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Messages - Fcrate

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DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: August 06, 2022, 10:04:08 PM »
With just a little quick thinking, the protection can be used to Harry and Lara's benefit.

If during Next Book, they are seen working together and dating, they can "reveal" the protection as being with each other, get married and then have a perfect excuse for not cohabiting continuously. I doubt many in the House know of Thomas' solution with Justine so it won't be odd to be together rarely and make a show of tragic star crossed love blooming in times of turmoil and kept apart by the White Court curse. 

Given that justification, they can stay married but be separate.
Unlikely. It looks like a whamp's first method of overcoming protection. Remember Madeleine in Turn Coat? She taunted Justine by saying that she'll bring a "handsome young buck" to her room, whisper desire in her ear until she's "begging to be taken", thus overcoming the protection to allow Madeleine to feed.
Note that Madeleine is not the brightest whamp ever born.

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 04, 2022, 07:35:50 PM »
In the space of one book Butters goes from zero to hero. Betraying Harry,  becoming a sexual superstar, to getting a  light saber. By the next book he has to carry his gonads in a wheelbarrow because they  have become so big they drag the ground. He's challenging crazy wizards and standing up to dark Gods. I expect in the  next book he will romance Mab and give Harry relationship advice on how to  handle vampire  spouses, and will be on personal terms with the White God. Maybe the White God will abdicate and Butters will  become the Butter God.

I feel the need to keep this worship of the Butter God to sustainable levels through humor. Had Harry progressed this rapidly the Formor would have stayed under the lake shivering in fear and  Chicago would be pristine.
Thank you for saying it. I liked Butters much better in small doses. I didn't like his quick upgrades (especially since he'll probably be a council level wizard by the next book) and his geekdom is a bit overstated.

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 03, 2022, 09:25:27 PM »
I don't think so:  I believe the bullets would have to be enchanted, to do the Warden-swords' anti-enchantment trick.

I mean... obviously, the rules work however Jim decides they work.  But I think we've seen that Jim has enchanted-ammo as his vision.

You could enchant a gun, but it would just be magically-better at firing whatever ammo gets loaded into it.

Enchanted gun + enchanted ammo would be pretty scary, though!
Enchanted AK-47 with a bayonet. Problem solved. Although from Even Hand, we know that sufficiently enchanted bullets are hard and expensive to make.
@Conspiracy Theorist: thank you.. Phew.
I completely agree. Especially about the swords! Ever since Luccio told Harry she can't make them any more, I am convinced she would someday teach him how.
Probably she will leave the White Council some day soon. At the latest, when it is destroyed or self-destroyed. Then she could start to teach him. Together they can found a new council with wardens who defend it's members with their new swords created by Harry.

Or Harry might be able to use his talent without Luccio's help to make himself a sword. He is a knight after all  ;)
And I believe he would be able to do so, if he learns how to make normal swords first. And every castle needs a smithy, doesn't it?

@ original post  8)

If I were a minor talent, I would like some ice powers. But foresight would be cool, too. Or illusions and veils. That's what I would like.

What I think I would get:
Random mind reading and reading of emotions through other people projecting their emotions on me.
Ice powers like always getting ice for your drink or like never missing in a Snowball fight?

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 03, 2022, 06:41:36 PM »
It probably won't be a hat.
You just killed my dreams and pissed on their corpse... :(

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 03, 2022, 11:10:41 AM »
Oh dear, I hope not. But OK, in this case we will have to set the bats loose and put cobwebs everywhere and the Skull looking out the window. Let's see who's more afraid, lol.

Have fun with the new TV.
Very Coraline. I approve :D
Well, Elin, daughter of Elina is here :)
I'll send another picture tomorrow if I remember. Lol

DF Spoilers / Re: The Law
« on: August 02, 2022, 06:04:01 PM »
g33k, you are right, Justin education explains many of the gaps in Harry's knowledge of the magical world. But he told us several times that he studied, that he was a sort of magical nerd. And he has Bob for questions. I find weird that he does not know that particular world, but of course, it may be that I am in the wrong and the word is not as common as I imagine, unless you have an specific background (or saw a picture called "The apotheosis of the dollar" when you were a chiild, as I did  :D)
Well, his knowledge gap never surprised me as much as the non-existent gap in his knowledge of pop culture. He knows too many references by heart for someone who 1. Doesn't have much time. 2. Can't use technology.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 02, 2022, 05:51:03 PM »
Dina, I know you can't tell but I'm blushing right now   :)
@Regen: You have my deepest sympathies ;D I hope they're not Neighbours From Hell. Probably too much to hope for, but you never know.
@Dina: Enjoy your new TV! What are you watching right now?

DF Spoilers / Re: Personality and Magic Affinity
« on: August 01, 2022, 09:28:27 PM »
Another thought...

Jim has made a point to show us that a wizard needs to believe in what they are doing for it to happen. This was shown recently in The Law but also in Torn Coat when Laccio didn't/couldn't use magic to kill LaFortier. Could this system of belief have a role to play in what you are best at? So if you believe you are good at finding things or elemental magic, maybe that becomes stronger? I admit this is a bit of a stretch but an interesting thought.
This only shows a characteristic lack of imagination in old wizards. Anyway, your theory has merit. I believe therefore I can is quite popular in magic systems (And inspiring clichéd parts of most movies).

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 01, 2022, 08:44:54 AM »
It's good to win at something :D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 31, 2022, 01:13:03 PM »
Lol Regen. Yes, it happened to me a few times when I first started reading ebooks, but it doesn't happen anymore. However, sometimes I still do tap on the side of the book to flip the page :D :D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 30, 2022, 10:49:09 PM »
I thought so at first, but it's much easier than movies. I've listened to some audio book samples, and they were very clear, which makes sense, because they're designed to be listened to, unlike movies which are designed to be watched. The diction is precise and accents are less pronounced. Still not my thing though. I only read English ebooks for economic reasons, but I read physical Arabic books. Preferably ones with recycled yellow paper. With a cup of tea and possibly a hookah to smoke. Heaven. :D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 30, 2022, 03:33:53 PM »
*hides a smile for her own reasons*
Looks like she didn't notice either :D or just decided not to make an issue out of it. Lol

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 27, 2022, 05:11:48 PM »
My luck my minor talent would be enhancing plant growth, so I have to mow the lawn more often
Come visit. My corn is a little late this year. :D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 27, 2022, 08:23:03 AM »
You are missed!
I hope you do not seat in front of a computer too often because of good reasons, and having better things to do.
I renovate old houses these days.  Not many zoom meeings for a job like that :P

My laptop sits collecting dust, for the most part.  I use my phone for most things these days.

Anyway, I hope you're doing alright.
For some reason I expected you to say "You ask me, on this day... of my daughter's wedding"... :D
Hello Don, good to meet you :)

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 25, 2022, 07:24:26 AM »
For my choice, it'd probably be something for wealth-building... whatever has minimal other impacts.  Because being super-wealthy is its own super-power; I could do whatever I wanted with that money.
Hmm..kinda reminds me of a ppt slideshow that was making the rounds on email lists around 2009-2010 :D
But you are correct. There's very limited specialized minor talents that we see. Mostly we see people who can do anything a wizard can do, but with less power.
Anyway, the Alphas shifted into wolves, classifying a single shape-shifting trick as a minor talent. Therefore, I'd like to have the ability to shift into a hawk. Bye bye traffic, hello dropping bombs on every bastard who ever annoyed me.

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