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Messages - Elanmorin

Pages: [1]
Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: [Spoiler]Favorite quote thus far...
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:50:31 PM »
"Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a spire."

Awesome reference, Jim.

And basically everything Rowl.

Not true, I can do all the judging I want based on my moral standards.

Not true. You cannot do all the judging you want based on my moral standards. Consistently applying moral relativism leads to absurdity.

By believing in moral relativism, I must allow that there are others who would disagree with me.  Case in point, you disagree with me regarding Harry's morality.

And according to moral relativism I am correct. Obvious contradiction is obvious.

I disagree.  Harry wants to be a good guy.  Also, I am the person who is real; Harry isn't.  Therefore, mine is the opinion that matters.  And, as such, I will hold him to my moral standards whether you agree with that fact or not.

And good is subjective according to moral relativism. If either Harry or I believes that killing Sidhe is good (or at least "not bad") then killing Sidhe is good (or not "bad"). And mine is the opinion that matters.  ;)

We [or at least, I am not] aren't talking about Mab's morality, we are talking about Harry's.  As an outside viewer, I judge Harry's actions on the basis of \my\ morality.  Consequently, I find many of his actions to be morally questionable. 

There are quite a few different versions of morals where one doesn't need an absolute objective standard. Moral relativism is more in line with my thinking of morality.

Yet if moral relativism is true then you cannot judge Harry by your moral standards. Not to mention that falsifying moral relativism is simple as all I need to do is state that moral relativism is morally wrong, which causes moral relativism to be both morally right and morally wrong at the same time which violates the Law of Non-Contradiction.

Descriptive moral relativism is merely the positive or descriptive position that there exist, in fact, fundamental disagreements about the right course of action even when the same facts hold true and the same consequences seem likely to arise.[2] It is the observation that different cultures have different moral standards.

Even if that were true in the Dresdenverse, that only supports my position. Harry was in a culture that did not have a moral prohibition against his action, neither is there any reason for Harry to subscribe to your relative code of morality nor for you to hold him to that standard.

Murder is generally defined, or at least generally understood, as the unjustified killing of another human being.

Also, in order for something to be morally wrong there must be an absolute objective standard that makes it wrong.

In this case, Mab is the standard for what is or is not morally wrong in regards to Winter Sidhe. According to her, Harry was completely justified. Besides that, there is no standard in existence that prohibits the slaying of supernatural predators (obviously). For that matter, slaying natural predators is virtually always permitted if said predator is showing aggression. If I'm out in the woods hunting and find myself surrounded by wolves I'm going to shoot the most aggressive one and hope the others take the hint. Harry's actions were no different.

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