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Messages - Londonwizard

Pages: [1]
DF TV Series / Re: Thanks to all our great fans!
« on: August 04, 2008, 03:14:03 PM »
Ok, I'm probably going to upset a lot of people now. I recently bought the DVD set, having not had the chance to see the series on Tv (we don't have Sky, just Virginmedia). I've been an avid fan of the books for two years now, and was pretty darned excited about the series.

Underwhelmed is an exaggeration. I was so disappointed. I'm pretty fed-up ith the way things are 'adapted' for TV. This wasn't so muc an adaption as a complete re-write. It lost all it's charm, it's wit and, for me, it's interest. By the time the final disc froze due to some technical problem, i had given up caring. I know broadcasters whinge about we 'fanboys' who restrict their creativity by demanding continuity, what really, what's the point of creating something if people are going to say: I don't like that, let'sdo it like this instead.

Urgh, sorry people, I've just needed to get that off my chest. On the plus side, it hasn't stopped me reading the books, though I confess I'd give the series a wide berth in future.

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