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Topics - gatordave96

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Hooks in You
« on: June 25, 2013, 03:54:57 AM »
With apologies to the band, Marillion, and borrowing one of their lyrics, I'm trying to get a hook in you.  That is, I've been working on a hook to describe my book, "Less than Honorable."  I thought it might be entertaining to see what you all have come up with as your hook to sell your novel.

Here's mine (a work in progress):

A lunar eclipse comes, and it brings change. Long feared and revered by scholars, leaders, and the faithful, it heralds the end of an era. It raises mountains and drains the seas. It levels forests and brings water to the desert. It brings the mighty low, and exalts the meek. It reveals truths long hidden. And now a foretelling brings old enemies back into the Middle Province. An eclipse of the blood moon comes, and it brings change.

So . . . sell me your book.  Set your own hook.  Reel me in.  Tell me why I need to read it. 

Author Craft / writer's workshops
« on: June 14, 2013, 01:41:06 AM »
Who's been to one?  Anyone here?  What did you think of the experience?  Was it worth the money?  What did you like about it?  What did you hate about it?

Toying with the idea of attending one sometime this fall once I receive some feedback from my beta readers.  I am tempted to try the two-day workshop at DragonCon in Atlanta at the end of August, but worried that may be too soon for my timetable.

Author Craft / finding inspiration through music
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:06:10 AM »
Anyone listen to music while writing?  If so, what do you listen to that inspires you? 

I find that it helps me, particularly when sitting for a few hours to bang out a thousand words or so.

Also, anyone using poetry or song lyrics in their writing?  I'm not brave enough to try in my first book.  Amazing how J.R.R. Tolkien found ways to put that into his work.

Author Craft / Uh, oh . . . it's magic
« on: September 23, 2012, 11:02:12 PM »
Just curious as to how many of you are creating the "rules" associated with magic in your world?  What is the most popular theories of magic that are prevalent?  Is it like "The Force" in your world?  Or does it involve complex incantations and an "eye of newt"?  Or maybe it is like the Dresden universe that has to follow the rules of physics?

I've been playing around with the alteration of probability by my "magic users" as the source of their "magic."  It has worked so far, but I would like to see if there is any sage advice on how to build your own system of magic.

Author Craft / Fight Scenes
« on: August 22, 2012, 02:37:03 AM »
I've been using John Clements' "Medieval Swordsmanship - Illustrated Methods and Techniques" as my "go to" guide for writing fight scenes, but wondered if any of the other writers out there have any good sources that they use and would be willing to share.  I'd prefer to find something with illustrations since I learn more visually.  Any help would be welcome.

Also, do you have a feel for how many major fight scenes you like to see in the average novel?  Some of the worst crap that I've ever read seems to have some sort of fight scene every other chapter.

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