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Messages - Amseriah

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DFRPG / Re: Is this true?
« on: March 13, 2011, 06:19:17 PM »
I can see the image, it appears to be a core rule book for Arcanos by Evil Hat.  Hope that helps :-)

DFRPG / Re: Could a wizard turn himself into a WCV?
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:12:24 AM »
Ah, I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear.  I was not wondering if there was a way to combine the templates.  I was thinking that a story where a wizard sought out an apotheosis of sorts, very much like House/Clan Tremere in oWoD.  So I understand that it would be easier metagame-wise to start off as a WCV and then move to learn magic, but that wasn't the intent behind the question. 

DFRPG / Could a wizard turn himself into a WCV?
« on: March 09, 2011, 04:00:51 AM »
I have been thinking about this for a while now, but assuming that a wizard has enough refresh to buy the powers (I know, I know, not optimizing by dumping all available refresh into refinement), would it be possible to find the class of demon that are bound to WCV, summon it, and then either make a deal with it or just bind it outright to himself.  I feel like this would be able to go a long way to help out some of the darker wizards by giving them inhuman+ stats, and a type of Neuromancy that wouldn't be breaking the Laws of Magic.  Hell if he got the support of a House or started one of his own that got recognized by the Court the Wardens wouldn't be able to touch him anyway.  Is it even possible though (and I can't think of a reason that it couldn't be)?

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasters make the others obsolete?
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:50:08 AM »
Huh...teaches me to just read sidebars.  I've really been screwing that up in our game.  As a side note:  with this being the case, and only being able to get a +1 to a roll, how the hades to KotC SURVIVE conflicts with Denarians?  I know that they can hit them hard without the armor and toughness, but really with no access to any of the inhuman+ stats that the Denarians have, they won't ever go first, they have no soak to speak of, and combats are going to last more than 1 exchange.  They never really talk about the overturn on that gig to be that fact it seems like most of them get to retire before they meet their Boss.  I am really thinking about them talking about Shiro dueling them and surviving solo, not gangs of good guys vs. one bad guy.

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasters make the others obsolete?
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:23:45 PM »
All I have to say in regards to Wizards being overpowered is, have you seen a Knight of the Cross in action?  With weapons of 5, conviction of 5, and your Righteousness active you have base attack and defense score of 11.  You also go through all forms of armor and toughness.  Oh and Righteousness can be used in sooooo many different reasons.  So no, I really don't feel that Wizards are overpowered.

DFRPG / Re: Greater Glamour
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:50:12 PM »
A huge thing to remember regarding Glamours and Greater Glamours is that they don't use mental stress to use.  So with them you can veil for free, create illusions for free, etc.  I know that this is probably not the way that a lot of other people feel like it could be used, but I could even see Greater Glamours used as an attack.  I doesn't say anywhere that True Seemings can't be used to create realistic lightning bolts or fireballs.  I personally feel that this explains why, (Changes spoiler)
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Lash-esque Character
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:13:21 PM »
You could always try some Wraith style Shadowguiding, if one of the PCs typically takes a more backseat supporting role, and the player of that PC is interested in the idea.

This.  To be more specific, the player playing the body would have a character of their own, they would essentially just be NPC-ing the body.  Benefits are that it takes the burden off of the GM (always a good idea to get on their good side about an idea  ;)), and you still have another person playing the Host so that there is actual conflict of interests.

DFRPG / Re: Fairy Granted Toughness Powers
« on: February 21, 2011, 12:59:09 PM »
Actually their catch is "trappings of Winter/Summer" depending on which Court they serve.  Iron isn't a catch for them at all, but the magic of the other Court is.

DFRPG / Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:15:57 PM »
Thank you guys for doing the Paranet book Iago, I look forward to seeing it and appreciate all that you guys do!

DFRPG / Re: Could Sponsored Magic cause "mutations"
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:55:24 PM »
Ty.  :)

DFRPG / Re: The Feel of the DF: Witticisms
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:24:52 AM »
Yes, but there were martial arts that Knights and such were trained in.  Heck, we don't even have very good records overall of the fighting styles with swords and other weapons.  A LOT was lost even if some survives, especially compared to the Far East as best I understand it.

There are manuals from German and Italian sword-fighting schools (actual combat not fencing) that have survived and have been reprinted, they have very good pictures of the manuevers and some text (none of it originally in English although there are some that have translations of the text as well).  Unfortunately while there are now groups, mainly in Europe, that are dedicated to the relearning of these techniques we don't have a direct line of heritage so most of what is happening is studying the pictures and filling in the blanks with what we know of martial arts and body mechanics.  Essentially we are using the wisdom of the old masters to create new systems that are like the old ones.

German school:
Italian school:

DFRPG / Re: NEED HELP- Rome Game
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:18:33 AM »
Oh!  I completely forgot, Italy is sort of unique in that while it is predominately Catholic the people are also very well known for their passion and promiscuity.  Rome is the seat for a lot of power, money, scandal, and also houses many passionate is a perfect seat of power for certain White Court Vamps.

DFRPG / Re: NEED HELP- Rome Game
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:11:57 AM »
I just went to Rome in August so a lot of it is still fresh in my mind.  Romani, Romani, Romani...there are gypsies in Rome and they are only sort of tolerated.  There is also a LOT of petty theft that occurs there, but rarely anything violent.  A common tactic on the subways is to have someone playing an instrument (normally a kid) who will walk around the subway train while playing distracting you from the person who is picking your pocket.  Maybe one of the mages has a focus item stolen and they have to find a way to get it back.  There are 2 subway lines in Rome, Line A and Line B. 

Don't forget about all of the ruins in Rome, the Colliseum, the Forum, the Trevi Fountain, etc.  They aren't associated with the Vatican at all, and have a ton of history.  Maybe there is a "Warlock" there who is breaking the law about playing with the dead so that he can channel the Great Masters of the art world because he wants to be an artist but lacks the skill. There is a huge draw for art thieves in Rome if you don't mind doing investigation games. 

There are also street gangs, like in most very large cities, but the vandalism of the buildings is truly awful...there isn't much violence but it wouldn't really be a stretch for them to become that way if you wanted to use them as mooks.  Rome is a HUGE tourist hotspot so there is a huge opportunity to throw in innocents that need to be protected or could be whipped up into a mob.  There is a lot of cultural info floating around in my head that I could tell you, but I don't think that it is that pertinent to a game.

DFRPG / Re: Could Sponsored Magic cause "mutations"
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:18:11 PM »
Alright, I avoided posting the story of the character because it is kind of convoluted.  The out of game reasons for this are that he was originally the Summer Knight, but every single one of the players hated the Fae and in order to keep people reasonably happy I decided to work with the GM to figure out a way to get out of that template, at the same time I settled onto an aspect that was Code of Honor, it is a Code of Honor that was given to medieval knights according to the Song of Roland.  So the GM and I decided that he should start making a transition towards being a Knight of the Cross instead.  Well we are sort of loosely adhering to cannon so at the time all 3 swords were accounted for, but my GM had learned of a Rom legend regarding a 4th nail.  So he came up with this story for me.

James was destined from the time of his birth to be a Knight of the Cross but was also born a Changeling, one of the most powerful Denarians discovered this and enacted a plan to try to take out potential sword bearers from play, the Knights of the Cross being their biggest threat.  The Archangel Uriel, discovered this plan and also knew that Titania had in her possession the legendary 4th nail of the Cross but she wouldn't part with it without some payment.  Uriel while discovering this also discovered that the Denarians were planning to capture Titania and trap her power causing a war between the Courts that would destroy the world.  So together he and Titania hatched a plan to set James up as a decoy Summer Knight, allowing the Denarians to think that their plan of taking James off the board as far as being a KotC was a success.  James would get all of the powers associated with being the Summer Knight temporarily while he did his duties to the Summer Court.  Upon the Denarians attempting to take Titania out, James would rescue her from her imprisonment and find the people who hatched such a heinous plan.  At the completion of this quest, Titania would release James from his geas and role as the decoy Summer Knight, and would relinquish the 4th nail to him so that a 4th sword could be forged and she would allow him to continue to make use of the magic of her Court.  He Chose to be human after the quest was completed so as to further remove himself from the influences of the Fae Courts (and because I needed to free up refresh to buy the True Faith abilities). 

So that is the story behind why I have Summer Magic and am a KotC...I am not trying to be a power gamer in this, I just really like the fluff (if I wanted to be a power gamer I would take Soul Fire instead), and I am not using it as a way to cheat and get inhuman or supernatural stats (although if I ever get the refresh to afford them I might try to pick them up, but that is very unlikely).  I unfortunately just love characters that are flawed in some way, and the idea of playing a mortal Knight of the Cross who wields Summer Magic but is being slowly warped by the powers that he is using was too good to pass up.

DFRPG / Re: Could Sponsored Magic cause "mutations"
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:36:15 AM »
He doesn't serve Titania at all, he was gifted the power permanently.  He doesn't go into debt and views it as a tool.  Besides, he isn't Christian so he doesn't really view the Word to be important but the Spirit.  Like Sanya in a way...he does good things but isn't convinced that there is a God.  Oh and we aren't in Canon Dresdenverse Lily isn't the Lady.

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