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Messages - rbette1299

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Dresden was shot in the chest near his heart by someone who does not miss. So there was some major heart damage. If the blood circulation was maintained by a beating heart, then Mab must have healed his heart almost instantly. And Mab was apparently providing "breath". If she can do all that, then causing the heart to beat is trivial. On top of that, the freaking tree can somehow magically grow conduits into Harry's blood vessels. If the tree can magically do that, it should be easy for it to also circulate the blood. Either way, there is no need to involve Lash to circulate the blood. If Butcher does write Lash into there for no good reason, then it is just lame. I hope he does not.

The problem with saying one of the Denerians is responsible for whispering to Dresden is the simple fact nothing they do qualifies as cheating. They exist in balance with the Knights and are free to maim, deceive, kill, and subvert to their black heart's content. Another reason to exclude the Denerians is because something so subtle would not really be practical at that moment and time for them. If they wanted him dead and managed to get that close to him, then why waste the breath? Just bash his head in and be done with it. As for Lash specifically, assuming that she even survived giving up her 'life' for Dresen, what would she gain by getting Dresden to kill himself? The entire purpose of the Shadow of Lasciel is to subvert Dresden so he will take up the coin; killing him would be quite counterproductive.

The truth is that Uriel's care to avoid saying the Fallen's name makes it clear who he is talking about. Think about how in Small Favors, Mab takes great care to refer to the archangels by titles and not by names, even cautioning Dresden about saying Uriel's name. How in Changes, the Erlking warned Dresden about the consequences about saying Mab's name a third time. To put all that it into context, the idiom "speak of the Devil" is more than just a turn of phrase in the Dresdenverse, and quite literal in this moment and time. It was the Prince of Darkness cheating in Small Favors that dragged Uriel into the story, and it seems the Prince of Darkness cheating in Changes dragged Uriel back in again.

Two quotes are explanation enough for me as to the identity of the whisperer.

"You...just get to whisper in my ear?" To whisper seven words, in fact, he said.

And a voice-very calm, very gentle, very rationale voice whispered in my ear, "Lies. Mab cannot change who you are." I struggled and twitched my fingers. "Five," I muttered, "Six. Seven. Heh." I couldn't help it. I laughed again. It hurt like hell and and felt wonderful. "Heh. Heh."

Seven word equals Uriel.

All of those extra questions bothered me too. Lea doesn't give information for free. She let him ask those extra questions because she wanted to tell him something important with her answers. So her answers mean something. It would have been her typical style to shut him down and tell him he was exceeding the agreement. So what is in it for her? We know from the sword story that she plays the long game. What is her long game? We still do not know what she promised his mother. I think it wasn't just to watch his back. There will be something in it for her.

What Harry got from his ghost story was that he owns his soul and no one can make him give it up, especially not Mab. When he realized what she had done to keep his body alive he realized how very important he was to her and that is his leverage. At best, she will be able to direct him but not control. He will likley face several future ethical delimnas with her. She will want him to take down someone that he doesn't believe deserves it and this will be very interesting to see how it plays out. Btw did anyone think of the Hive Queen in the Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card when Mab's was described as being as a nearly starved insect?

I really enjoyed this time out for Harry as we got to see him mature big time. He is now connecting the dots and accepting that actions always have consequences. I think we will see him be much more thoughtful and analytical in the future.

I would be surprised if we see him back in Chicago for more than a brief visit for several more books. They told him that Chicago was doing better than most other big cities because of the Justice League and Molly/Rag Lady. I think Harry will be playing with the Big Boys in other interesting places in the world for awhile. I can't wait until he comes up against the White or Black Council. The White Council could still sanction him for what he did to the Red Court seeing as how they have had to hop to clean up the repercussions. But, while he is the Winter Knight, they can't touch him.

I think Harry is being groomed for something much bigger than Chicago and bigger than the Sidhe Court. Both sides want him and this interlude masterminded by Uriel was to make sure Harry knows he has choices and that it is his choices that define him.

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