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DF Spoilers / Susicions about McCoy
« on: December 10, 2021, 04:53:26 AM »
I'm chapter one of peace talks Carlos says that McCoy sent him to tell Harry about the peace talks.

But in chapter two, when the black staff comes to visit Harry and yell him the council is taking a vote to have him booted, he acts like he doesn't realize Harry will be working security and therefore not be able to follow his advice and make overtures to the council.

I find that extremely strange. How could Carlos be sent by McCoy to inform Harry of the peace talk but then be oblivious to the fact that this would set Harry up for failure when the council takes it's vote?

DF Spoilers / There is no such thing as "Black" Magic in the Dresdenverse
« on: December 06, 2021, 12:59:20 AM »
There is no such thing as black magic in the Dresden files, and it is going to be a major plot point later.

Specifically, when I say there is no black magic, I mean that violating the laws of magic does not turn the user evil.

I am sure many of you reading this are thinking I am crazy because so many times in the DF we are told that black magic does this, that the Blackstaff is what keeps McCoy from going insane, that we have seen Harry deal with Warlocks that have gone insane, and that Harry and others can sense the taint of black magic.

Hear me out.

We get our information in the story from Harry, who in turn has gotten his perspective on black magic from the WC, McCoy, etc. But Harry believes two contradictory things about magic.

-He knows that in order to do magic, you have to believe in what you are doing. You have to have conviction in what you are doing with the magic.

-He also believes that people who violate the laws of magic turn evil over time because of it.

The problem with this is that if a person must believe in their magic to do it, than they were already as evil as whatever actions they took with it, by definition. Therefore, it is not black magic that turns a person evil. A person must be evil do do black magic. Therefore magic is as good or evil as any other tool, its being black or not depends entirely upon the use to which it is put.

-We dont really know what the blackstaff does, and we dont critically consider what we are told about it because confirmation bias makes us see what we want. We already think black magic corrupts, so the explanation seems plausible.

-We dont really know that warlocks were driven mad by their black magic. The state of mind of the warlocks is no different from, and entirely consistent with, a person doing evil in general. Its not uncommon for a bad person to get worse over time.

-This is true of every assumed example of black magic corruption in the books. There are no cases of evidence that can not be explained by normal human behavior.

Another thing to consider is that since the behavior of persons violating the laws can be entirely explained by normal human evil doing and psychology, than how could the White Council possibly know its corrupting anyone beyond their own self-corruption.

Epistemologically speaking, they couldn't. And that means they are claiming to know something they could possibly know, because they have no epistemically valid means of knowing it.

Several evidences other indications that black magic does not corrupt the user:

"As for violating the laws of magic themselves turning you good or evil, well.  :)  There’s something to be said on either side of the argument, in the strictest sense, though one side of the argument is definitely less incorrect than the other.  But it’s going to take me several more books to lay it out, so there’s no sense in ruining the fun. :)"


Jim would have no reason to have to "lay it out" if the default assumption that Harry tells us from book one, that black magic corrupts, is true.

"I had to consider the possibility that she’d been trying to do the right thing: using her power to help someone in dire need. The thought made me uncomfortable as hell. I knew that the necromancers I’d met were deadly dangerous, and that if I wanted to survive a conflict with them, I would have to be ready to hit them fast and hard and without any doubts. That’s easy when the enemy is a frothing, psychotic monster. But Kumori’s apparently humanitarian act changed things. It made her a person, and people are a hell of a lot harder for me to think about killing. Even worse, if she’d been acting altruistically, it would mean that the dark energy the necromancers seemed to favor might not be something wholly, inherently evil. It had been used to preserve life, just as the magic I knew could be used either to protect or to destroy. I’d always considered the line between black magic and white to be sharp and clear. But if that dark power could be employed in whatever fashion its wielder chose, that made it no different from my own. Dammit. Investigation was supposed to make me certain of what needed to be done. It was not supposed to confuse me even more. When I opened my eyes, thick clouds had covered the sun and painted the whole world in shades of grey."

Jim Butcher. Dead Beat (Kindle Locations 3162-3172). Orbit. Kindle Edition.

I think this entire part of Dead Beat is clear foreshadowing that Harry's view on black magic isn't correct. He is clearly uncomfortable about the idea, and its a weird thing to put in the series if there isnt something to it.

-We know Luccio tells Dresden the laws are really about constraining the power of wizards.

"Note also the killing law only applies to Humans.You can kill as many faeries as you want with magic."

"Bingo.  It hardly seems fair, does it?The Laws of Magic don't necessarily match up to the actual universal guidelines to how the universal power known as "magic" behaves. The consequences for breaking the Laws of Magic don't all come from people wearing grey cloaks. And none of it necessarily has anything to do with what is Right or Wrong. Which exist.  It's finding where they start or stop existing that's the hard part."


Broadly speaking, I think the WC lies about this deliberately because it is easier to get people to follow the laws if they convince everyone that breaking them will mind fuck them into becoming evil, and because it gives the black magic an "icky" component, and many humans are motivated by disgust based morality. Additionally there is the aspect discussed by Harry about Kumori in Dead Beat. It dehumanizes perceived black mages and makes it easier to enforce the laws. The black staff is just a prop in the lie. They do this because the white council wants to control wizards, and keep the power to do certain things to itself.

Originally, I think this went back to the time of the original Merlin. I think that as far as the story goes this is all going to link together back to when Mab was Human and knew the Merlin. I think that the laws became a thing to try to limit the political influence of wizards after the original Merlin's dealings with King Arthur, and the mess that came from that. I think that whatever happened back then was so bad that the draconian laws of magic were put in place to make sure it never happened again, and that led to the current state of affairs where killing with magic to defend yourself as barely a defense, and things like necromancy go unexplored even though they may have valuable uses.

Furthermore, while I am not sure how this will all add up, I think the fact that Harry's mother was opposed to the laws of magic and that the details of her life are still a mystery is a big indicator that this is going to be a major plot point later. Its one of the only things we know about her, which is that she disagreed with the laws. I don't think information like that was put in the story idly.

But to sum it up I think the laws of magic are a lie and that this is going to be a central feature of the main plot of the series when it gets revealed.

DF Spoilers / The Denarians are the good guys?
« on: April 25, 2021, 07:50:07 AM »
I think it might be possible that the fallen and the Denarians are actually the good guys, and we will find this out as a major plot twist. I think its pretty odd that the goals of the denarians are shrouded in mystery, and that the only real information have on them is that Nic thinks he is working to save the world.

But what if he actually is? Up to this point the story, the Denarians have always been assumed to be evil because they are associated with the big bad of Christian mythology and their methods appear to be unjustifiable under any circumstances.

But we dont really know what their angle is. Nic must have some reason he thinks he is saving the world. Dont get me wrong, clearly many people have thought this in reality and been completely delusional. And Nic and the gang are probably no different.


what if the White God is actually the villain of the story? What if the fallen rebelled for a reason? What if their methods are justified because if they lose, the outsiders break into reality and turn it into well....hell. I mean, why is it that if the White God is actually "god" that it appears to lack sufficient power to solve the outsider problem on its own? Why does the Winter Court have to act as a bulwark agaisnt it?

I wonder if the outsiders breaching into reality is the apocalypse of Christian mythology, which the White God is actively trying to bring about. It has acquired immense power because it has the most believers, while gradually reducing the power of the other magical beings in the DV, which will eventually make it easier to let the outsiders in.

DF Spoilers / I am certain Lea is Harry's mother.
« on: April 24, 2021, 12:40:53 AM »
At the ball in GP, Lea kisses thomas on the neck and it burns him.

Margaret made a deal with mab as part of her efforts to make harry starborn
.in return, she became a fae. This also explains why she is so keen on Harry and why she was he godmother from the beginning

Basically the question in the topic. This would seem to eliminate all of the moral problems with a normal darkhallow, namely killing all the innocent people in the vicinity. Instead Harry would be performing it on a remote island on a bunch of unspeakably evil...and immensely powerful creatures.

This would make Harry a starborn, so resistant to outsiders, with the most overpowered Darkhallow transformation into a god ever. I mean he would have to be stupendously powerful if he consumed the things that are in demonreach instead of just regular people and spirits.

I was perusing the WOJ database looking for things that might be relevant to some BG theories. I came across one where Jim is responding to a person who is disappointed about changes. This persons complaint was that they had been wondering what would make Harry act in immoral fashion. Essentially, what kind of pressure would it take to make Harry go over the edge? This person was disappointed because as they saw it, the fact that Jim made it so that Harry was trying to save Maggie turned the moral dilemma into a cop out.

Jim then responds by explaining that Maggie being in danger doesn't excuse Dresden because that's not a good enough excuse.

My confusion is that I don't get what exactly Harry was supposed to have done wrong in Changes. What was the big moral dilemma?

DF Spoilers / The one thing in battleground the bugged me: [BG Spoilers]
« on: October 04, 2020, 04:14:33 PM »
Edited to remove spoiler content from subject.
 - Griff

One of the most exciting things of the entire battleground book in my opinion was the scene where the Apache attack helicopters come at the end and royally fuck up the retreating Fomor. I waiting the entire book just for that scene, which I felt like I knew was coming the entire time since the arrival of the National Guard was foreshadowed numerous times. One of the best parts of the Dresden files more me has always been the relevance of the mortal world. In the DF, guns are not useless weapons. Magic and the supernatural are just different kinds of threats, and the combination of the two adds tremendous flavor the series.

In my head during the book I was hoping for a scene where a main battle tank arrives down a street and puts a sabot through some big baddie, but the helicopters were cool enough.

But the disappointing thing is that even though it is repeatedly stated over and over that this battle is simply to big to be covered up or missed, at the end of the book everyone is saying that it is successfully being covered up.

Sorry, but I call BS. Suspension of disbelief officially suspended. There is no fucking way that 8000 monsters attack a city, killing 20-60,000 people (the book listed different figures at different times), prompting the involvement of the military.......and it gets covered up. Eight Million people saw this shit go down. There is tons of destruction everywhere. Too. many. witnesses.

Also this story took place in time parallel to our own. Too many electronic devices to record things with, and too many ways for that information to leave the city. The explanation at the end about electronics and magic was bullshit. There are probably more phones and computers in Chicago than there are people. And not all of them would have been affected. Even in the places where there was the most reality breakdown due to magic, someones phone or camera was probably working. And Chicago is a big place. There were probably people who recorded things from a distance from tall buildings etc just like during natural disasters like the explosions that occurred in China not too long ago. Also we know for a fact, not even a conjecture, that at least some electronics were working in close proximity to the battle. The attack helicopters. There systems were clearly working or they would not have been able to operating their guns or even fly for that matter. Comms in and out of the city must have been working in come capacity as well, or how else did the NG and other emergency services even get called in or organized?

I really hope that in the next novel this gets undone and it the mortal world comes into knowledge of the supernatural. I think this will take the story in a very interesting direction.

Notable facts and theories if my memory serves:

-Mab knew the Merlin of old when she was mortal and IIRC there was some kind of romance hinted at. Correct me if I am misremembering the latter part.

-I think that Mab became Mab because of some shit that went down the original white council. I think those reasons were analogous to the desperation that caused Harry to become the Knight.

-Harry is a star born, and we know he was bred to be one by the WC.

-I think the WC had some nefarious reasons for breeding him as such, or at the least some of the members did. Not all members of the WC may have the same motives.

-I think that whatever this is regarding the star born, it goes way back to whatever happened with Mab back in the day when she was mortal or when she became Mab.

-The laws the white council are draconian. This is been a theme from the beginning of the books and it has now come to a head. I do not think this is a coincidence that this happened at the same time as we learned more about Harry being star-born and Mab suddenly became more chummy.

My main theory:

I think Mab is not actually a villain. I think she became Mab because of some kind of BS that went down with the original WC back when the original Merlin existed. I think that the modern council with its draconian laws and general stupidity is in some way the product of what happened back in the day and is a bastardization of the original intend of the council. I think that the current WC had some kind of nefarious or at least misguided plans for Harry as a star born, probably to create a new Merlin. A true Merlin like the old one, who was probably also a star born and that's why he was so strong. Whatever shit happened way back in the day probably had something to do with this, and possibly demon reach. I think Mab has from the very beginning been watching over Harry so that she could get him away from the council, and what better way to do this than make him her Knight so that she could control him and also distance him from the council. I think that she isnt evil though, and in fact wanted a morally good Winter Knight. I think this is why she always threatens to break him but never actually does it, she is testing him to see if he has the character she thinks he has. I think she wants to do this because she realizes that Harry as a star born has the potential to usher in a new Era and she wants to make sure he is worthy of said power and is not corrupted by the council so that he can reform the council and restore it to what it was intended to be by become the new Merlin. In other words, Harry can being balance to the force. I also think that this has obviously been in motion well before the events of the story and that Harry's mother knew about the evil intentions of the white council and thats why she was such a maverick. I think the WC killed Harrys mother, probably because she didnt want to go along with the plan (among other things) and that something along these line is part of why no one has told Harry anything about being starborn. It is also possible that the black council is not entirely evil, and may be a group of people who include both evil practitioners and also people who are rebels against the nature of the current council....and I think Cowl is somehow involved in all this.

Yes I know some of this is spitballing but I had one of those Eureka moments and I wanted to type it all out. What do you guys think? Does anyone have any other facts to support this?

DF Spoilers / Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 21, 2017, 11:44:08 PM »
Probably like many on this board, I read/watch alot of fantasy outside of the Dresden files. Among alot of this Fantasy are alot of different kinds of Vampires.

For a long time I never game much thought to the ramifications of the natures of various types of vampires that are in different kinds of fantasy. I could readily accept the context of any type of story. Here are a few examples of the various kinds of Vampires that most typically exist in stories.

Humans with extreme desire and need to feed, but can choose otherwise: Thomas is an example of this. He is possessed or set upon by a need to feed for survival, but he can technically avoid doing so either by coming up with alternate means to feed or by simply choosing to die rather than murder someone.

Beast type vampire: Essentially a supernatural animal that feeds specifically on humans. A undesirable creature to be sure, but no more evil than a rabid dog.

Moral Monster type. Human level intellect, self-aware. But despite being self-aware is only capable of Evil: Red and certainly Black vampires are this third type. Alot of Winter Fae probably fall into this category despite not being vampires. Perhaps some summer Fae as well. Lord of the Ring style Orcs are certainly this. These creatures are essentially all "evil people." But critical to their nature, they are not redeemable. Nor are their any in their ranks that would be considered good. Essentially, kill on sight. They do not warrant any of the normal moral considerations of free will creatures. The world is better off without them.

The thing I cant work out is exactly how the last type would or could exist.  Each one of the last type combined both the intellect and moral knowledge of the first, but the complete lack regard for other sentient creatures as the beast type. They are not just really smart beast types. They are evil incarnate. Personal Evil. They aren't wolves. Other characters in a given series dont just view them as forces of nature, but in the same manner you would view a serial killer. Hate. Moral Hate. Not hate like you hate a wolf or a hurricane, but hate like you might hate Adolf Hitler or Himmler.  The question is, how should these creatures be viewed? Negatively certainly. But are they moral evil or are they just extremely smart and undesirable in the context of their behavior? Essentially, they have free will as it pertains to "being bad."

What I cant figure out is if the last type is even logically possible.

DF Spoilers / Harry should Dark Hallow Demonreach.
« on: July 21, 2017, 12:35:58 PM »
Harry should Dark Hallow demon reach. With the islands defenses, it would be hard for anyone to interfere. With the islands remoteness, it is likely no one would be hurt, and Harry could just put a circle around the island anyhow. A dark hallow on demon reach would suck up all the power of all the bad nasties on the island. So in one stroke, Harry becomes more powerful and both Fae Queens and the Erlking  put together, and he deletes the demon reach prison forever.

DF Spoilers / Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 17, 2017, 02:46:45 AM »
This is meant to be both a question, and hopefully a speculative conversation etc. So feel free to pontificate :)

So basically I am curious of how much the mortal governments, such as the US gov, know about the existence of the supernatural. How much evidence do we have from the books and various WOJ? Im asking because its been awhile since ive read all the books in detail and I am sure I missed something anyhow.

Wasnt there some mention somewhere that the WC and the highest levels of mortal gov, like POTUS, have some kind of understanding?

DF Spoilers / Better Guns for Dresden and Co.
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:29:51 PM »
I forget which book it was but there was admission at some point that Dresden's reliance on revolvers due to their simplicity wasn't really necessary, and was a result of Harry's relative ignorance on guns at the start of the series or something.

We've seen alot of Wardens etc pack some pretty serious firepower throughout the series. So question is, when is Dresden going to get an assault rifle or something.

His enemies certainly use them. Micheal of course got the bad end of that. Seems about time Dresden and crew assault rifle up on the reg.

Actually this is part of an even bigger question of mine that I have wondered for some time. I can see why dresden doesnt pack a long gun everywhere since it would be inconvenient compared to a pistol. Although there have been a number of situations in the book where It might have been a good idea to get a rifle since he knew what he was going into. Context would be the determiner etc.

But how come the WC doesn't use full on geared out Wardens on high-end missions? Like it would seem totally logical to have Wardens who are going to war with the Ramps (for example) to basically just look like soldiers from any mortal army, save they can also do magic.

Keep in mind I am not saying this would make sense all of the time. Just a little confused why we haven't seen something like it except form singular characters.

Additionally this question is meant to be broad. Just a in general query about desire to increase the various characters firepower.

We need more Dakka.

DF Spoilers / Better Guns for Dresden and Co.
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:27:46 PM »
I forget which book it was but there was admission at some point that Dresden's reliance on revolvers due to their simplicity wasn't really necessary, and was a result of Harry's relative ignorance on guns at the start of the series or something.

We've seen alot of Wardens etc pack some pretty serious firepower throughout the series. So question is, when is Dresden going to get an assault rifle or something.

His enemies certainly use them. Micheal of course got the bad end of that. Seems about time Dresden and crew assault rifle up on the reg.

Actually this is part of an even bigger question of mine that I have wondered for some time. I can see why dresden doesnt pack a long gun everywhere since it would be inconvenient compared to a pistol. Although there have been a number of situations in the book where It might have been a good idea to get a rifle since he knew what he was going into. Context would be the determiner etc.

But how come the WC doesn't use full on geared out Wardens on high-end missions? Like it would seem totally logical to have Wardens who are going to war with the Ramps (for example) to basically just look like soldiers from any mortal army, save they can also do magic.

Keep in mind I am not saying this would make sense all of the time. Just a little confused why we haven't seen something like it except form singular characters.

Additionally this question is meant to be broad. Just a in general query about desire to increase the various characters firepower.

We need more Dakka.

facilitating having any discussion happen in only one topic and locking this duplicate.  -Serack

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