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Topics - austinmonster

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Dresden Files Accelerated Magic?
« on: June 08, 2015, 04:01:40 PM »
First off - I love the Dresden files game.  I've been reading it since it came out, and even ran it a few times.  These few instances were usually for family and friends though, and my FLGS has opened up a game center where people can play and run RPGs.  The problem that I've run into is thus, the more and more I've been reading, the more and more I realized that this system will be very difficult to teach newbies.  Fate is pretty simple to begin with, but the magic system of DFRPG is just ponderous.  It's heavy.  Normally I wouldn't mind that so much if it was just some esoteric part of the system that wasn't very central to the game - but let's be honest, Magic is what makes the Dresden files cool! 

When Evil Hat's big kickstarter came out, I was elated to find out that they were doing an Accelerated version of the DF rules.   However, the more and more I'm reading different versions of Fate, I can't help but imagine - how the hell is it going to work?

How is Fate Accelerated going to handle the Dresden Files magic?  Is it going to be just kinda handwaving?  Will there still be the stamina cruch?  Will they manage to keep the feel of the game while smoothing out the sheer pagecount of rules?

DFRPG / Names for a type of magic
« on: December 02, 2010, 03:21:46 PM »
I have a dumb request. 

I've been toying with the idea about making a practitoner who manipulates light and darkness. 

If pyromancy is heat or fire magic, and cryomancy is ice magic, and chronomancy is time magic.... what would you call "light magic?" 

The best latin I can come up with his "Lux mancy"  but that sounds very inelegant. Can anyone here help me come up with a good, smooth name for light-(and darkness) based magic?

DFRPG / Manuvers in a nutshell
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:08:29 PM »
I don't have my books on me, and i'm in the middle of having a discussion about Maneuvers... Is there anyway anyone here could refresh my memory with a reader's digest version of what I need to know about them?

how are they applied in a fight?
How many successes are required to place one though evocation?
How long do they last? (both though traditional maneuvers and through evocation-style ones).

What else do I need to know about them?

Also as an additional question - how powerful can you make a compel from a maneuver?  I understand about causing someone to drop their weapon by placing the "disarmed" maneuver on someone, but what if you threw sand in their eyes and compelled them not only to miss, but to shoot someone else by accident?

DFRPG / Statting a magic sword
« on: July 29, 2010, 09:50:54 PM »
I have a a player who wants to play a minor scion of death (if any of you have read Terry Pratchett's Soul Music or Hogfater, you'll know Susan).  The one power he wants is to have "death's sword"  a blade that is basically part of his soul that can be summoned when he has to do great great granddaddy's job. 

I'm not exactly sure how to stat this.

The blade itself will have no real power (other than a wicked sharp edge) but the character will be able to summon it to him whenever he wants.  It'll be like a non-anime katanaspace for one weapon.

I thought about making it an item of power, but I remember how the denarian's coins work, how they can't be separated from them as long as they live, and I think this is how he wants his sword to work.  Besides that, it won't have any real powers other than just being a sword.

How would one stat this as a power?  I think functionally, it's similar to Claws, only it takes a supplemental action to bring into being, and would be a weapon:3 (if memory serves)  How many refresh would you charge for that?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

DFRPG / Diminutive Size
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:20:22 PM »
I'm a little confused with the wording around diminutive size?

The way I'm reading it, does it mean that you can never inflict more than 1 stress with an attack unless you have a weapon or the like?  If you had a character with diminutive size and say - claws (A wereraven is a good example)  Would that mean they'd never deal more than their claws allow (two stress?).   Does this simply mean that any extra shifts you have left over after your opponent's defense roll don't matter?  what about foes protected bar armor? 

Any help you'd have is appreciated.

DFRPG / New GM - help needed
« on: July 07, 2010, 03:28:20 PM »
I've been waiting to get my books for two weeks, and now that they currently resonate in my hot little hands, I'm planning on running a game!

The catch - I've never really done this before.

I'm anticipating running into a lot of resistance from the FATE system, and i'm ready to roll with that, but what I need all of your advice with, is how DO you run a game?

I mean, I've read the chapters on running the game, I've tried my hand at it a few times in the past (which ended so-so).  What I want to know, is what things have helped you all in the past?  What tricks did you use to make things run smoothly?  What wisdom have you uncovered as a GM that you wish you knew when you started running?

I come before you prostrate (without a black bag on my head, thank you) seeking your wisdom and sage-like advice.

PS - the posts over at,17305.0.html  and seem immensely useful.

DFRPG / Exiled Fey?
« on: June 25, 2010, 02:27:03 PM »
I have a player who talks about how they are planning on playing an exiled Fey who works at a desk job at Seattle PD.   He says that said fey will be relitively powerless, with the exception of being able to put people to sleep as an attack.

How do i even begin to fit this idea into the system?  I'm pretty sure sponsored magic would be able to cover this, but said player has already stipulated that he wants his character to be separated from the court (hence, no sponsored magic).  Could it be available as a minor power?  It might be the ability to use a maneuver in combat to put "sleeeepy" on a foe.  Invoke said aspect to make them pass out - I could use some help here on clarifying this?  Could you use the ability on a foe a number of times equal to their endurance to FORCE them to pass out?  If they spend a fate point to keep from going Toes to Jesus, would they still miss a turn shrugging it off?.

There's the other challenge of playing a Fey.  I feel like their inability to lie and having to follow agreements SHOULD merit a point of refresh back.  I know any practitioner knows the importance of keeping oaths promised "on their power" and whatnot, but it's a much bigger deal for fey. 

DFRPG / Negative aspects in combat
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:47:49 PM »
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of compelling aspects in combat.

I understand the idea very well in social situations, or in normal RP - they limit the character's choices or create more complication (something you see Harry doing a LOT)
However, the idea of using a maneuver in combat to put an aspect on someone (AKA throwing sand in their eyes and giving them the compel "blinded!" temporarily) needs some clarification.

I understand that someone else can tag that aspect and get a quick +2 or reroll against the target.  However, with an aspect like "blinded!" wouldn't you think that the blinded person would be suffering more than just having the ability to get hit easier?  Is this topic addressed in the book anywhere?  I mean, I know that aspects are supposed to supplant the idea of situational modifies... but maybe I'm just not catching something.

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