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Topics - KurtinStGeorge

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DF Spoilers / What will Thorned Namshiel keep hidden from Marcone?
« on: July 17, 2021, 02:27:14 AM »
There's only two things that I can think of at the moment, but I won't be surprised if there are other issues some of you might dream up.

First, I strongly doubt that TN will say anything to Marcone about assaulting Arctis Tor.  So when Mab decides to get payback against the spiny demon, I doubt Marcone will see it coming.

I would guess that TN would rather not talk about Harry kicking his ass and leaving his former host a complete mess.  However, even though Marcone didn't witness the fight in the Shedd Aquarium, I wouldn't be surprised if he noticed how badly Thorned Namshiel's former host's body was torn up after the denarians returned to Demonreach.  Though Marcone might feel it's both natural and necessary to ask the denarian for some details.   

DF Spoilers / Harry's soul - will it change?
« on: July 17, 2021, 01:04:12 AM »
Does anyone think there will come a time when someone who has soulgazed Harry in the past will look into Harry's eyes and be floored by what they see because Harry's soul has undergone a significant change?  Harry has stated that he doesn't avert his gaze from those people he's shared a soulgaze with because he knows it won't have any effect on them.

Without Harry becoming overtly evil or being possessed by an Outsider or something else, do you think Harry's soul could be significantly changed so that it would trigger new soulgazes with past partners?

I also wonder about Marcone.  Harry has said on more than occasion that Marcone has a Tiger's soul, but I'm wondering if the crime boss could become corrupted by Thorned Namshiel to the point where his soul changes and this triggers a new soulgaze with Harry.

Another candidate for a change of soul might be Thomas, after he goes through whatever is happening to him on Demonreach.

“Nemesis,” she breathed. “Speak it carefully—or it may hear you.”

If Harry is talking to Mab; or anyone else clued-in about Nemesis, and the conversation involves the strategy and tactics needed to defeat it or its aims, I can understand that keeping Nemesis from listening in on that conversation would be a good idea.  However, by now Harry has had two open conversations with the Nemesis personality of one of his friends and one of his allies.  Those conversations weren't exactly subtle.  Nemesis knows that Harry knows about it.  So now, shouldn't Harry be able to warn his friends about Nemesis without worrying that it may hear him?

I thought the risk of doing this is that a Nemfected individual would react to finding out that Harry was aware of Nemesis by trying to nemfect Harry.    But Harry must already be on Nemesis' hit list.  For example, if Will or Georgia has already been takin over by Nemesis, wouldn't they already be looking for an opportunity to do the same thing to Harry.  Conversely, keeping his allies in the dark makes for having less effective allies.  Even if Harry held to using the term Adversary, the risk of talking about it doesn't seem any greater than the risk of not talking about it.  What do you think? 


DF Spoilers / "It is not yet your hour."
« on: June 08, 2021, 06:41:06 PM »
To to remind anyone who doesn't quite remember what the subject line refers to, it's from Turn Coat when the Gatekeeper confronts Harry on the 'What's up dock'."  Specifically, Rashid's dialog with Harry goes like this:
"And I cannot permit you to openly challenge the White Council to battle."

"No?" I asked, thrusting out my jaw. "Why not?"

His deep, resonant voice sounded troubled. "It is not yet your hour."

I felt my eyebrows go up. "Not yet...?"

He shook his head. "Places in time. This is not the time, or the place....

The first thing I noticed while rereading this passage is that; according to the Gatekeeper, while we can't know the location where Harry will eventually challenge the Council, it won't be on Demonreach.  Then again, maybe Harry will challenge the Council to come to Demonreach Island, but they just won't be dumb enough to do that.  However, the location of this future showdown is not the primary reason I started this thread.

What I want to do is ask everyone, what do you think will cause Harry to take a direct stand again the White Council? I suppose it could be something as simple as the Council announcing they've declared Harry an outlaw and he preempts them by making the first move, but knowing Harry, he will probably only make an overt challenge against the Council in response to a moral issue he feels he can't back away from.  What do you think that could be?  Will the Council cross some moral boundary Harry can't accept or will it be something closer to home, like the Council learning about Bob and, or Bonea and demanding they be destroyed?  What scenarios have you thought up that would push Harry to take such an extreme action?     

There's a thread about Summer Knight foreshadowing which is about Aurora in SK and Morgan in his microfiction letter, both calling Harry a Destroyer.  What I have to say here is related but goes off on a tangent that deserves a separate discussion.

I think that while Martha Liberty does not use the word Destroyer; with the hindsight we have from reading Morgan's microfiction and what Aurora said about Harry in Summer Knight, Liberty strongly implies that is exactly what she meant when she says of Harry to Ebenezer, "You know what he was meant to be."  Also, Mother Winter described Harry as a weapon in Cold Days.  The way I read this passage is that Mother Winter wasn't referring to Harry as a thug who would kill anyone who pissed off Mab, she was saying that Harry was a weapon that was created with a deeper purpose in mind.   

So, for whatever purpose was envisioned for Harry, or whatever it is he is supposed to destroy, an awful lot of people know it.  Apparently Margaret LeFay wasn't very good at keeping Harry's purpose a secret.  It probably explains HWWB's interest in Harry when they first met and the reason why HWWBf kept saying "Send out the wizard" in Cold Days.  The Walkers wanted to turn Harry's purpose and ability to their own advantage.

To follow this idea a bit further; in Blood Rites Ebenezer told Harry that he and Margaret argued over some scheme she was working on with Lord Raith, and possibly Duchess Ariana of the Red Court.  Justin DuMorne was one of Margaret's associates so it seems likely that he was also aware of this plan.  Though at present this is just speculation, it seems to me that a solid guess is that Harry's birth, the timing of it, and its exact purpose are at the center of this scheme.

So look at the list of characters; besides LeFay, Raith and Arianna, who have some knowledge of the plan: Ebenezer McCoy, Martha Liberty, Donald Morgan; and if he knows Arthur Langtry must also know, Justin DuMorne, Summer Lady Aurora, Mother Winter, Mother Summer, and probably HWWB.  There are others who are also highly likely to be in the know, such as the Leanansidhe, Mab, and Titania.  This list might also be extended to Ancient Mai,  Aleron LaFortier and the Gatekeeper.  Finally, Captain Anastasia Luccio should be in the know.  You would think the head of the wizard's secret police would find out, whether or not the Senior Council would have officially informed her.

What I want to know is how did they all find out?  Did Ebenezer have to make a report to the Senior Council about this diner and what was said there?  That would explain the Senior Council members knowledge.  I could see Lea finding out directly from Margaret LeFay.  Justin may have also found out from Margaret or he may have had a hand in the planning.  It doesn't explain how the Summer and Winter Mother's, the Queens and Summer Lady found out.  It's possible Maeve was too lazy to keep herself informed, but then again perhaps she knew as well.  I suppose HWWB could have found out from anyone with knowledge of the plan who became nemfected.

When is Harry going to start asking questions about this?  I really hope Ebenezer has another conversation (or three) with Harry in the next book so we can start to get some answers.  Does anyone want to take a guess about how knowledge of the plan spread or guess at any other characters who may know; or might have known before their demise, about Harry the Destroyer? 

DF Spoilers / Goodman Grey - Yea, Nay or in-between - And more
« on: April 19, 2021, 02:27:03 AM »
Someone; sorry I don't remember who or in what thread it was in, made a very interesting comment about new characters being introduced into the Dresden Files.  I'm writing in generalities because I can't find the exact quote, but I gathered that they didn't think that Goodman Grey was all that.  They said that Jim had created other characters who are currently being ignored, like the mercenary Jared Kincade, who might be even more interesting to learn more about.  I tend to agree.  I didn't think Goodman Grey was such a compelling character that he would be anything more than one and done.  Like say, Terra West from Fool Moon.

I don't think this comment meant that the Goodman Grey character wasn't good in Skin Game.  Rather it was about the idea Jim has put forward about doing a series built around Goodman Grey after the Dresden Files is done (So sometime early in the second half of the 21st century.), but perhaps they were also referring to Grey's short appearance in Peace Talks.

When I first heard that Jim was thinking of doing a Goodman Grey series, I was underwhelmed by the idea.  Also, I can't say I was impressed with the Goodman Grey short story either, but Jim's forte isn't short stories, so that might not be much of an indicator of how good a Goodman Grey novel might be.  In fights I think G Grey is more than a little OP.  It appears to me that nothing short of someone like Mab could straight up flatten him. 

Also, I agreed that the idea of a character who is trying to transcend their monstrous beginnings could just as easily apply to Jared Kincade.  However, it's possible that Jim already has Kincade's fate worked out and Jim may have worked out Kincade's backstory to the degree that making the same story be about him wouldn't work.  But seeing as we, the audience, don't know Kincade's backstory beyond what's in the novels, I don't think that is much of an obstacle to be overcome.

However, I not really interested in whether a spinoff series should be based on Goodman Grey or Kincade.  I more interested what people think about Goodman Grey.  Do you find the character to be so compelling you'd want to read a series featuring him?  Are you expecting to find out what's happened to Kinkade since Ivy fired him.  (Besides the obvious, that he's doing hit jobs for cash.)  Are there other previously established Dresden Files characters being left on the shelf, that you would like to see get more time and development in the current story?   

DF Spoilers / What should happen to Rudolph?
« on: April 09, 2021, 08:01:55 PM »
Nothing much to say here.  I don't know that I care what happens to Rudolph.  I wouldn't mind if someone like Lea decided that because a Winter ally had been killed and that death was a blow to the person she is still obligated to look after, sort of, that a balancing of the scales was called for and something swift, nasty and Final Destination like happened to Rudolph.  However, I suspect Jim has something else in mind.  If you want to guess what that may be, rather than what you would like to see happen, go for it.


DF Spoilers / How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: April 09, 2021, 02:08:30 AM »
There has been a lot of talk about Murphy in the Barabbas Curse thread.  I thought I'd add a different angle to that conversation and give it a more appropriate setting.

Yes, Karrin Murphy is dead; but I'm calling it now, we will see her again.  Jim has already given readers who were upset at her departure the cryptic remark that they will have to "see what happens."  Of course, some of them my decide not to wait and stop reading the series.  That's their choice to make, what I'm writing is for those who will continue reading the series.  So how will Murphy return to the Dresden Files beyond being a memory?  I see at least three possible scenarios, besides a possible appearance in the Mirror Mirror world.

1.  Ragnarok is not as far in the future as you; and apparently Ms. Gard, thinks it is.  In this scenario Odin knows his time is coming to an end and calls in the favor that Harry owes him to take care of some unfinished business.  The rule about einherjar not being seen until after the memory of them has disappeared goes out the window because it's an all hands on deck situation.  So Einherjar Murphy works as Odin's liaison with Dresden, helping him accomplish whatever it is Odin wants to get done.  The problem with this scenario is built into Norse mythology.  When Ragnarok occurs, all the einherjar die along with Odin.  So, Harry would get to lose Murphy twice.  Yea, I'm not seeing that as a fan favorite idea, and I'm pretty sure Jim would realize that and not go there.

2. Ragnarok will not take place anytime in the near future, but Odin needs to get something done in the near term and the person best qualified is the Winter Knight, so Odin calls in his favor.  Ordinarily, this wouldn't involve Harry getting to see Murphy, but this favor can only be accomplished in Asgard or maybe Valhalla.  Harry has been to one afterlife, so why not another one?  Odin's rule isn't violated because Murphy doesn't go back to earth, Harry goes to her and gets to work with her again.  This is a rather bittersweet scenario because it's a one and done affair.  This scenario could happen, but I don't think it would make fans very happy; plus, I don't really see the point of having Murphy back one last time.  I doubt Jim would consider it.

3.  This should be really easy to guess.  Sure, an einherjar can't return to earth until their memory has faded from living memory, but I don't remember Gard saying anything about this rule applying to valkyries.  Karrin Murphy doesn't really fit the berserker stereotype.  I can't picture Murphy ever joyfully charging into battle against Jotuns, even with a rocket launcher.  Murphy as a valkyrie, that I can picture.  I even have a long scenario how this could happen, but there's no need to go into that.  The beauty of this scenario is Murphy doesn't have to be in every book.  She can be off doing jobs for Odin most of the time.  When she gives Harry advice it could be practical advice because she is now a real player in the supernatural game.

What do you think?       

DF Books / Storm Front trailer
« on: March 26, 2021, 07:43:42 AM »
Anyone else see this?

It's not perfect, but it's an interesting attempt.  I wouldn't mind seeing different versions of a trailer for Storm Front; and eventually, the other DF novels which don't have trailers.

DF Spoilers / Storm Front trailer
« on: March 26, 2021, 07:41:53 AM »
Anyone else see this?

It's not perfect, but it's an interesting attempt.  I wouldn't mind seeing different versions of a trailer for Storm Front and eventually, the other DF novels which don't have trailers.

In Battle Ground, Harry, Eb, LTW and the wardens are tipped off that necromancy is occurring in a local cemetery.  They land and find that Mavra is acting as a drummer, though the situation was a setup.  We know what happened next.  Afterwards, Warden Ramirez was pretty upset about what happened to Wardens Wild Bill and Yoshino. 

It's likely Carlos would have had to file some kind of after action report and probably talked about the details of the fight with Captain Luccio.  I don't think we know who Carlos was apprenticed to.  If it has been mentioned please correct me.  We don't know if Carlos has a mentor on the Senior Council or if he feels comfortable talking openly with any of them, but when he is troubled Carlos Ramirez might talk to someone else besides Captain Luccio.

The Wardens must have some kind of reports or dossier on Mavra.  Ebenezer certainly knows about her.  (Or IT as he prefers.)  There just won't be any reports, indications or rumors that Mavra or any of the Black Court knew how to use necromancy before the events of Battle Ground.  I think that sooner or later the mystery of how any of the Black Court learned necromancy will become an itch that Warden Ramirez or someone else on the Council will want to scratch.  In another recent thread someone posted a WoJ about Harry having to face the consequences of his actions and I think giving Mavra "The Word of Kemler" is to big an action not to have consequences.

There isn't anything to really connect Harry to Mavra learning necromancy, except he is the reason she knows how to use necromancy.  Ramirez knows that Cowl is still alive, I think.  Though I don't believe he would know with the certainty that Harry has.  So, in theory Cowl could be the person who shared the secret of necromancy with Mavra, though it has the problem of not being true and I don't think that will make much sense to whoever investigates it.  This is just a guess, but I doubt that necromancers have ever shared their secrets with any of the vampire courts and especially the Black Court.  It's just wouldn't have been in their interest to do so.  So suspicion will fall on Harry, even without evidence to back it up.  Harry is the only other person the Council knows, who knows how to use necromancy.  He even told Luccio that he read The Word of Kemmler and Morgan may have heard that as well.  So at least Captain Luccio and Ramirez know Harry could pull off a Dark Hollow if he wanted to.  We don't know who Luccio may have talked to about that, but I would bet that Morgan mentioned Harry's new abilities to the Merlin.

So I think it's just a question of when Harry will have to find a way to exonerate himself, even though in this case he is guilty.  Seeing as framing Cowl as Mavra's teacher will be difficult to impossible, my guess is that Harry will have to destroy the evidence, meaning destroy Mavra, before the Council can discover the truth.  Plus, I almost forgot, Mavra may still have The Word of Kemmler in her possession, so Harry has to get rid of it as well.  Does Drakul know how to use necromancy?  With luck he will have thought that learning that skill was beneath him.

Any thoughts on this subject?


DF Spoilers / The Red Court vs. The Fomor
« on: January 09, 2021, 01:28:52 AM »
This isn't a who would win in a fight scenario.  I've been thinking about the Fomor; as one of the major powers in the story, and also looking at the few individuals we have seen of them, and I've come to a sad conclusion.  They are second rate villains, at least compared to the Red Court.  This is true if we look at the Fomor both as individuals and as a major power.  This makes the Fomor something less than compelling for me to read about.  There's an old saying that your story is only as good as your villain and the Red Court were pretty good at being villains.  That's true even if there is a greater power or powers that manipulated the vampires for their own ends.  To me the Red Court seemed to be scarier, more formidable and more compelling to read about, both as individuals and as a major supernatural power. 

Look at the major Fomor players we have seen so far.  (I don't remember their names, which IMO is a bad sign.)  There was the one that Marcone killed with a magic bullet in the short story Even Hand.  This Fomor managed to fight his way through Marcone's goons and get past Ms. Gard, but you would expect a supernatural heavy hitter to be able to do that or at least get close to doing that.  However, he was rather stupid; and with Gard's help Marcone suckered the Fomor Lord into a death trap. 

Then there was the one who set a bomb to go off at the Swaralf's party, whose plan was foiled by Molly.  OK, while Molly gained some experience working with Harry she was really taught how to think and fight by Lea, so Molly had at least one really good and ruthless teacher and an example of a mentor who never gives up.  However, Molly was still something of a newbie in the kind of covert mission Lea gave her, but despite the risks, setbacks and close calls she underwent, Molly thoroughly defeated the Fomor Lord's plan and publicly exposed his treachery.  Plus, he was something of a sniveling coward when he faced Mr. Etri's wrath.

Then there's King Korb.  I don't have to the exact quote, but Mab told Harry that Korb was more powerful, dangerous and treacherous than Harry, or words to that effect.  (If anyone wants to find the quote and post it here, I'd appreciate it.)  Personally, I found King Korb to be something of a joke.  Openly making himself Ethniu's slave wasn't much of a power move.  I'm surprised that Mab, or any of the major players at the peace talks didn't call him out for that, or Harry make some snarky comment on the subject.  Korb was cruel and vicious, but his henchman Listen is clearly smarter than he is.  Korb just wasn't impressive or really all that scary.  When the action was at it's hottest, King Korb was mostly overconfident, petulant or both.

The Fomor henchman Listen has been good at his job, but he's not really in Harry's league yet.  Listen would need a major power upgrade or have access to supernatural assets we have yet to see in order to make him into a truly dangerous and interesting foe.

The Fomor priest that Murphy fought in the short story Aftermath was a pretty dangerous opponent, but Murphy was just a vanilla mortal, so that bad guy was only a compelling enemy in that situation.  In a larger situation like we saw in Battle Ground, he would have been nothing more than another Fomor grunt.

The creatures that the Fomor can create are disgusting and have some sick and scary qualities, but by themselves they're just cannon fodder.

Now I don't want to look at everyone we met from the Red Court.  Mostly because I've written a lot already, but also because I don't think there are any really weak or boring Red Court characters.  So I'll focus on just one character, Bianca.  Bianca was the first sentient and dangerous nonhuman supernatural enemy we saw Harry match wits with.  For some time we have been able to discern that Bianca was manipulated by beings and powers smarter and far more powerful than herself, but that doesn't really matter.  At the time she went up against Harry, Bianca was scary, her motivations seemed fairly logical and her plan to take Harry down was a pretty smart one, overall. 

The beautiful person who is really giant blood sucking bat like creature underneath its pretty exterior camouflage was a really well developed idea that Jim came up with.  Add in that its saliva was addictive, so Red Court victims were often not just drained out, but made into willing vassals and slaves, made Bianca and her type both disgusting and frightening at the same time.

Bianca had been humiliated by Harry in her own home, at the very seat of her power.  Even if she hadn't been haunted by the ghost of her assistant and lover that she killed, Bianca still would have had good reason to want to get even with Harry.  And the thing is, Bianca's plan was a pretty good one.  Her chosen allies were properly distracting in the case of the Nightmare and powerful in the case of Mavra.  She also couldn't have known just how stubborn Harry could be.  A lot of other wizards would taken her deal to escape with their lives at the cost of someone else, especially if that someone else had already been half turned into one of the Red Court.  In their final confrontation, there was almost no way that Bianca could have figured out that Harry would make an inspired decision to call up the ghosts of her past victims to use against her, or that it would work, and no way she could have countered it.  Bianca just had really, really bad luck that day.  One more minor point.  Even her henchman and henchwomen, Kyle and Kellie Hamilton were pretty freaking creepy in their own right.

Finally, as a major power, the Fomor are somewhat nebulous.  They don't have a solid feel to them.  On the other hand, a nation of blood thirsty vampires is something truly nightmarish.  I don't think I need to say more than that.   

Mostly, I wrote this because I want to see if others agree with me, or if anyone thinks the opposite; sees things that I've missed that make the Fomor more compelling as villains than I do.  Also, I guess I'm hoping Drakul will be more interesting than what we've seen so far.  Drakul was in just a few brief scenes in BG so there's no way for us to know where Jim is going with this character, I just want something better than what we've had (so far) as a replacement for the creepiness', terror and fun that the Red Court brought to the table.     

I found the parts of Battle Ground that I enjoyed the most were the early chapters where Harry and the various supernatural leaders were together on the top of Marcone’s castle.  In these chapters, I think we see the long-term planning by Mab, coming to fruition with the help of a judicious amount of real time manipulation of Harry.  Both Odin and the Erlking contribute to Mab’s efforts.

Up on that roof, Harry and Ebenezer have at least three separate conversations.  In one of them, Eb warns Harry that Mab is a long-term planner and she will soon start “putting the nails in.”  I think to some degree Mab is already there.  I’m sure Mab has some other scheme in mind to better control Harry; perhaps making him into an immortal is part of that.  However, I think Mab has already done a great deal of work to get Harry where she wanted him.
This next paragraph is highly speculative.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out that River Shoulders was also recruited as a part of this scheme.  I don’t mean the sasquatch became a coconspirator in the manipulation of Harry.  Instead, I think someone might have told River Shoulders that Mab’s Knight was impetuous, and suggested that it might be a good thing if one of his friends watched out for him should Harry do anything foolish.  You know, like jump off the top of a castle and run into a battle without knowing what he might be facing.

So, when and what was the long-term planning that Mab put in on Harry?  On Marcone’s roof, Mab told Harry, “From the first time I laid eyes on you, I saw a being who had the potential for true greatness.”  So, when was that, exactly?  We can’t be 100% certain, but it may have been during the events in Grave Peril.  In Summer Knight, Mab tells Harry, "Such anger. Such fire. Yes. I watched you stalemate your godmother the Leanansidhe autumn last. (When Harry poisoned himself to get out of Lea’s clutches, or more accurately Lea’s kennel.)  Few mortals ever have done as much. Bold. Impertinent. I admire that kind of strength, wizard. I need that kind of strength."  I think when Harry outmaneuvered Lea, that is when Mab realized that here was a mortal who could be molded into her weapon.  She had to test Harry to be sure, and to set him on the right path, and that occurred in Summer Knight.
In Battle Ground, it wasn’t enough for Mab to get Harry in the right position, she needed him in the right frame of mind as well.  In other words, Mab saw Harry in Battle Ground like the guitar amplifier in Spinal Tap, she wanted him turned up to 11.  For Mab, the correct frame of mind for Harry would be for him to fully open himself to the influence of the Winter Knight’s mantle.  When Ebenezer told Harry that he needed to hold back, Mab told both Eb and Harry that that wasn’t going to happen.  Mab was almost openly telling Eb and Harry that she had set things up so she (or outside events Mab could forsee) would push Harry in the direction she wanted him to go.
I think Mab deliberately provoked Harry into taking his first positive action when she told the Red Cap to send out the malks.  Seriously, how were a bunch of psychotic oversized cats going to stop the flying squid assassins?  The malks couldn’t have been anything more than a retaliation against King Korb, and that wasn’t what Mab needed at that time, and I’m pretty sure she knew it.  The alternative is that Mab was so annoyed by Korb sending out those flying squid things that she lost her ability to reason clearly.  I’m not buying that.  Mab is all about reason.  That’s why the Eye of Balor couldn’t hurt her.  This doesn’t mean Mab wasn’t angered when Harry suggested she was acting irrationally.  Mab does get annoyed by Harry’s less than respectful language and behavior, but I think that was price the Queen of Air and Darkness was willing to pay in order to goad her Knight into using a more appropriate asset to fight the flying squid things.  In this way, Mab started ramping Harry up to get into the fight.

Another indication of the preplanning that went into the events of Battle Ground is Odin’s magic powered tactical map of Chicago.  When Harry makes a comment about the effort needed to make such a magical object, Odin replies that he has had more time than most and been to more places than most.  That sounds reasonable as Odin has been around at least as long as Mab, but there’s one of distinguishing feature about that map, it has streets on it, which means it’s fairly modern by Odin’s standards.  I don’t know if Millennium Park is shown on Odin’s map, but it seems likely that it was, seeing as Mab’s stash of shotguns and ammo were stored within the Bean sculpture which is in Millennium park.  Construction of Millennium Park began in the late 1990’s and was first opened to the public in 2004.  The construction on the Bean, or Cloud Gate; began in 2004 and it was completed in 2006.  Jim has stated in a recent interview that Mab placed that cache of weapons, and has many others, but this cache couldn’t have placed earlier than 2004.
If you look at the Dresden Files official timeline, you will see that Storm Front happened around the year 2000, or within one or two years in either direction, so sometime between 1998-2002.  Harry meets Mab in Summer Knight which occurs two years after the events in Storm Front; so that’s between 2000 and 2004.  Millennium Park is finished in 2004, that’s zero to four years after SF, and the Bean another two years after that.  So, I think that shortly after Mab identified Harry as her future weapon, it was about that time; or within a couple of years, when Odin’s map was created and Mab set up her Chicago weapons cache.

Finally, we have the way Odin, Marcone and the Erlking behave when the Fomor scouts are spotted.  All of them behave with cold blooded precision.  They ignore the obvious death and destruction that’s happening within earshot.  (I’m not saying that Marcone is one of the people manipulating Harry.  Just that his cold-blooded nature could be counted on to be part of what would set Harry off.)  Finally, Harry does exactly what Mab has wanted him to do, he lets Winter have free reign over his emotions and actions and jumps into the battle.

DF Spoilers / Raising a human child vs raising a spirit of intellect
« on: December 22, 2020, 07:35:33 AM »
Harry seems to have embraced being Maggie's father, but IMO he seemed a bit hesitant in his interactions with Bonea.  Harry knows Bonea has access to a vast amount of knowledge, but she lacks the context to safely use much of it.  In other words, Bonea is capital D dangerous.  (And maybe more interesting to watch as the series goes forward.  We might see Maggie display the beginnings of her magic ability and then get shuffled off to school, but Bonea might reveal things which will produce dramatic effects in the near term.)

Now there are lots of books on child rearing; some from respected authors, some from crackpots, and many in between the two extremes.  Plus, there are always people who will make their opinions on how to raise a child, known.  Unfortunately for Harry, there is literally no one person or source of information he can read which might help him with Bonea.  I doubt Lea or Mab would have any useful advice either.

Well, there is one possible source of information Harry could turn to, though he'd be loathe to let this individual interact with Bonea.  Of course it's Bob.  (Plus, there is a WoJ on Bob's parents.  We've already met them, I think.  Can anyone find the exact quote?)  So, my guess is that Harry will start pumping Bob for information about his early development.  Sooner or later Bob will figure out why.  I don't know what will happen after that but it could become interesting.  Well, there is one thing I'm fairly certain of.  At some point Bob will tell Harry that he's doing a terrible job as Bonea's parent.  Also, my guess is that a spirit of intellect has the potential to mature much faster than a human, but that's just a guess.   

I suppose I'm asking what do you think will or should happen with Bonea?  I think this character has lots of potential but Jim hasn't given us a clue where he's going with her.         

DF Spoilers / Wait, How Did Warden Ramirez Know About...? - From PT
« on: October 31, 2020, 07:36:46 AM »
This seems like a rather minor part of a conversation Carlos had with Harry, at Marcone's Castle before Ehniu showed up.

Carlos - "How's Karrin doing?"
Harry - "Like always, but slower and grouchier."
Carlos - "I heard what she did.  Went hand to hand with Nicodemus Archleone and survived."

How did Carlos or anyone from the White Council know about this?  Was someone sitting under a veil watching the whole thing play out?  That seems highly unlikely.  I don't think Rashid saw it through some time travel message shenanigan's.  If he had it's unlikely he would have told anybody else unless he believed it was necessary to do so.

I'm going to eliminate Nicodemus and the Genoskwa from the list of people who would have spilled the story.  One's on the run and the other would rather kill a human than talk to one.  That leaves Harry, Murphy, Michael and Waldo Butters.  Charity was in the safe room with the children.

Murphy was pretending that her injuries occurred in a traffic accident and Harry would have backed her up on this.  That leaves Michael and Waldo and Michael was in the game a long time before that day.  Long enough to know there are some things you don't share around the campfire. 

I think Waldo Butters shared the story of Murphy going up against Nicodemus with some of the people on the paranet.  He wouldn't have done it out of maliciousness, just a lack of understanding that some things need to be kept under wraps.  Unless, it was Mr. Sunshine and that seems really, really unlikely.  Do you have a different solution? 

A couple of other questions come to mind.  Shouldn't Harry have been surprised by Carlos' question?  If Ramirez knows about Murphy going against Nicodemus, how much more does he; and the White Council, know about the break in of Marcone's vault?  For that matter, what about the rest of the major players in the supernatural world.  For example, shouldn't Lara know the same facts?  However, even though Carlos knew that Nicodemus had been set up, he gave Marcone all the credit for doing so, which was incorrect.  Marcone and Hades provided the bait.  Mab was the real brains behind the plan and Harry made it happen.  Do you think Carlos realized that Harry was involved, because it didn't seem like he did to me?  If you want to reread this passage, it's in chapter 25, page 238.     

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