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Messages - rose29206

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Kinda reminds me of a story my dad told me years ago about when he was in college.  They had some demonstration on how to knock down a load bearing brick wall (why that was the subject of a demonstration, I have absolutely no clue, since my dad was a dentristry major at the time).  Two guys showed their respective ways of knocking it down--guy #1 exerted brute force and smashed his wall down using a sledgehammer in about 10 minutes.  The other guy examined his wall for about 5 minutes then knocked out a few bricks, which caused the wall to collapse on itself.

Same result, just that guy #2 used a lot more skill, and without expending the massive amount of energy that the other guy did.

Nice illustration of the point ... and now I really want to chat with my cousin in dentistry school to see what kinds of things they're getting up to, lol.  ;)

I for one am a "dies alone shipper."

Romance is schlocky and for chicks who can't get dates (yes, I am being overly harsh and simplistic, sorry).  There are only two kinds of romances a guy like me likes in their fiction.  The first is a long time couple trying to make things work after being together so long.  Think Everybody Loves Raymond.  The second is a guy who through hard work, can do attitude, honesty, and good nature scores a chick outside his league.  When a character is one of the most powerful humans on the planet, the outside his league thing is off the table.

So, give me a Dresden continually confounded by love and all on his own trying to right by the people in his life.  I really do hope the "Die Alone" death curse is still in effect.

On another note, does anyone think the voice at the end of Changes might be an angel of death?  At first I thought it was Lash, and then I thought is was Mab, but upon rethinking the book, the angel of death, like the one waiting to take Forthill's soul, makes a lot of sense as well.

Who knows, Bob sealed away Evil Bob, and then permanently split with him creating Evil Bob in the first place.  I suppose if the two rejoin there would be a battle to see who would take control and seal the other away.  More likely, Evil Bob remains as a villain and thorn in Harry's side.

Presumably right away, but GS did the time skip thing to start, so it might have done it again.  Dresden's revival is in the hands of 3 nigh on immortals: Mab, Uriel, and Demonreach.  A month or a year is all relative to them.
Well, Dresden did form a simbiotic relationship with Demonreach in Turn Coat, turning it into a Spirit Sanctum or something similar.  We don't know anything more than that, except the White Council views the island as special.

The Summer Knight killed in Book 4 lived in Chicago.  I imagine Dresden will be able to establish a residence in Chicago and use the Ways to go to the Nevernever when needed.

Them's fighting words, haha. If that were true, then why would girls feel the need to drag their boyfriends to chick flicks?

And cold, man, cold.

While I hope (and trust) that romance won't become the center point of the DF, I do hope that Harry ends up happy with someone (or at least happy with friends). I took the "Die Alone" thing to be less referring to only romantic relationships than complete isolation (I mean, hey, most of the people in the series are not going to live as long as Harry can). I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Your Harry/Murphy feelings are *obviously* clouding your judgement!  :P

I didn't really ship Harry/Molly before this book, but all of Harry's protestations regarding his lack of romantic interest in Molly came across as him being in denial to me.  Especially with how he normally keeps his head where the sun don't shine in regards to women.  ;D

I don't really know where I stand on this. I can see what you're saying here about denial (he keeps referring to how attractive she is before reminding himself? the reader? that he knew her in diapers), but that could be fact, not denial. I'm still interested to see how the whole Murphy thing will play out. Regardless, I think Harry's going to have to at least address Molly's feelings at some point, now that he's recognized that it isn't just a fleeting crush.

I finished reading last night and had to squee into my pillow multiple times before I could get to anywhere near sleep.  :D It started out a little slow for me, but it kept picking up the pace, and by the time Harry and Bob have their convo in chapter 30-something ... ah, just kept getting better!

So, at the end there with Molly and Corpsetaker, when Corpsetaker puts a bullet into the back of Harry's head: I can only imagine how that must have seemed to Molly under her veil. There's Harry again, and he's just been re-killed in front of her eyes. Might have something to do with the fury she directs at Corpsetaker right after that.

Also, people keep saying they thought Murphy was annoying, etc., but I feel like it fits with the vibe leftover from Aftermath. I do wonder, though, whether Harry's speculation about whether Kincaid is *ahem* comforting her is truth or not. How does that jive with Murphy's feelings for Harry? Also, wondering whether Ivy fired him, or what her reaction was ... assuming she knows? I wouldn't think sth that big would be hidden from her.

Moreover, I'm just wondering what Harry's role in Chicago will be from now on ... how does Winter Knight/Protector of Chicago mesh? And what will Molly's new role be ... is she going to continue being the Ragged Lady? And once Harry's back ... the White Council has been hunting Molly, and I would say it's a safe bet that she's broken the Laws in their eyes, so are they going to go all Doom-of-Damocles-Smack Down on Harry? Or do they just look the other way and let the apprenticeship continue? Even if they can't really afford to lose him (again), I somehow don't think that would stop them from testing out one of Luccio's swords on him if they do believe he or Molly has broken Laws ... if they're even able to, due to his whole Winter Knight Status. Does Winter Knight trump Warden status for Harry?

Sorry for rambling ... so many things I want clarified! Also, has anyone heard whether Cold Days will follow the April or July release date schedule (assuming it isn't pushed back any more)? I'd think July, but I would love April ... When will we be getting a summary blurb?  ;D

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: June 11, 2010, 05:37:56 PM »
I've been googling to see who fits my mental images somewhat. Here's what I've found:

Kincaid : Karl Urban.
Thomas : Justin Hartley, even though he's blond.
Michael : Viggo Mortensen (not perfect, but something like that)

I can't quite decide, but Harry is somewhat like Eduardo Verastegui in certain pics.

Murphy : Meg Ryan is the closest I can come to my image ... I have a really hard time picturing Murphy as a blond, though. She always seemed brunette to me.

Charity: Meryl Streep
Molly : Picture something like a punk Kate Bosworth.

Susan: Catherine Zeta Jones

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