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Messages - Darkshore

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I'm at around 15k with my current book. College and work caused me to have to stop writing for months... I feel like the story will be wrapped up at like 60k though. Hopefully I can make it work. I'd hate to try and sell this as a novella.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:45:03 PM »
Thanks for the insight, I'll have to make some changes. I figured there would at least be some kind of metal-detectors though. /shrug

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 23, 2012, 02:15:14 PM »
Thanks. That works, it gives more reason for the mc to believe the casino heads were in on what was going down as well, with an excuse for added security.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 23, 2012, 02:09:06 PM »
Well it takes place in Cincinnati. I've linked a crime-scene to the casino and my mc is heading there to see how far the corruption goes, but it ends up being a trap. Pivotal moment in the novel. Lot's of damage, lot's of death, and a good friend is taken. I don't necessarily need the "getting past security scene" if it's not relevant.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:33:15 PM »
I'm more concerned with the metal detectors. Are these at the airport as they're flying to vegas? Because when I was there in Vegas I didn't see any metal detectors. Or maybe I just didn't notice them....which given Vegas is very possible. Just wondering if you'd done any research on it because I can't think of any that had visible metal detectors.

Basically Casino's are designed to be as open as possible with multiple entry points and no barriers from the people outside to the machines and tables inside. They want people to come inside easily. Leaving they try to make a bit harder but no metal detectors there either. So there's nothing stopping you from bringing a gun into a casino. It certainly didn't stop the guy who robbed the Belagio last year.

He was caught later by the way although he did get away with like 1.5 million in chips. Of course they pretty quickly changed chips so that the stolen ones became worthless. Its easy to get a gun into a casino, not so easy to do anything with it an then get away. I'd follow that and see where it goes. Think thousands of security cameras and hundreds of people standing around watching at even the oddest hours.

This is what I planned to do some research on. I didn't know if it differed from casino to casino or what have you. I just felt like there would be something in most casinos to stop you from coming in heavily armed, like when you go to a concert or something. This one is supposed to be a bit more over the top, but maybe you're right and the idea of going through security to get into the casino doesn't make sense.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 23, 2012, 02:32:10 AM »
All good points. I'm just still a bit freaked about my novel being compared to the DF, but at least it was only from the first few chapters. Just being very, very, aware of how my character can be like Harry at times. I'm sure there are a lot of UF novels with Harryesque characters, I just need to make sure mine shows his own personality more than a comparison to Dresden. Mid to End novel. He's certainly not very Harry-like IMO. The reference will stay, unless people call me on it being to dresdenish.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:25:04 PM »
Agreed. There are a few similarities some others have pointed out to me, but I've also been reassured that a lot of those are common in most UF and not just Jim's. I'm just trying to make sure the distinction stays clear. I certainly look up to Jim and love his work, but I want my novels to be my own and not accidental imitations.

Author Craft / Re: Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 22, 2012, 01:52:44 AM »
Yeah...I thought so. I just loved the idea of it, but I suppose that's something I'll have to steer clear from.

Author Craft / Did Jim nab the market on quoting Lucas?
« on: May 22, 2012, 01:41:17 AM »
So long story short. I have a P.I. and at this point in the novel him and a friend are getting past the metal-detector/pocket checker, so they can get into a casino while packing some heat. I have a ghost that helps them get past the metal detector by manipulating it and then pulling a jedi mind-trick on the checker. Now I really wanted to have my MC pull an obi-wan kenobi as a signal, but then I started thinking. My MC's character voice (while different) comes off with a very Dresden feel. Would this be too much? Just thought I'd wander in and pose this question.

I'm right there with all of you. Got called into work on my day off and have to spend today at my girlfriend's, brother's wedding. No writing to be had.

Thanks for the reassurances all. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I'd been influenced by him, hell I really look up to the guy and all he's accomplished, but I didn't even think about my novel seeming similar. I've shown some more of my work to the group since then and they can see that the stories certainly differ, but the similarities are something I'll certainly want to tone down. I suppose it's really a compliment, the readers loved my voice and my character and they felt like he was close to Butcher's work. Thing is I really didn't imitate him on purpose...hopefully my voice will differ a bit more noticeably in the long run.

I've just started writing again after a hectic end to my college semester and I've hit a brick wall. I'd joined a writing group and received a lot of lovely feedback from the members, but one of them hit on something that really slapped me into reality. My novel is very similar to DF. I had intended it to be alike, but different, I mean there are a lot of novels with a P.I. for a MC right? But while they loved the voice they said that the fact that he's a P.I., broke, and involved with the Fae might be too close for comfort. Then the idiocy of my Bob-like character, a ghost that speaks through a radio, really hit me as just too much. I'm not sure if I'm worried over nothing or if I should work on changing these similarities asap. The story itself is certainly different and by the end my MC isn't even a P.I. anymore, but the beginning needs to bring in the readers.

My writings been on hold recently...I've only had time to work on short stories for my blog, but even that has taken a backseat to work for now. Too much life going on :P.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2012 Schedule
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:30:17 PM »
I think Rothfuss gets nervous about how he sounds on recordings. He almost didn't put up a video of him reading to his son for Heifer International because he was afraid of how it sounded :D.

Author Craft / Re: A Writer's Blog? Good Idea or Bad?
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:25:23 AM »
I have one :D. I don't yammer on about the writing process though, because imho that comes off as pretentious. I use it to give reviews, gain a web "presence", and post short fiction to hopefully gain some fans.

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