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Messages - Korwin

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Still, the weapon used against an Fae, could by accident be an (Cold) Iron Weapon...

Silver Swords arent as common as Steel/Iron Swords (or Crowbars for that matter)...

DFRPG / Re: Laws of Magic and sponsored magic
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:30:47 AM »
   No. Fea can't kill you if you aren't bound to their court.

Actually I was under the impression, that this is an limitation of the Queens.
Not the peasant fae's.

DFRPG / Re: Other Games As Resources
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:56:10 AM »
Bought Starblazers and Legends of Anglerre.
Still reading but I think I'll import the organization rules into DFRPG.

DFRPG / Re: Ereaders
« on: June 17, 2010, 11:15:58 AM »
I beg to differ. I have a Kindle DX, which is just fine for reading my roleplay PDFs, graphics heavy or otherwise.
It does have difficulty with the rare PDF, but the DFRPG ones read and display just fine.
Oh, and the battery lasts a week and a half of daily use if the 3G wireless isn't switched on

Funny I was looking at the Kindle DX and wanted to post/ask how good you can read RPG-PDF's on it.  ;D


So I'm thinking about buying one, Amazon says up to 3.500 books. How much is that in MB/GB? (Since PDF's are way bigger than *.epub Format...)
Can you upgrade the memory with an SD-disk or somesuch?

DFRPG / Re: Constructs (Gargoyles,Golems etc)
« on: June 15, 2010, 04:13:35 PM »
Here, How to Summon and Bind an Demon, per (as far as I can tell) Rules as written.

I would change the Complexity of the Summoning Ritual as per my above House Rule.
For Constructs, I would increase the time needed for the Summoning (Building of the Construct).
And in exchange it wouldnt get you Enemies as easily as Summoning real Demons.

DFRPG / Re: Constructs (Gargoyles,Golems etc)
« on: June 15, 2010, 11:53:24 AM »
I'll be using this HR:

The Summoning Rituals (Demons or Magical Constructs) Complexity is Refresh cost x 2*.
(Containment and Binding Ritual is be still based of Conviction)

for Summoning and Binding.

Rename Summoning into Building and Binding into Powering Up.

* May change into X + (Refresh x 2) or Refresh x 3, after play started and current rule is to powerfull.

DFRPG / Re: Minions (zillions of them)
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:19:41 PM »
"Sponsored Magic: Imps"?

Good question. Will be looking forward to answers from the others.

Here mine:
Did the Char. bind the Construct himself or did he get it from someone?

I will be using this HR for Summoned (or Constructed) Creatures myself:
The Summoning Rituals (Demons or Magical Constructs) Complexity is Refresh cost x 2.
(Containment and Binding Ritual is be still based of Conviction)

For an permanent Creature I would say he used all shifts for duration and non for Complexity...
if I wanted to limit the power of the creature.

A permanent Creature should be reflected as an Aspect.
And this Aspect can be compelled to make the Creature misbehave.

Ordering I would think is as simple as speaking new orders. Supplement action?

DFRPG / Re: What's the most munchkin character you can build?
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:39:00 AM »
Emissary of Power
Knights of the Faerie Courts are an example of this, as are—by certain lights—Champions of God such as the Knights of the Cross. (Both have their own templates found elsewhere in this chapter.)

Looks like the same power Level to me. But lets drop this point.
Even if we (I) scratch this Template and the Knights of the Faerie Court...
Actually I dont scratch the Template. I scratch the fluff of this Templates for starting Characters...

But another question to an earlier post from you:
Heh. Yeah, just no. Technically legal in theory, but no GM in their right mind would allow the first summoned creature to be doing shit for any PC without payment (probably major and excessive payment), any more than they‘d let you have Thor as your personal bitch as an Emissary of Odin (which is also technically legal).
Are we back on-topic? Do we have an overpowered Char?

How could the Demon even try to not do as commanded?

1. He is bound and is under the control of the binder.
2. Afterwards he cant get revenge, because he would get a problem with his own boss? And its not as if it doesnt get screwed by his superiours anyway. So its not even something that stands out in his memory.
Hell (no pun intended) the time out of Hell (or is it intended?) is basically an Holliday for him...
"Hey boss, I'm finished with your Armor. But I think I could upgrade the Ward with a little more time..."

Well, who's army was it to start with? How are you going to get that many names?
Thats the reason I wrote "Magical Construct" and even if you ban AI Constructs or copies of your on Mind (see Stone Warden Dogs) look at the General build.
He gets the names from his employer...

I'd also like to throw out the idea that any character who routinely spends 8 hours summoning and binding an army is A) not being played realistically, B) being given problems that are too simplistic (and thus CAN be solved just by summoning a giant army), and C) is being given far too much time to deal with their problems.
Are you serious?
A) ??? Is an Char unrealistic who only works 8 hours per month? Because of too much work? Then any normal mortal who didnt won in the lottery is unrealistic?
B) Do you think he can use the "Army" only for fighting, because I wrote Army there? He can have the right tool for the right job every time he wants it. Scouting, no Problem. Fighting, no Problem. Information gathering, no Problem. Fast talkin, no Problem. Going to jail for you (Go to the Police and make an "I did it" statement), no Problem. And so on...
C) ??? The Chars in you game dont have 8 uninterupted hours in an month?
And even then, he coud divide those 8 hours in sixteen half hours and summon and bind creatures before he goes to bed.

DFRPG / Re: What's the most munchkin character you can build?
« on: May 16, 2010, 09:39:43 AM »
I tend to agree that the Summer and Winter Knights specifically are more powerful than portrayed in their writeups and not good material for starting PCs, but that's a very specific example, and using it to say all Emissaries are inappropriate a bit like using Kincaid's write-up to suggest all Scions are inappropriate. They're exceptionally powerful examples of a template, but not all examples are so excessive.

Emissary is the broader version of Summer and Winter Knight.
Scion is the broader version of Changeling.

The association lend itself for more powerful Emissaries.

But at this point we are nitpicking...

DFRPG / Re: What's the most munchkin character you can build?
« on: May 16, 2010, 09:14:49 AM »
I think you're looking at Emissary of Power wrong. An Emissary can represent their liege and serve as a messenger for their commands, but unless doing so they don't necessarily have any authority over their other people (though they likely do over lesser servants).

Thats one interpretation. An limiting interpretation that is (IMHO) not supported by the books.

In the books, taking the Mantle of the Winter Knight gains equivalent power to taking up one of the Coins.
(click to show/hide)

How about Captain Luccio before the body swap?
What would change?

DFRPG / Re: What's the most munchkin character you can build?
« on: May 16, 2010, 08:05:12 AM »
Antimatter is still an theory? Or did we get some antimatter made in RL and I missed it?

Heh. Yeah, just no. Technically legal in theory, but no GM in their right mind would allow the first summoned creature to be doing shit for any PC without payment (probably major and excessive payment), any more than they‘d let you have Thor as your personal bitch as an Emissary of Odin (which is also technically legal).

The second is a possibility, but it doesn’t help you much when they target you directly.

Fluffwise I see no reason why an Emisarry of Power couldnt command the underlings of his employer. You could even argue he doesnt need to bind them...
(This is the reason I have problems with Knight of the Fairy Courts too. I think I will lift the Emisary of Power to the same Power/refresh level as Denarians)

DFRPG / Re: What's the most munchkin character you can build?
« on: May 14, 2010, 03:07:53 PM »
BTW. the enchanted items should probably be all at item Power -1 since the general isnt the creator off them.

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