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Topics - Hadeshorn

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938 2.0
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:14:20 AM »
So a good while back I posted my original idea to do an LXG style game. Due to various factors, it never happened... until now.

This time I've got a slightly smaller group and a more focused idea. The first part of the campaign will be sending the newly formed team into the jungles of the Yucatan in search of a missing archaeologist, Dora Croft. Yes, that Dora and yes that Croft. The idea came to me randomly that Dora the Explorer is the long lost sister of Lara Croft and the reason you never see her parents is because she got separated from them as a little kid.

My team thus far:
Either Long John Silver or Porthos.

DFRPG / Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:59:24 PM »
So I finally came through on a promise/threat to run a Dresden Files based LXG Game for one of my groups, based in 1938. 

Currently the "roster" is as follows:

Sherlock Holmes
The Shadow (Lamont Cranston)
John Coffey (The Green Mile)
King Arthur (Reverse of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court")
Teddy Roosevelt (American version of Alan Quartermaine)

The base plot is that Allistair Crowley and his cronies (So far I'm thinking Dracula and Rasputin) are manipulating Hitler in order to cover up their fiendish plot to combine Frankenstien's necromancy and various other things to create an army of super undead monsters. 

I'd love any questions, comments and/or feedback as I continue to post about this in hopes of creating an overall better experience for my players.

DFRPG / Black Court Newb
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:50:43 PM »
So, there's all kinds of stuff for making Red Court Infected or White Court Virgins but what about a newly made Black Court vamp?  I know they are generally considered evil but couldn't one theoretically turn from the dark side?

Also, what are the collective's thoughts on say a Red Court Infected Changeling or a White Court Changeling (meaning the offspring of a White Court Vamp and one of the Sidhe).  I was considering the idea of a House Malvora breeding with a Hob.  That way they would have the Cloak of Shadows and Myrk powers to assist in creating all kinds of delicious fear to feed off of.

DFRPG / Technomancy
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:21:04 PM »
So, I've been thinking about something.

How about making a focused practioner or minor talent that does technomancy stuff, sort of like Bob's Radio/Baby Monitor and stuff?  Someone who is actually able to mix magic and tech, rather than have them befuddle each other.  Obviously this would be very limited, no turning laptops into portals to the Nevernever or anything like that.  More basic items and such.

DFRPG / Frankenstein Inspired Campaign
« on: February 16, 2011, 02:56:47 AM »
So, I've had this idea rolling around in my head all day about a Frankenstein inspired DF campaign and thought I'd post it for others to borrow and/or contribute/evaluate.

The base idea is this:

A modern geneticist on sabbatical finds the ruins of the University of Ingolstadt.  While there, he discovers the journal of the real Victor Frankenstein, who turns out to have been somewhat involved with Kemmler.  The journal inspires the scientist to try recreating the experiments (and is possibly even manipulating him somehow).  He also starts all sort of bizarre cross-breeding between various nasty things, ie. a white court vamp and a faerie, etc.  His ultimate goal is to create an incredibly power hybrid abomination (Ubermensch) to then transfer his soul into and live forever with all these awesome powers and abilities.

The campaign would start off on the low end of the power level as the characters begin slowly finding clues that eventually lead them to the confrontation with our wayward mad scientist.


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