I remember from the show was how bizarre the deaths were.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:16:45 PM »
Yeah, it was a slam dunk that the White Court would be in control of Bourbon street and most of the French Quarter. You have the bars, the strip clubs, the leather shops, the sex-toy shops.

My group picked NO as well.  But for the White Court I think Skavis (despair) will work fine.  They are fairly new to the city, since Katrina.  One city theme is Corruption and Decadance, and I have the Skavis vampires feeding on the dispare created by corruption.  Also, I have a Face for Burbon Street that could eventually be removed, opening the area for Raith family.  He evected them from NO during Katrina.  So if the players chase him off, they the Raith will come back in force and they can replace one problem with another.

Don’t forget about the great work the Hedge Wizards did during the Battle of Dunkirk.   

Quoting from Professor Wiener’s “Military History in the Supernatural 20th Century World”; “While the English practitioners, working mostly in London, focused on using the weather to ground the Luftwaffe, several covens of Irish practitioners influenced Goering, using black magic, to convince Hitler in holding back the amour long enough to enable the evacuation of the beaches at Dunkirk.  Most of the Hedge Wizards then presented themselves to Wardens for judgment.  The aftermath of those judgments resulted in years of debate and internal strife for the White Council, keeping them out of direct involvement of World War II.”

Sadly, my copy of Wiener’s book is nearly unreadable.  It was found in the burned down and flooded accord sanction neutral grounds in the heart of New Orleans 9th Ward.

I am guessing, but it seems the Wardens became even more proactive after the Dunkirk judgments.

DFRPG / Re: Audio example of play?
« on: September 07, 2010, 12:43:02 PM »
That was good.  When is the character creation session getting posted?

<Are we there yet?>

DFRPG / Re: Scion lawman
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:19:34 PM »
I’ve decided to make the players determine how the thresholds work for Scions.   As each Scion can be unique there can be different affect for different characters.  If I can get the Scion characters to come to a common decision that would be great.  Not expected, but it would be great.  I see three basic levels of affect.  1) no affect at all and no potential of extra Fate Points.  2) Suffer suppression inside the threshold and a potential of a few FP.  3) The threshold acts to block as if the scion is a pure supernatural creature, such as a vampire or demon, providing even greater potential of Fate Points.

Finally, if any player ends up with a Changeling, then they get to decide how it works for all changelings in my game. 

DFRPG / Re: Scion lawman
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:39:11 PM »
also you swear to uphold the law when you become an officer, with people who have power oaths carry great weight... do things by the book or else your strength could take a sabbatical...

That’s the issue.  Are inherited supernatural powers affected by barriers?  Thresholds.  Oaths.  I’m thinking of non-spell powers.  In this case it is Inhuman Speed and Supernatural Sense.  But this also applies to other powers.

Beyond the scion demon spawn.  What about shapsifters; Weres, Lycanthropes, and Loup-Garou?  If they cross the threshold or break an oath, do the loose power?    That sort of weakens the idea of a crazed Loup-Garou smashing into a home and slaughtering everyone there.  Then there are the changelings.  Are they limited even though they have not become full Fae?  I don’t remember anything in the books stating that scion and changelings were held back by thresholds.  (but I could very well be wrong)

If just having supernatural powers keeps you from crossing thresholds and makes oaths mystically binding, it will have a huge affect on all but Pure Mortal PC’s.

DFRPG / Scion lawman
« on: August 26, 2010, 07:17:36 PM »
Would a threshold cause problems for a scion lawman?  In the case of a Scion, they are not completely a supernatural being.  In this specific case, the High Concept is “Demon Spawn US Marshal”   The guy needs to be able to bust in doors to chase after fugitives. 

I am sure he would want to have his Inhuman Speed and Supernatural Sense while looking in dark closets and going down creaky basement stairs.

DFRPG / Re: Wizard careers?
« on: August 22, 2010, 02:39:00 PM »
The wizard being made for my game is an Arson Investigator.  His specialized element is of course fire.

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