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Messages - PirateJack

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DFRPG / Re: Kemmlerian necromancy and death curses...
« on: July 23, 2015, 09:59:22 PM »
What would the purpose be long-term? Even if you stop it they can try again next action they get. You probably just want a plain do-not-hit-me style block.

I don't know about you, but if I was readying myself to take the other guy down with me and they were able to stop it, I'd be pretty damn disheartened. You've just attempted to take the final step and the enemy has just thrown how weak you are in your face. I'd find it pretty difficult to work up that sort of nerve again.

Also, if I were GMing it I'd allow the creation of an aspect that stops them from dying. Assuming this isn't part of the take out/concession, I'd model it as an extreme consequence that turns into one of their aspects, which then stops the character from taking their own life on an ongoing basis. Kemmlerian Necromancy is perfect for this due to the mixed necromancy and psychomancy, so it'd act like an enthralment using necromancy. Thou Shalt Not Die, or something similar.

DFRPG / Re: Kemmlerian necromancy and death curses...
« on: July 23, 2015, 05:44:05 PM »
Hmm. The way I'd run it would be to set up the block and see if the would be death curser can draw up enough power to get over it. If they can, the death curse goes off but is weakened by the block. If they can't, well, no death curse for them.

DFRPG / Re: Trying to implement magic from outside sources.
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:57:12 PM »
I'll refer to both YS pg 249 and Harry's explanations (If I had books/pg numbers I'd list them) where it is clear that you can mix faith with magic without intrinsically changing the nature of the magic. If your faith wavers, and you've entwined your faith and magic together, then your magic won't work. That's all easily handled with compels.

Like I said, you could work in custom or standard True Faith powers if you want, but there's nothing in the Dresdenverse magical canon that says for whatever reason Voodoo is the exception to thaumaturgic themes and requires extra powers.

Unless my knowledge of Voodoo is lacking some wide gap and there's some integral mechanical part to it that can't be modeled by Thaumaturgy?

I'm not saying there's a mechanical reason for it. I'm saying that Voodoo practitioners tend to be deeply entwined with their religion, to the point where a good proportion of them are priests of their respective sect. It makes sense for them to have True Faith powers as a natural consequence of that.

DFRPG / Re: Trying to implement magic from outside sources.
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:31:52 PM »
I don't see any need for True Faith could add it in, if you want, but it's not necessary. Harry's said more than once that your magic works how you think it should...if you think must have faith, think you must have a shrunken head to do X, think must have cock's blood and St. John's Wort for Y, then you need it. Those are all simply trappings of your thaumaturgy. There's nothing that voodoo does that you can't do with Thaumaturgy.

There's a good deal of wiggle room in there, especially since faith is so intimately entwined with the Voodoo magics.

I'm in a game on Roll20 playing a phoenix scion. He has sponsored magic (we're calling it Phoenix Fire) that's sort of a modified version of Seelie Magic. This type of sponsored magic gives him fire, air, and spirit spells, and biomancy at the speed of evocation. It has "themes" like balance, growth, renewal, and rebirth.

I agree with dragoonbuster. That seems a little powerful for only -4 refresh. If you're just going with the traditional phoenix mythology (fire bird, reborn from its own ashes) then I'd drop spirit magic from that. Doesn't seem like much of a connection between the two.

1. Does biomancy break the law of magic about transforming if you're only repairing or renewing the natural processes of a body? Such as closing a bullet wound or, maybe, regrowing a severed limb at the extreme? This isn't biomancy that transforms a person into a fish or anything. It's very similar to the Reiki/Healing Touch thing Elaine did in the books, I think. Did that break the laws of magic?

As far as I'm aware the Law against transformation only applies when you transform someone into something/someone else. Expedited healing doesn't fall under it, which is especially useful because Listens-to-Winds is the premier healer of the White Council. Difficult to heal anyone if it's illegal to do so.

2. How do focus items work for sponsored magic? Using the fire magic part of Seelie Magic as the example, should it be a wand with a +1 offensive control Seelie Magic? OR +1 offensive control fire?

If you only have Sponsored Magic, I'd go with focus items being created solely for it. If your character had been a practitioner before gaining Sponsored Magic then they likely have focus items in various elements already, which would then be useful for certain parts of the Sponsored Magic. For example, Harry uses his blasting rod in Proven Guilty to channel Summer Magic against the Scarecrow Fetch, which basically merged his talent for fire magic with Lily's butterfly boost.

DFRPG / Re: Notes on Optimization
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:57:40 PM »
I'd kill to have a Morgan write up that's as badass as he is in the books.

DFRPG / Re: Faith Power Thoughts
« on: July 16, 2015, 01:33:28 AM »
Honestly, I'd just call it a Conviction manoeuvre upon an item and be done with it. Want more than that? Take Refinement and use the Enchanted Items rules to model holy weapons.

DFRPG / Re: Body Swap
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:15:15 PM »
Depends on the characters. Also, it may be more difficult in cases where True Faith powers or abilities linked to the soul, but that can be handled by compels easily enough.

DFRPG / Re: Sense8 Characters (S1 Spoilers)
« on: July 14, 2015, 03:51:47 PM »
I've watched four episode of the series now and I think the round of inaction is probably a good idea, but another idea could be that the skill being borrowed is reduced to mediocre for one round instead. That said, I'll have to watch the rest of the series, see if the moment of confusion reduces/disappears once the characters get used to being sensates.

DFRPG / Re: Help my bad guy!
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:40:52 PM »
But do you see "Wood Element" falling under Water or Earth Magic?  Or are you thinking Wood as an additional element outside of the Cpt. Planet Five that Harry references?

It's mentioned in the rulebook that other cultures use different pentagrams for the classical elements. I mistook the Japanese and Chinese pentagrams for a moment there, though, so Yoshimo probably used water or earth there rather than wood.

China, for instance, uses earth, wood, metal, fire and water while Japan goes with the 'Western' ones.

DFRPG / Re: Help my bad guy!
« on: July 09, 2015, 11:44:24 PM »
Divination magic falls under the umbrella of water magic as well, iirc. The tree manipulation was either wood element (in the Warden Yoshimo's case) or just a result of Demonreach being a genius loci. It is the island so there's a fair chance that it doesn't need to actively perform magic to dry out trees like that.

DFRPG / Re: Help my bad guy!
« on: July 09, 2015, 09:45:25 PM »
Harry draws water up from underneath Demonreach when he goes to make the Sanctum Invocation.

DFRPG / Re: Sense8 Characters (S1 Spoilers)
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:12:51 PM »
I haven't watched the show either, but I think the Mimic Abilities is more for stunts and skills than powers.

DFRPG / Re: Sacred Guardian (old vs. new)
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:26:42 AM »
The Sword of the Cross requires a fate point to satisfy the Catch, so I think it should probably run along those lines.

DFRPG / Re: Mistborn Powers List
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:11:45 PM »
Hmm. Okay, let's think.

a) That's fine by me. Voluntarily weakening yourself in a situation where you may need it is something I highly encourage my players to do. Fate points are their reward for this.

b) Also fine. Part of the Fate economy.

c) This is a thing. The idea I had was that, essentially, flaring a metal would be an encouragement for the GM to compel that player into losing access to his power after a while. Pretty basic reasoning and utilisation of the Fate economy. Now I'm wondering whether a stress track would be more beneficial. The aspect is important, though, because there are a bunch of things that are only really compellable through it. Tineyes, for instance, have incredibly heightened senses when flaring their tin. They're also much more vulnerable to bright lights, loud noises and pain in general.

Perhaps it could work with a stress track.

Burning a metal gives you the standard benefits to your senses and running out is handled through compels. Flaring the metal creates the aspect and gives you a new stress track of X boxes that you can't use consequences for (it would have to be variable between metals; even flaring tin would not use it up at the same rate burning Atium does - maybe 2 for Atium, 3 for Pewter, 6 for Tin). One stress box is filled every round you are flaring your metal. The Taken Out effect of using all the stress boxes is that you lose access to that metal for the rest of the scene or until you Declare that you have more of the metal (or have a relevant aspect that you can invoke for effect).

Not entirely sure what level of effect that should have, however. I'm hovering between opening up 2 stress boxes for use and cleaning the stress track completely. I'm not sure which would be more balanced. Thoughts?

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