
The Site => Site Suggestions & Support => Topic started by: iago on May 29, 2010, 01:40:38 PM

Title: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 29, 2010, 01:40:38 PM
So while we are planning on bringing the pub (MacAnally's) back in some form, we're likely to reorient it all on what this forum site's mission should be about: positivity, celebration, fandom, community.

Things like the angst corner (and the already retired touchy topics area) are going to go away. We saw that instead of creating a quarantine effect, those sorts of areas encouraged bad, contentious behavior. They sanctioned the idea that bitching and anger and itchy trigger fingers were okay here. They're not.

But there is something good we can take away from that lesson. If subject areas like that are prone to encourage and expand conversations of that sort, maybe we can look at creating a few more areas specifically dedicated to the positive patterns of the pub (Media Favorites has been a success, for example). Maybe we could start a board that's an Open Mike *Comedy* Night thing. Maybe we could create an area for folks to talk about crafting topics (beadwork, scrap booking, costuming, all that sort of stuff -- I'd need to hear from folks what qualifies as crafting, as it's so totally not my scene). Maybe something to talk about games (video and tabletop).

Or maybe not. :) What I'm interested in hearing about from people is what the good/positive/awesome stuff is that forms some of the favorite conversations and behaviors at the pub. Because if we know those patterns are there, maybe we can also figure out some ways to make sure that they repeat and become the real mode of the board and of conversation rather than the dark-cloud crap that's hung over it instead.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Ink Slinger on May 29, 2010, 01:55:53 PM
Though it hadn't see much use lately, I liked the Virtual Gallery that surfaced for a bit.  A place to share pictures or links to the creative stuff we're doing that isn't necessarily a work of Dresden fandom (as that would go in Fan Creations, excellent idea btw Admins/Mods.) 

The "Share why today was Awesome" was well...awesome.  (Apparently I need a thesaurus today.) 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Yeratel on May 29, 2010, 02:13:32 PM
Author Craft and Media Favorites I like, because I write as well as read and watch movies. I like some of the Games. Pub topics related to food and potent potables usually got my attention, as well as examples of creativity by members in things like art, jewelry, and poetry.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Niccos Shadow on May 29, 2010, 02:24:43 PM
I think a "Hobbies" section which would encompass all kinds of 'crafting', gaming, illustration, etc. that might not fall within the Dresden related categories would be most efficient. That way it's still a specific topic-related forum but without needing to create a billion child forums to accommodate a vast selection of hobbies.

The "Forum Games" section seemed like a good idea too. It would allow for more 'funny' or 'odd' postings without a general free-for-all atmosphere.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 29, 2010, 02:26:59 PM
Good stuff so far. What else?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Heretic on May 29, 2010, 02:45:18 PM
How about a "Fun Stuff Out There On the 'Net" section?  Always liked the LOLcats
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Kali on May 29, 2010, 03:00:35 PM
What if there were a volunteer organization with the Dresden name on it?  Stay with me, stop rolling your collective eyeballs.  It could have something as simple as links to Red Cross donation sites, or maybe someone could pick up sponsors for a walkathon.  People could post ideas of easy things to do to benefit communities, or even things they themselves have done and collect a few well-deserved kudos.

You make it a Dresdenish "organization" so that it stays somewhat topical.  Then you just make your donations in the name of whatever that organization is.  The Paranet maybe, though anything Para- tends to freak out the political right.  I refuse to let it be called Harry's Helpers or anything tragically mundane like that.

Edit:  I was looking through the rest of this board to see old suggestions and most of them have either been implemented (chat!) or aren't viable due to changing policies.  But one suggestion is now viable that wasn't:  an RP section.  The original reason for saying nay was that it bordered on fanfic.  That wouldn't necessarily be a problem anymore. 

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Jaeh on May 29, 2010, 04:07:34 PM
How about a "Fun Stuff Out There On the 'Net" section?  Always liked the LOLcats

something like this. I agree. I liked the lolcats, pictures, demotivators, etc. I liked the jokes, too. this might fall into the comedy bar thing. :D

Maybe an introduction thing? I don't know which is better, a thread or a forum, but.. *shrug*

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Nim on May 29, 2010, 04:11:17 PM
Maybe an introduction thing? I don't know which is better, a thread or a forum, but.. *shrug*

An introduction...area... would be good. I like the 'mapping' thread as well, even though the map was inconsistent. Maybe we could find a better one, and combine it with intros?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Abeille on May 29, 2010, 04:26:21 PM
Along with the intros, a picture thread like we had before would be nice. It was nice to have others share their special moments and day to day stuff, it made it more like a community in my opinion.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 04:31:21 PM
I'd like to note that this community, like much of sci-fi/fantasy fandom, is an Island of Misfit Toys.  We're weirdos, geeks, freaks, oddballs, goofballs, with the odd curmudgeon sprinkled in, most with varied amounts of wear and tear.  Many are rather isolated in their "real world" situations, either from a lack of social skills, or being stuck in an area where there are few who share our interests, most often some combination.  "Huh... whatcha readin' books fer?" "How come you can't, like, you know, like normal things?"

A goodly number of people here have extremely limited "real life" networks of friends or less than supportive family to talk to when life goes south of cheese.  Sometimes people need support, advice, help or just a little comiserating.  That's been a regular event in the Angst Corner, it hasn't been just pissing and moaning.  Sure, there's the occassional chronic "Hey, look at me!  Look at me!  I'm sad again, pay me attention" whining poster, but that's not been the bulk of posters in the Pub or Angst even.  And when it's been a serious and grave matter out of the communities field of expertise, there have invariably been heaps of responders offering some advice while also saying emphatically "You need to talk to a professional counselor/doctor/veterinarian/dietician/whatver, we're your friends and can offer support, but we're not qualified for the help you need in this situation."  

Being "friends" includes being there to offer support and advice when someone has a breakup, job loss, sick pet, not just when that person has "fun!" things like beads to talk about.  The difference between this forum and other forums I've been to is that friendship and community are just heaped all over the place.  I don't even like people, but I've made many friends here despite myself.  This place actually has a sense of communtiy, as opposed to being just a place to talk about Episoded 12 or the newest patch, or if the Enterprise could take out a Star Destroyer.  Because those arguements are always just chok full of "postitive" and "constructive."

I feel that the fact that the Pub has provided a venue for people to find helpful and supporting friends and advice has been a positive pattern. I think that's why people stay here and keep coming back. Most peole aren't here because they want to debate the relatvie merits of oak or ash for a blasting rod, or the unprinted specified details of how the Accords address an miniscule matter the author hasn't even thought of.  They're here to be with the friends they've met through Jim's books, to talk about those books certainly, but also to talk about other interests and issues, and, most importatly, to be with friends.

Make a "Help, amatuer advice and commiseration" corner or "huggy shoulder crying place" or something, but if people can't turn to their friends here for support when shit happens or they just feel a little blue, then how much of a "community" will this place be at that point?  
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Nim on May 29, 2010, 04:46:36 PM
another idea...
Bob's oddity emporium - another thread that didn't see a lot of action lately, but could be brought back. I was thinking it could be a child board for the internet-funnies stuff (lolcats, demotivators, weird news stories, etc)

Also, well said, paynesgrey.  :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 04:55:57 PM
Thanks, Nim.  And I like the "oddity emporium" idea.  

Hell, I'd even volunteer to help "police" things on "pub" threads.  My nearest dearest emotional involvement generally doesn't go into debates on books or "personal life" matters because I don't have a dog in those fights, emotionally speaking.  A viewpoint maybe, but not investment.  I save that for political and social issues, as those can concievably affect my own real world existance, and those are verboten liebe with the death of TT anyway.  I'd just have to blow the dust off my old sergeant stripes.

Maybe if we had a few "doormen" for the Pub, just to remind people to "take it out to the parking lot" when the material is innappriate or just getting bitchety.  So the managers don't need be pestered with the little stuff like spilled drinks and unruly patrons who don't know the rules yet.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 29, 2010, 05:24:24 PM
Just copy/pasting some of the stuff folks have said on twitter:

* Crafting! Shared arts (like the Virtual Gallery and the Photo Gallery) Family pix and congrats like birthdays, special events
* a poetry corner?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Noey on May 29, 2010, 05:55:09 PM
I haven't been around much lately because of the dark cloud atmosphere, but I might start spending more time here if things perk up a bit. One thing that might be unpopular, I'd like to ask that the Penis and Horny threads not be allowed to resurface. Adults frequent this forum and will naturally gravitate to some adult topics, I know, but there's kids on this forum, too. Plus, I admittedly find it tacky, and in bad taste on a forum dedicated to an author that's so, so not Laurell K. Hamilton (thank goodness). While we can discuss adult matters with the books, those particular threads were offputting to me. If nothing else, it was impossible to check the forum at work because having the thread topics pop up in Unread really isn't conducive to a boss walk by. If the general consensus is to allow threads dedicated to adult topics, can we please at least make sure the titles are work safe?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 29, 2010, 06:11:36 PM
I really like the idea of a Crafter's Corner.

And PG is right...  sometimes you can get support from here, and it would be nice to not see all of that go away.  (I'm thinking about people cheerleading Shecky's quitting smoking.)  Maybe a Life Events?

Perhaps a place for the teens/young adults to talk about school?  Or will that naturally delve too deeply into angst?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 29, 2010, 06:13:49 PM
As a corollary to PG's post, I'd like to suggest:

Fun Banter (Check 'tudes at the door)
- Come in and yammer to your heart's content. But if you bring attitude, there'll be no yammer and all hammer.

Advice, Please
- Not for real venting or complaining. Just for people who genuinely don't know what to do (look at the Advice About Sick Pets Etc. thread for an example) or can't figure out what's wrong. Or you really need a shoulder to cry on.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: GreyWarden on May 29, 2010, 06:15:17 PM
I'd like to second, third and possibly even ninth everything paynesgrey said.

I haven't had anything that bad happen since I started hanging here-- but seeing the reactions of the board members to those who have had bad things?  Yeah.  I think we need a place to put the bad stuff.

I realize that you want everything to be positive-- but if that means all kittens, butterflies and puppies coated in sugar... well, such expectations aren't realistic.

Besides-- what could possibly be more positive, more community oriented, than helping out your friends when they're hurting?

Harry would approve.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 06:21:00 PM
So what solutions do we have to help keep these suggested corners tidy, without things that will puddle and stick to our volunteer mod's shoes?  The obvious and oft stated, oft ignored, "don't be a dick, and if someone is, click click click "report." But I have the impression they were getting dogpiled with complaints and the like.

Iago, would it be of any help if you had some more Limited Authority Mascott types to act as doormen for the pub, try to handle small things before they become annoyances for you and your mods? 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Niccos Shadow on May 29, 2010, 06:40:02 PM
Really, if you're going to fix it, might as well fix it right the first time. I understand the desire for the "general discussion"/"helping hand" type forums, but it's only delaying the inevitable. Give enough people enough rope and people will start hanging themselves. Even with more moderator types it's just going to end up having those new moderators end up fed-up with stuff as well (I speak from experience here).

If these boards are intended to discuss Jim Butcher and his collective works, then 50%+ of the posts shouldn't be about things that have nothing to do with said topic, IMHO. I think between a chat and specified topic-oriented forums it's really going above and beyond.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 07:03:43 PM
That'll pretty much strip any semblence of a "community" from the forums, making it a pure and plain book club.  While that will have it's appeal to some, I think that the community has been the backbone of this place. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Landing on May 29, 2010, 07:07:46 PM
I agree with Paynesgrey this place isn't just somewhere to go and talk about a book, its a place to connect with people who share a common interest. The Community is what makes this place different from other boards and gives it life, I have seen to many boards that only focused on a very narrow topic wither and die as people left them.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 07:11:42 PM
I agree with Paynesgrey this place isn't just somewhere to go and talk about a book, its a place to connect with people who share a common interest. The Community is what makes this place different from other boards and gives it life, I have seen to many boards that only focused on a very narrow topic wither and die as people left them.

I've seen the same happen.  A simple book club doesn't engender the sense of loyalty and belonging that a community does.  Basically a desert until the new book comes out, with a flurry of activity for a month or two afterwards, then back to being a desert save for the odd recurring arguement about the Death Star fighting the Enterprise.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on May 29, 2010, 07:12:25 PM
I agree with paynesgrey that I would hate to see the mutual-support and friendship aspect of the Angst Corner go away.

Chat is not going to work for me personally most of the time, because I rely on the asynchrony of the forum to fit having conversations here in around the immediate exigencies of getting work done, and can't really keep up with real-time conversation most of the time.  Which is not a vote against having it there for those who appreciate it; just that me not being there isn't storming off in a huff, it's a practical issue.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 07:45:55 PM
The fact that Neurovore and I am in agreement on this should inspire both awe and terror.   We've butted heads on most every socioeconomicpolitical issue under the sun pausing only to grudgingly agree that the Sisters of Mercy are just amazing.  Even if he/she does eat eal pie like it's people food.

But if we can play nice and see value in the community aspect of these forums, then either it's a Good Thing, or an abomination of soul crushing world ending evil in which case all life on earth is already doomed.


Neurovore, do you have any ideas to lessen the headaches of Iago and his Mad Mod Posse?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: nthnclls on May 29, 2010, 08:27:20 PM
I like the idea of a "funny" section, which would probably included many threads about lolcats, but I really feel that there does need to be a genuine off-topic, and not just sections of extremely organized chatter.  The unpredictableness and freedom within bounds helps maintain the community.

Also, I think that you may think that the situation is worse than it actually is.  I've been on boards that have gotten out of hand, and while the occasional flame war that we have here is like fireworks, it's nothing compared to a forum that's really in trouble, like one I'm one where all the mods were kicked out...this forum's doing relatively good, I thought, even in the Angst corner, compared to forums with true flaming.

Poetry corner would be good.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 08:31:50 PM
The place is certainly more friendly and better behaved than most forums I've been to.  Although we should bear in mind that "how bad it is" is really for Iago, the mods and Jim to decide, as aggravation and fixing of fuss lies on the mod's shoulders, and anything stinky that goes on here could splatter on Jim's good name.  So if they say it's bad, I'm not to be arguing with them on it. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Heretic on May 29, 2010, 09:04:52 PM
I agree with Paynesgrey this place isn't just somewhere to go and talk about a book, its a place to connect with people who share a common interest. The Community is what makes this place different from other boards and gives it life, I have seen to many boards that only focused on a very narrow topic wither and die as people left them.

I agree too.  As for keeping it positive and supportive, the volunteer doorman idea sounds like it could work.

Building on the Poetry Corner idea, what about a Writer's Block?  Poetry and anything else we want to share (not including JB-related FanFic, which already has a home)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Yeratel on May 29, 2010, 09:35:02 PM
I've seen the same happen.  A simple book club doesn't engender the sense of loyalty and belonging that a community does.  Basically a desert until the new book comes out, with a flurry of activity for a month or two afterwards, then back to being a desert save for the odd recurring arguement about the Death Star fighting the Enterprise.

Some of that is already gravitating toward a Mac's Pub page on Facebook.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Kali on May 29, 2010, 09:46:57 PM
I'd like to just interject that some of us who've never availed ourselves of the "ask advice of total strangers about appallingly personal matters" threads have nonetheless felt a sense of community here.  To imply otherwise is to say the rest of the boards and threads are useless in fostering a sense of friendship and connection.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 10:09:53 PM
Wouldn't say they're useless or unfriendly, nor without friendship, but does "Vord Versus Zergs, who would win" offer much for somone who's cat just died?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Kali on May 29, 2010, 10:17:49 PM
Maybe not.  Your point, repeatedly, has been that without the shoulder-to-cry-on threads, we have no sense of community.  I dispute that.  I understand if you, personally, only feel connected to people with whom you've shared personal life details.  But I know I, and I assume some others since I can't imagine I'm that unique, keep coming back here for shared interests like the Author boards, a bunch of threads in Media Favorites, and the laughs from LOLCats, among other threads.   My sense of community from this board has nothing to do with the more personal threads.  It does for some, plainly, but your post indicates it's the ONLY way to foster that sense of community.

This is incorrect.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Priscellie on May 29, 2010, 10:20:05 PM
Folks on the McAnally's Facebook page have been raising some great points, and I want to make sure they're a part of this discussion.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Landing on May 29, 2010, 10:31:32 PM
Maybe not.  Your point, repeatedly, has been that without the shoulder-to-cry-on threads, we have no sense of community.  I dispute that.  I understand if you, personally, only feel connected to people with whom you've shared personal life details.  But I know I, and I assume some others since I can't imagine I'm that unique, keep coming back here for shared interests like the Author boards, a bunch of threads in Media Favorites, and the laughs from LOLCats, among other threads.   My sense of community from this board has nothing to do with the more personal threads.  It does for some, plainly, but your post indicates it's the ONLY way to foster that sense of community.

This is incorrect.

I am pretty sure Paynesgrey was talking about there not being any community when he was rebutting a poster who believe that everything except the book stuff should be done away with, not that the only way to have a community on the forum was to have crying on a shoulder type stuff. (Paynesgrey can of course correct me if I am wrong  ;D)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Blaze on May 29, 2010, 10:39:28 PM
I would like to suggest that we do have a SCAdians section, especially because many of us SCA peeps get together at events and bring our Dresden Files fandom there.  While we may not post regularly there is usually a flurry before big events.

Mostly, we should be more appreciative of Fred's grace in hosting these boards, and we should all remember to apply some of the rules of courtesy that the world at large has forgotten about.

When speaking regarding fellow posters always try to apply simple rules to what you have to say: 
Is it necessary?  Is it kind?

It is in this way that we can thank Fred for giving us all a second chance.

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Kali on May 29, 2010, 10:47:03 PM
I am pretty sure Paynesgrey was talking about there not being any community when he was rebutting a poster who believe that everything except the book stuff should be done away with, not that the only way to have a community on the forum was to have crying on a shoulder type stuff. (Paynesgrey can of course correct me if I am wrong  ;D)

Possibly, but most of the initial (very well-written and impassioned) post was about the advice and sympathy threads alone, and that's what I'm responding to. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 29, 2010, 10:58:54 PM
As I see it, the problem comes down to a two-sided coin:

1) Community. There IS a bond that has arisen from the nonsense/fun/support/nonessential subforums here. I can honestly say that, sight unseen, there are a passel o' people who post on this site whom I would back up unreservedly, with fists, weapons, money or reputation, sight unseen, if the people needed help. I've made some real-life friends from here. (*edit* Darn auto-clicking the Post button instead of Save.) Anyway, as much as I enjoy Jim's work (and I do!), a straight-up book club wouldn't hold much interest for me except around the time of book release, and I LIKE the people around here, so I like hanging out with them and doing the dumb junk that friends do.

2) Human bloody-mindedness. Some people are born jerks. Some have jerkhood thrust upon them. When someone who takes great pride in being a jerk (often in the guise of I'm Just Being Honest) comes in and starts stirring up the pot for their own twisted entertainment, the aforementioned community knee-jerks into DANGER! ALERT! INCOMING JACKHOLE! active defense. I've done it before, almost certainly too often. While I'm not necessarily sorry I did it, I do apologize for it, because that's not what this forum was intended for. But it's people like me who reflexively go after people acting like jerks who allow that bloody-mindedness to blossom; what better way to showcase one's jerkitude than against someone who thinks they're a righteous defender? We fall into the trap, again and again, and with something like Changes getting under a lot of people's thin-skinned fingernails (please pardon the horrible mixed metaphor), the squawkers have been coming out in droves. All of which makes for a forum that's a verbal killing ground, which has nothing to do with the board's original design intent.

And now a third side of the coin for good measure and typical WTFness:

3) Lack of filter. I'm guilty of it, as are most of the prolific posters. We tend to post what we think, rapid-fire. BAD news. A lot of what's been happening lately, far from being strife, has been people going WAY past the line of what's generally acceptable on a PG forum (Parental Guidance, not you, Paynesgrey ;D ). We're just not stopping and thinking, "Hey, is this something that everyone on here who isn't an utterly unreasonable twit can at least tolerate, or are there potentially strong EW factors that I just haven't considered?" I've never believed a public forum should HAVE to be cleaner than what you see on prime-time network (NOT cable) TV, but we should at least try to take the high road. Which definitely incriminates my posts about cat barf.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 11:30:40 PM
Maybe not.  Your point, repeatedly, has been that without the shoulder-to-cry-on threads, we have no sense of community.  I dispute that.  I understand if you, personally, only feel connected to people with whom you've shared personal life details.  But I know I, and I assume some others since I can't imagine I'm that unique, keep coming back here for shared interests like the Author boards, a bunch of threads in Media Favorites, and the laughs from LOLCats, among other threads.   My sense of community from this board has nothing to do with the more personal threads.  It does for some, plainly, but your post indicates it's the ONLY way to foster that sense of community.

This is incorrect.
It's not the only way for everyone Kali, but I think it is for many here.  I don't know how many forums I've been to for books, authors, hobbies, movies and the like, but I've never found one like this forum, anywhere, ever.  I've seen Troll Havens where the L33T bash and trash the Ingorant Noobs, I've seen plenty with pleasant aquaintances chatting pleasantly about On Topic Matters, but I've not seen the type of friendship and belonging or wide-ranging inclusiveness I've seen here.  That suggests that there's something in the broth that's different.  Might be just the Healing Power of Jim, but I think the membership and general style had something to do with it.

For some people, intelligent and mannered conversation about the books is all the sense of community they need.  But others have different interests and needs, and came looking not just for people to chat about the books with, but for friends.  I daresay even more didn't know they were looking for friends when they got here, but stayed because of what they found in addition to thoughtful and/or entertaining discussions of Jim's writing.  Some people need a broth with more, fish and fowl and good red meat.  Hell, I'm an ill tempered, cynical bastard, but on more than one occassion I've had my day made by reading some random act of kindness conversations around here.  Just seeing people being nice, trying to help someone who was hurting, has elevated the value of this forum for me by an order of magnitude so I can only imagine what it's done for those people who found themselves recieving good wishes and advice.  And I remember when I was younger, pretty much shunned and isolated, awkward and shy.  (Now that I've led a life and grown into myself, I'm a Power Cat Super Stud of Leisurely Coolness.)  But I know how much I would have valued all the aspects of this community 30 years ago.  And I'd say it's a safe bet there are people using these forums who are wearing shoes that would have fit me perfectly all those years ago.  And I will whup wholesale ass on anyone who shines my tarnished reputation by repeating all this nice, positive shit I"m saing this outside tis thread.  (Ok, I won't whup any ass, but I'll be very disapointed in you.)

I do realize that it does make more work for the mods, which is why I'm asking people for suggestions on how to alleviate that while not limiting the forum to Happy Stuff Only, Book Stuff Only, and LoL Cats.

I think that without a corner where people can seek and offer advice and compassion on non-book matters, provide or receive a shoulder cry on, this forum will be a much colder place if they're being told "I'm sorry about your cat, but this forum is to talk about whether The Accords deal specifically with the matter of Harry's shoe size."  
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 11:33:21 PM
I would like to suggest that we do have a SCAdians section, especially because many of us SCA peeps get together at events and bring our Dresden Files fandom there.  While we may not post regularly there is usually a flurry before big events.

Mostly, we should be more appreciative of Fred's grace in hosting these boards, and we should all remember to apply some of the rules of courtesy that the world at large has forgotten about.

When speaking regarding fellow posters always try to apply simple rules to what you have to say: 
It is in this way that we can thank Fred for giving us all a second chance.

How about "Is it something you'd say sitting next to Jim?"   ;D 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: C.T. Adams on May 29, 2010, 11:37:21 PM
I find that the LolCritters made my day, often helping me out a lot when I was having a particularly cruddy day at work. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 29, 2010, 11:39:32 PM
Well, everything is better with kittens.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 29, 2010, 11:44:42 PM
How about "Is it something you'd say sitting next to Jim?"   ;D 

(Psst: Not a good argument for me. I have no shame whatsoever. :D )
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 30, 2010, 12:10:10 AM
Keeping the community element is important to me.  I'm working with folks over on the forum thread to identify how to create that feeling but "spin" it as positively as possible. I've seen what the community has done for Jim over the course of more than a decade, so keep that in mind: The policies and decisions I enact are for the health of both. What's good (and reflects well upon) Jim? What's good (and healthy for) the community?

I'm close to feeling like I've gotten the exploration of perspectives that I needed from this thread. Let's do a couple more pages of on-point discussion and then call it enough.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 30, 2010, 12:13:58 AM
I think this has been mentioned, but instead of "angst corner", a "Helping Hands" thread?  It's pointed in a positive direction with such a name, and with a little friendly policing, "be nice, or be dog food" maybe we could keep it from spinning out of yuck again.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 30, 2010, 12:15:13 AM
Keeping the community element is important to me.  I'm working with folks over on the forum thread to identify how to create that feeling but "spin" it as positively as possible. I've seen what the community has done for Jim over the course of more than a decade, so keep that in mind: The policies and decisions I enact are for the health of both. What's good (and reflects well upon) Jim? What's good (and healthy for) the community?

I'm close to feeling like I've gotten the exploration of perspectives that I needed from this thread. Let's do a couple more pages of on-point discussion and then call it enough.

Fair enough.

One thing you might want to consider is starting out a little strict, restricting threads to the main generalities already outlined in this thread, and then relaxing in individual areas as long as behavior stays within reasonably acceptable parameters (i.e., no blood drawn).
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Myyrdn Eopia on May 30, 2010, 12:49:59 AM
What I think should be part of the new pub (keep in mind I only spent limited time in there, mostly in the game closet):

Games Closet
Poetry Corner
Helping Hands/Worry Room
Comedy Night
The Cutes That Uplift

The last two might be able to be merged, in the case of LOLcats.

And, I've already said this on the Facebook discussion, but I'll say it again.  With every action comes an equal and opposite reaction.  With the good comes the bad.  It's humanity.  However, if we put a firm stamp saying "These are the rules, abide by them or face the Fist of God," then we ourselves need to start emulating that, being the role models, as it were.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 30, 2010, 12:51:55 AM
I've merged the idea of writing and other crafting into a single area for now, "I Made An Art". New board's up. I've also moved the Games Closet out of McAnallys and renamed it "Forum Games", restoring access to it. Looking at other things as well, still; I'm definitely not done. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 30, 2010, 01:00:57 AM
You would need more mods for this certainly, because I wouldn't expect the few we've got now to take it on, but you could limit the "Worry Room" type of place to pre-approved threads, and you have to ask a mod to post your thread, at least for a little while, until the boards cool down.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Blaze on May 30, 2010, 01:03:46 AM
How about "Is it something you'd say sitting next to Jim?"   ;D 

I like that.  You are sitting there with Jim, your Mom and your favorite teacher of all time.  Now how do you behave?  Oh yeah, and Shecky is behind you with a sword.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on May 30, 2010, 01:06:54 AM
I like that.  You are sitting there with Jim, your Mom and your favorite teacher of all time.  Now how do you behave?  Oh yeah, and Shecky is behind you with a sword.

This is a problem.  I had a HUGE crush on my favorite teacher of all time.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 30, 2010, 01:10:37 AM
I think that reminding people that what they post here is here forever and in print might work better than asking them to use filters they might not have IRL.  (I know I lack real filters IRL.) 

Is there a way to make previewing your post before hitting "post" mandatory?  A required "think twice" button?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 30, 2010, 01:12:36 AM
I like that.  You are sitting there with Jim, your Mom and your favorite teacher of all time.  Now how do you behave?  Oh yeah, and Shecky is behind you with a sword.

Not to mention a wiseass comment for every spelling and grammar mistake you might make. ;D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 30, 2010, 01:21:37 AM
You would need more mods for this certainly, because I wouldn't expect the few we've got now to take it on, but you could limit the "Worry Room" type of place to pre-approved threads, and you have to ask a mod to post your thread, at least for a little while, until the boards cool down.

More mods, definately, even if they're just "assistants" who only really act as Junior G-Men for the Off Topic section, trying to settle things escacalating to teh real live grown up mods onlyh when necessary.  But they'll need official status, call em wardens, paranet assistants, doormen, whatever.  otherwise, many will just say "bossy old timers yelling at me, you're not the boss of me!"  To which the Li'l Modlings can say "No, but I work for the boss of you, see the title?"

I'm not sure about pre-approving worry room threads, that'll make a delay and if someone's having an absolute shitstorm (Mom's sick, cat's dying and I lost my job today), the hugs and "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW!" posts will be delayed.  Plus it's more work for whoever has to police it.  I think with more eyes on 'em, maybe some Official Worry Room Nannies, we can grinch badness before it gets rolling to fast and splashes on Iago's boots.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 30, 2010, 01:24:16 AM
Hell, I'll volunteer for the duty, but only if I get to have a cool title like "Super Angst Haus Death Nanny, Don't Make Me, like, tell one of the real mods to tell you to shut up, because they'll be pissed I had to bother them about your stupid BS."

Hey, I can dream, can't I?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 30, 2010, 01:25:05 AM
I've merged the idea of writing and other crafting into a single area for now, "I Made An Art".

Merge that with the LOLcat thread: "I Can Haz a Art". :D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 30, 2010, 01:25:53 AM
we can grinch badness

WANT. Can I volunteer to be a Grinchifier?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 30, 2010, 01:29:01 AM
Sure.  Wielding his mighty Dwarf Forged Grinchhammer Of Yeah, You Just Had to Go There, Now You's My Beyotch.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 30, 2010, 01:32:08 AM

I have finally found a goal in life.

Seriously, I think the only real way to make it work AND LAST is to keep the reins in hand and apply the spurs liberally at the beginning, and loosen up later as the board seems to direct itself out of self-preservation.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Priscellie on May 30, 2010, 01:34:19 AM
More mods, definately, even if they're just "assistants" who only really act as Junior G-Men for the Off Topic section, trying to settle things escacalating to teh real live grown up mods onlyh when necessary.  But they'll need official status, call em wardens, paranet assistants, doormen, whatever.  otherwise, many will just say "bossy old timers yelling at me, you're not the boss of me!"  To which the Li'l Modlings can say "No, but I work for the boss of you, see the title?"

I'm not sure about pre-approving worry room threads, that'll make a delay and if someone's having an absolute shitstorm (Mom's sick, cat's dying and I lost my job today), the hugs and "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW!" posts will be delayed.  Plus it's more work for whoever has to police it.  I think with more eyes on 'em, maybe some Official Worry Room Nannies, we can grinch badness before it gets rolling to fast and splashes on Iago's boots.

I'm thinking "Loo Tender." :D

And if someone is having a "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW" situation, they probably shouldn't be posting on the forum.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 30, 2010, 01:36:36 AM
Board-specific moderators are already called "Wardens" in the current naming scheme. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 30, 2010, 01:37:25 AM
Okay, folks, I've created a bunch of new boards, and I've done some reorganization in general. Am I done yet? Not necessarily. The new boards are open for business, but the pub itself is staying closed while I contemplate whether or not we really need a "catch-all" for the new set-up.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 30, 2010, 01:38:48 AM
I'm thinking "Loo Tender." :D

And if someone is having a "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW" situation, they probably shouldn't be posting on the forum.

You know that, I know that, they might not know that.  ;)  'sides.  Might be a mental health practitioner sort of doctor they need to be calling.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Kali on May 30, 2010, 01:41:27 AM
"This board has grammar-checking.  We call him 'Shecky'."
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Myyrdn Eopia on May 30, 2010, 01:43:53 AM
Wardens?  Eugh.  Who wants to associate with that stuffy old bunch?

*eyes shecky with his grinchhammer and pg with his muppet sword*
*backs away*

Okay, guys.... Easy, easy.... Whatever you do, just leave my hands alone!  I play piano for a living!  And my right foot!  I need that too!

As the the current layout looks good, Fred.  It just has a lot more threads on the front page than I'm used to.

"This board has grammar-checking.  We call him 'Shecky'."

Quite.  We also has garbage disposals.  We call it the Grinchhammer and the Banhamsters.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Ms Duck on May 30, 2010, 01:44:38 AM
Jokes aside, I hope that I have been a help to a few of the younger folks on the board, just as someone to talk too.

may I sugest:

an annoucements board? for postings of birthdays, weddings, facehugger hatchings?

a stated request that everything be kept at a pg level? this includes jokes, comments, ineundos,etc..I have accidentally offended a few people from time to time, and with my sense of humor will be idfficult, but hey its a challenge.

I did wonder what is the percentage of headaches that arrise from the book discussions itself; JB's fans can be quite passionate and I know from personal experience we dont let our pet theories die without a complete embalment, funeral, and eventual reserection of hard feelings popping up elsewhere in oother thread.

maybe break the dresden spoilers up into a few catgeories?

we tend to recycle theories as new posters show up and reinvent them, and then one of us olf farts has to explain for the 17th time that Justin is D E D, and the new poster gets a feeling we are ebing unfreindly... may I sugest:

a who is cowl section?
what do the blackcouncil?
who blew up Murphy's car etc?

these are common thread that just get repated over ad infintum.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Priscellie on May 30, 2010, 01:46:11 AM
Wow, the new layout is looking very thorough!  I look forward to getting to know this new setup.  You freaking rock, Fred. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 30, 2010, 01:48:03 AM
This is going to take awhile to get used to!
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 30, 2010, 03:16:08 AM
I've split the FAQ discussion into a new topic.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: El Diablo on May 30, 2010, 03:25:06 AM
Gallagher has a simple solution to what I perceive to be the actual problem.

He wanted dart guns with darts and red flags. The concept was if enough people with their one shot against someone broke a limit, then the person driving with all the darts and flags would be puled over and ticketed.

If you want a board that stays pablum fun, then just institute a complaint ceiling. More mods have not, and won't be an answer (as evidenced by the "policing problem"). Ya'll know what you want your board to do, so just buckle that sword in that Lea fashioned sword hilt, and start hacking heads.

And yes, I fully understand I'm in the crossfire for the snicker-snack of the vorpal blade.

You know what you want to see and what you will tolerate . Just cut to the chase and do it.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 30, 2010, 03:32:25 AM
Looks promising.  I'm very, very glad to see the Advice Column, I think it'll be of great help to people, and I think the extra "orientation" materials on each board are going to help.  Everything's clearly labeled, so even a simple creature such as myself can find it's way about and grasp what behaviour is expected in the diverse nooks and crannies.  I know these types of extra boards mean more work for you guys, and I appreciate that you're willing to give it a shot to preserve the community feel.  And the kittens.  Because everything is better with kittens.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shandra on May 30, 2010, 03:38:18 AM

Mostly, we should be more appreciative of Fred's grace in hosting these boards, and we should all remember to apply some of the rules of courtesy that the world at large has forgotten about.

There's an old phrase by a very wise woman.  "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance.  Never attribute to ignorance what can be adequately explained by miscommunication.  Assume everything is miscommunication."

And a re-post from the FB discussion:

I've been a moderator for a corporate gaming board for many years (11 as a member, 7 as a mod). And a mod/admin of many fan forums (non-Jim related). I've seen (and unfortunately participated) in many of these before.

It's up to us long time members to step up and "pre-mod" things, remind members of the rules of "Neutral Accorded Ground" and such. Make sure the WC has less work to do!

I'm wondering if it would be advisable for the White Council (forum staff) to add some Mac's only mini-moderators (Wardens) of people who have shown themselves to be long-time members of good standing. They wouldn't be able to ban people, but they could move threads/posts to a special board for the WC to review and work with as they see fit.

Mac's does need more "eyes" since it's a big place, but if we don't keep an eye on it, who will?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Amber on May 30, 2010, 04:33:42 AM
Hmmm...  Is there someplace for things like the chocolate worship thread?  Where would be a good place for that sort of thing?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on May 30, 2010, 04:55:33 AM
I think there are really some good ideas here. For one thing, increased numbers of mods can provide a more consistent presence. I believe in the past discussions just rambled on into trouble until crisis stage, then a mod was called, and then Ashton just stomped it to dust. Unless a mod had a personal interest in the topic, they never noticed it until trouble came.

And in more recent events, I saw what looked like a lot of bad feeling that had built up over a long time until it exploded. Hurt feelings fester. If a mod who appeared more approachable was available, like Shecky, maybe some drama could be avoided. Of course Shecky will have to quit any semblance of a day job and just devote his life to this.

I've been amazed and humbled at some of the things people put out there on this board. Deeply personal and hurtful (to them) situations. As a firmly repressed white woman from the frozen north, I was first appalled, then charmed, and then jealous of the torrent of warmth and caring provided by other board members. Mac's Pub provided a window into different worlds, if only in terms of the weather. I've seen other perspectives and been made keenly aware the world consists of more than the 3 square miles around me. I've seen genuine kindness, (as well as a very few total jerks).

This board is a tricky balancing act, and like humor itself, these opinions can and will be totally subjective. If the mods, having had eggs instead of French toast for breakfast, are offended they can take action - or at least issue a warning. I think short-term banning powers would be good, but tell the offender what happened and why.

And there are people who like to argue and stir the pot just to see what happens. Sometimes I'm one of them. I can certainly understand why Fred doesn't want that. It's annoying, time consuming and he's a dad but he's not our dad. (How's the baby, btw?) And of course he shouldn't have to.

FWIW  :-*
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Sorryman105 on May 30, 2010, 10:41:18 AM
As a corollary to PG's post, I'd like to suggest:

Fun Banter (Check 'tudes at the door)
- Come in and yammer to your heart's content. But if you bring attitude, there'll be no yammer and all hammer.

Advice, Please
- Not for real venting or complaining. Just for people who genuinely don't know what to do (look at the Advice About Sick Pets Etc. thread for an example) or can't figure out what's wrong. Or you really need a shoulder to cry on.

Seconded, I haven't been doing much posting for a while for the same reason's as Noey but I hope the changes bring back the atmosphere that existed int he earlier time when I joined.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Der Sturmbrecher on May 30, 2010, 06:11:28 PM
Is there a place left for general weirdness and socializing, or would that be spread throughout the rest of the threads and/or the chat? Putting in the chat is, as was mentioned earlier, going to cause synchronicity problems for people. I've seen posts from folks in Europe and on the West Coast of the US. Between time zones and jobs, chat alone won't be good enough.

Is the weirdness aspect necessary? Maybe not, but it's positive. When not abused, Weird gave the board a friendlier feel.

This might be the wrong spot, but could each board area maybe have a different color scheme or decor pattern? A little change of shade every now and then would be a mercy on the eyes. Some mild JB artwork in the background would be cool. Depending on the details, it could also remind forum goers of the atmosphere we're going for.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: The Dread Pharaoh Roberts on May 30, 2010, 06:22:33 PM
I've been fairly absent for the past six months or so (a lot of IRL chaos and tragedy...but that's beside the point) but the biggest reason I kept coming back in the couple of years before that has  been the sense of community here, the silly threads (and not just my Secret Hollowed Out Volcano in Weird) and the sheer wit of some of the folks around here.

I do like the idea of a sort of "constable" group of more experienced members who can snuff trouble before it gets started.  That might be a good way to keep things moving smoothly...not so much "board specific moderators" as a roving band of sanctioned do-gooders.  Somehow I see Shecky being involved here...
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Buttersfly on May 30, 2010, 08:09:30 PM
I agree with earlier posts from Paynesgray and Neurovore--it's good to have a place to come that's thick with friends who will, as P. G. Wodehouse put it, cluster round when you have a problem, whether that's a sick pet or homework or depression or a musty book to deodorize.  No, that's not directly related to Jim's books, but since Harry is someone who lives to help others, help and advice are certainly in the spirit of the oeuvre.

Also, I was on hiatus when Touchy Topics melted down, and I've missed whatever prompted this reorganization of the cat herding system, but I can hardly think of a truly unkind or offensive post that I've read myself.  Maybe I was on the wrong threads, but I've always thought  of this site as a home.

Cheers to Iago & Co.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 31, 2010, 12:51:32 AM
Folks are asking where weirdness and other bits of silliness go. I'd argue that "Forum Games And Other Silliness" is probably a good place for it for now.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on May 31, 2010, 01:00:03 AM
I've been fairly absent for the past six months or so (a lot of IRL chaos and tragedy...but that's beside the point) but the biggest reason I kept coming back in the couple of years before that has  been the sense of community here, the silly threads (and not just my Secret Hollowed Out Volcano in Weird) and the sheer wit of some of the folks around here.

I do like the idea of a sort of "constable" group of more experienced members who can snuff trouble before it gets started.  That might be a good way to keep things moving smoothly...not so much "board specific moderators" as a roving band of sanctioned do-gooders.  Somehow I see Shecky being involved here...

Only if I get to wield a GRINCHHAMMER. Otherwise known as a ban-AA-12 with purple neon paint on it naming it GRINCHHAMMER.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on May 31, 2010, 03:45:33 AM
And you can toodle around the threads on the Spankwagon.

Reckon it would look something like this...

Jump to the 1:00 minute mark.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on May 31, 2010, 03:48:25 AM
Are the lolcatz coming back?????
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: El Diablo on May 31, 2010, 03:49:29 AM
Having shecky as a mod would definitely be an advantage if you wanted to silence the forums.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Priscellie on May 31, 2010, 04:01:02 AM
Having shecky as a mod would definitely be an advantage if you wanted to silence the forums.

Dude.  Backhanded insults are just as unwelcome on this forum as direct ones.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on May 31, 2010, 08:53:55 PM
Having shecky as a mod would definitely be an advantage if you wanted to silence the forums.

Pris is too nice. This is your only warning you'll get during our period of heightened intolerance. Cut that crap out on my board, or expect to get a mandatory vacation from it.

When we want people to weigh in on who should or should not be named as moderators, we will tell you. Please do not take this thread as a call for weighing in on who might work as mods. It's not.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on May 31, 2010, 10:02:51 PM
And you can toodle around the threads on the Spankwagon.

Reckon it would look something like this...

Jump to the 1:00 minute mark.

That is special!!!! Will the long hair and bad teeth also be required?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Jaeh on June 01, 2010, 12:41:28 AM
Are the lolcatz coming back?????

I liked the lolcats and the demotivators. they make me laugh/smile, and they make for good post stuff in other forums. people here know what's funny, so I don't have to look far to grab funny pics. :D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 01, 2010, 12:55:43 AM
Folks can start that sort of thing up on the It Came From The Internets board.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: The Dread Pharaoh Roberts on June 01, 2010, 02:10:17 AM
When we want people to weigh in on who should or should not be named as moderators, we will tell you. Please do not take this thread as a call for weighing in on who might work as mods. It's not.

Didn't mean to create an issue there.  Shecky just seemed like the responsible type and a good example of a hypothetical candidate for the hypothetical position...

Back on topic, I really do believe having "mini-mods" on the prowl will help reduce the annoyance levels for the 'real' mods.  At least that's my hope...
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on June 01, 2010, 02:14:31 AM
Folks can start that sort of thing up on the It Came From The Internets Teh Intarwebz  board.

FIFY; get it right next time. ;D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: El Diablo on June 01, 2010, 02:18:15 AM
Shecky just seemed like the responsible type and a good example of a hypothetical candidate for the hypothetical position...

Some folks might not agree with that. I admit I sounded snarky with what I got slapped for, but I didn't know how to state it better.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on June 01, 2010, 02:20:00 AM
And you can toodle around the threads on the Spankwagon.

Reckon it would look something like this...

Jump to the 1:00 minute mark.

That'd work. Or this, for the camp effect:

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: The Dread Pharaoh Roberts on June 01, 2010, 02:21:30 AM
Some folks might not agree with that. I admit I sounded snarky with what I got slapped for, but I didn't know how to state it better.

Well, this still isn't the time or place to debate anyone's merits for a hypothetical job that won't be up to the general populace of the board to choose anyway.  Let's try to stay on topic so Fred will get useful info out of this.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on June 01, 2010, 02:27:19 AM
I really like the new spoiler tags, with Increased User-Friendliness!!!!

 :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Aludra on June 01, 2010, 03:16:50 PM
New spoiler tags are cool. I  like the chat also. 

It's already been mentioned but prettty please keep Media Favorites!! I loved that section especially with the sticky-d threads "Media that mentions Jim Butcher" and "Good funny websites".

Edit: Thanks for keeping Media Favorites and teh great sticky threads.  Also, I like the new organization scheme.  Pretty awesome.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: ashton on June 01, 2010, 04:16:32 PM
Some folks might not agree with that. I admit I sounded snarky with what I got slapped for, but I didn't know how to state it better.

If you know ahead of time that what you're going to communicate is "snarky" or will irritate the board moderators, you should consider rewriting it or not writing it at all.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on June 01, 2010, 05:45:12 PM
Thank you for all the work done on this, it's an impressive new set-up.

With this many new divisions, I'm finding it hard to envision precisely what-all might be left in the general "Friendly Pub" space. 

Also, would it be considered reasonable to post in two sub-boards if you have something that seems to fit in both places - for example, if you find a totally awesome Dr. Who fanvid on youtube, would putting a link both in It Came from The Internets and in the Dr. Who thread in Media Favourites be considered OK ?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Chiana on June 01, 2010, 05:47:26 PM
Favorite places...lolcatz, Media Favorites, and anything to do with Reader's Art (beading, photography,writing).  And Weird, because it was a place that accepts weird blue people like me.

PS:  I am really digging how the site is looking and think the end result will be great!   :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 01, 2010, 09:35:09 PM
Also, would it be considered reasonable to post in two sub-boards if you have something that seems to fit in both places - for example, if you find a totally awesome Dr. Who fanvid on youtube, would putting a link both in It Came from The Internets and in the Dr. Who thread in Media Favourites be considered OK ?

No, I'd prefer one post. You can post something in a secondary board with a link to the primary thread, I suppose, but I'd prefer something that *doesn't* cause further post proliferation. Dr. Who seems pretty clearly a Media Favorites topic, to comment on the specific case. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shandra on June 02, 2010, 03:45:24 AM
One more forum I'd like to see...  Something for our other hobbies...  SCA, knitting, geocaching, cosplay, gardening, sewing, etc...  other ways for the community to connect. 

Thanks for the opportunity.

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on June 02, 2010, 03:48:26 AM
One more forum I'd like to see...  Something for our other hobbies...  SCA, knitting, geocaching, cosplay, gardening, sewing, etc...  other ways for the community to connect. 

Thanks for the opportunity.


There's "I Made An Art" under the Community heading. I've seen a crocheting/knitting thing there.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 02, 2010, 04:11:06 AM
Most of those things would fit in the "Art" area. SCA is an interesting one, tho. Maybe the game den? Story of us? Ditto geocaching. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Myyrdn Eopia on June 02, 2010, 04:38:09 AM
I'd say that'd fit under "Story of Us."  Title of "SCAdians Unite," or some such.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Blaze on June 02, 2010, 05:51:35 AM
Yeah the SCA should be a Story of Us rather than a game.  Also including, Calling All ScAdians, maybe?

Also, is the virtual gallery (,10119.0/topicseen.html) able to be saved somewhere, like in I made an art?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Ink Slinger on June 02, 2010, 12:34:22 PM
*raises hand*  I second Blaze's request.  There was some awesome stuffs in there. 

And I'd also like to say Fred, thanks for all your hard work and the many second chances we get.

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 02, 2010, 01:47:11 PM
The Virtual Gallery has been moved to the Display Case.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Ink Slinger on June 02, 2010, 01:48:01 PM
Thank you, Thank you! :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Blaze on June 02, 2010, 08:05:56 PM
Thank you, Fred!
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Curly on June 03, 2010, 01:07:35 PM
About the idea of increasing the number of mods:

I think that there's a possibility of creating mod-envy, in the same way we see BETA-envy on the boards, with requests to become Beta-readers and such.

This could become a problem.

But it could also be harnessed to encourage better behaviour.*Strokes newly formed beard*

In another forum that I won't name, a similar effect was created, to the point that a FAQ was needed on the conditions of being named moderator, because the mods got sick of repeating themselves. It seems as though the fact that people respect the mods, and the presence of a slight possibility of becoming one, can give people some carrot to moderate their own comportment.

It is the only Forum I know that has fewer incidences of flame-war and other bad behaviour than here, this despite the fact that it's purpose is specifically to gather people of many native tongues, cultures and viewpoints.

I've nicked some of the guidelines from the FAQ, not to tell you what to do, just as humble suggestions in the event that I'm wrong and you are actually human. ;)
Who are the moderators?
They are ordinary members (or “foreros”, in forum slang) who have been invited by the administrative team to take on a temporary assignment. They are unpaid volunteers who help maintain order in the forums, in addition to participating in the forums as regular members.

How are moderators chosen?
When there are openings on the administrative team, current moderators suggest and discuss candidates. The administrator makes the final decision, considering these requirements:
- Very active in the forums, available and willing;
- Highly capable in the languages of the forums they are to moderate;
- Easy to work with and very helpful, especially with beginners;
- Collaborative with both moderator staff and fellow members;
- Serious, trustworthy and obviously dedicated to the _____ Mission.

Where can moderators moderate?
Each moderator is responsible for one or two forums or subforums. All moderators have the ability to moderate in any forum, but they generally moderate only in their assigned forums.

Why do moderators have different titles than other members?
Each moderator is free to choose his or her own title.

What do moderators do?
Moderators keep the forum clean, organized and running smoothly. Their duties include:
- Reading threads to ensure that posts are cordial, collegial, on-topic and not chatty, and that they follow rules of punctuation and capitalization;
- Merging or deleting duplicate posts and threads;
- Responding to report-a-post messages from members;
- Moving misplaced threads to the appropriate forum;
- Closing or removing threads that are outside the scope of a forum;
- Changing thread titles for clarity;
- Deleting advertising and “spam” posts;
- Editing posts as necessary, to fulfill the mission of the forums;
- Banning members, when necessary;
- Asking posters for context and complete sentences;
- Sending private messages to members;
- Answering threads like any other member.

How can the  community help the moderator team?
All members are encouraged to direct moderators to any post or thread that needs attention. Just click on the red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the post you wish to report.

Do moderators work as a team?
The moderators collaborate as much as possible. Because moderators are in different time zones and have responsibility for different forums, they tend to work independently. Each forum has its own customs and practices, so moderator actions may vary from one forum to the next.

Can moderators be disciplined just like other members? By whom?
Moderators must abide by the rules, just like other members. Their posts can be reported by members and are subject to moderation by other moderators. If disciplinary action is warranted, it is carried out by the administrator.

What do I do if I disagree with a moderator action?
Discussions about moderator or administrator actions are welcome via email or private message, but should not be discussed in the public forums. This is out of respect for the members and moderators involved.
If you don’t understand or agree with a moderator’s actions, send a private message to that moderator or another moderator that you trust. Your complaints and suggestions are welcome and will help us improve the  forums.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Sorryman105 on June 03, 2010, 04:04:24 PM
Thank you for all the work done on this, it's an impressive new set-up.

With this many new divisions, I'm finding it hard to envision precisely what-all might be left in the general "Friendly Pub" space.  

Also, would it be considered reasonable to post in two sub-boards if you have something that seems to fit in both places - for example, if you find a totally awesome Dr. Who fanvid on youtube, would putting a link both in It Came from The Internets and in the Dr. Who thread in Media Favourites be considered OK ?

Or an awesome Soap Bob being sold and couldn't figure out where it would fit in the new system? It fits as an internet thing (since its an internet company selling it) but also as something author related, book related and media related. I ended up putting in the book section without thinking which in hindsight was not the best place for it.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on June 03, 2010, 07:29:59 PM
Two things:

First, Thank you, Fred. This took (is still taking) a LOT of work, and I'm sure I'm not alone in appreciating all of the effort you're putting into it.

To Panesgrey: Thank you for fighting for the Community Support type threads. Sure, there are some who make their friends through discourse on what happened, what will happen and what might happen in JB's books, but I'm not one of them.

If this site lost it's ability to let me just hang out at the bar with my pals, whether life is good or not at the time, it would lose my interest, too. There's only so much hashing and rehashing I can handle over a 6 hour read once a year. I love the people here, and I've come to love them through the little windows of personal life they post here in words and pictures. It's brought a lot to my life, and I would miss it if it was gone from JBO.

As for my suggestions... I want Weird back. I've tried the chat, and it's not that I don't like it, it just doesn't serve me well. It can be glitchy, eating your reply and sending it into a black hole somewhere. It blanked out on me three times in a minute once. And trying to visually sift through multiple conversations to find your own is VERY fatiguing on the eyes. I've already mentioned to you, Fred, that I like the ability to catch up on posts made while I was sleeping with some of the friends I've made here from other time zones, and your rebuttal to that is well taken, BUT if we behave properly as you're asking us to, then what's the risk?

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 07:33:39 PM
BUT if we behave properly as you're asking us to, then what's the risk?

The request to behave properly has not fundamentally changed. At what point do I stop going back and giving another chance despite people saying, "No really, baby, I've changed"?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on June 03, 2010, 07:36:11 PM
The request to behave properly has not fundamentally changed. At what point do I stop going back and giving another chance despite people saying, "No really, baby, I've changed"?

Good point.

Guess it's a matter of: Do you stop dating the one who hurts you? Or swear off humans all together?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 07:53:47 PM
Good point.

Guess it's a matter of: Do you stop dating the one who hurts you? Or swear off humans all together?

Stop dating the one who hurts me (undirected chats in a general chat area), or swear off humans (the whole forum) all together?  The former. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on June 03, 2010, 07:55:26 PM
^ This is the problem with metaphor. :D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: nthnclls on June 03, 2010, 07:59:09 PM
Stop dating the one who hurts me (undirected chats in a general chat area), or swear off humans (the whole forum) all together?  The former. :)

I guess the question is, was the undirected chats the problem, or was the Angst corner the problem?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on June 03, 2010, 08:14:39 PM
Stop dating the one who hurts me (undirected chats in a general chat area), or swear off humans (the whole forum) all together?  The former. :)

Alexander looked out over his domain and wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.

I look at this straight line, and weep because among all the really saucy lines clawing and screeching to get out of my head, I can't find a single PG-13 one. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Heretic on June 03, 2010, 08:32:00 PM
Regarding Weird and the like....would it be possible to set up such threads with a very short post life-span?  Something like, "All posts over 48 hours old are automatically deleted every night."?  This would (I think) be long enough to maintain the sense of community and conversation across time zones, but hopefully short enough to keep things fresh, and to keep the threads from getting too large.

Sorry if this has already been suggested and just won't work.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on June 03, 2010, 08:37:10 PM
Regarding Weird and the like....would it be possible to set up such threads with a very short post life-span?  Something like, "All posts over 48 hours old are automatically deleted every night."?  This would (I think) be long enough to maintain the sense of community and conversation across time zones, but hopefully short enough to keep things fresh, and to keep the threads from getting too large.

It would however kill the ability to keep conversations going over weekends for people who do not have reliable weekend net access.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 08:54:53 PM
I thought I recalled "Weird..." being a not-Angst thing in terms of its location. But it's definitely where some of the blow-up happened.

The idea of a short lifespan pub (though I agree, 48 hours is way too short) is, at least, intriguing to me. The problem with that, though, is that thread expiration right now (as an automated thing) depends on the concept of topics which are inactive for a period of time. Deleting *some* of the posts out of a topic just isn't in the cards right now.

I *suppose* a different tweak could be done, where a topic within a short-span board gets *locked* once it's 7 days old, or whatever, and then suffers a quick (+7 days more) death thereafter.

While I'm not sold on that as a solution, it *does* sound like I need to suss out a compromise position. I've got a few ideas bubbling. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on June 03, 2010, 09:10:25 PM
The idea of a short lifespan pub (though I agree, 48 hours is way too short) is, at least, intriguing to me. The problem with that, though, is that thread expiration right now (as an automated thing) depends on the concept of topics which are inactive for a period of time. Deleting *some* of the posts out of a topic just isn't in the cards right now.

How if you have each post in a thread /shorten/ the requisite period of inactivity.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 09:12:33 PM
How if you have each post in a thread /shorten/ the requisite period of inactivity.

Funny! Not quite worth the effort, I think -- but funny. :)

I'm working on an idea for what to do to support undirected conversation. Idea's getting floated past the Council, but I'll be airing it soon.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on June 03, 2010, 09:17:08 PM
How much trouble would it be to keep week old undirecteds out of the "unread posts since last visit" and only in the "new replies to your posts" list?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 09:20:43 PM
How much trouble would it be to keep week old undirecteds out of the "unread posts since last visit" and only in the "new replies to your posts" list?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on June 03, 2010, 09:28:33 PM
Thanks for considering it, Fred. Yeah, Weird was where the latest *thing* happened, but all in all I think that was more a tragedy of timing and people being lax about not paying attention to where they're posting than a matter of the nature of the undirective nature of the thread. Given its LONG history (over 100 threads in Nostalgia Nook) of Good Times, I'd offer that it was a good thread that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  ;)

Nevertheless, whatever the Council comes up with I'm sure will be the best possible option.

In the meantime, where are we going to put the Pricellie is a Goddess, Iago is the Fist of God, Mickey is No Mouse, and Ashton is the ManHarpy of Doom threads?
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 09:29:46 PM
They'll have a place soon. I'm waiting on a quorum of approval for my idea. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on June 03, 2010, 10:16:09 PM

Shame.   No US board I know of seems to support out-of-sight-out-of-mind type functionality.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on June 03, 2010, 10:20:20 PM
Shame.   No US board I know of seems to support out-of-sight-out-of-mind type functionality.

Unless I misunderstand what you are saying, this out-of-sight-out-of-mind stuff gets dug up and slapped onto Fred's back. That's what he's trying to avoid. I think he wants stuff gone in a more timely fashion, which means threads ideas will get repeated as new people come onto the board. He'll do something to fix it, though.  ;D
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Shecky on June 03, 2010, 10:23:52 PM
Shame.   No US board I know of seems to support out-of-sight-out-of-mind type functionality.

Well, in the cases Fred's addressed publicly, people were getting their knickers in a knot over stuff that was days (and, I believe in some cases, weeks) old. Having a short-lifespan design could possibly eliminate some of that - give people less stuff to piss themselves off over, and they might behave better. Nothing's ever 100%, though; some folks are just bound and determined to be offended, and some topics are almost automatic button-pushers. Keeping a non-topical subforum open will have to be a balance between blandness and riot. As has been noted by some here, most of the general Mac's threads have a long, long history of being non-riotish, so that gives me more hope that they'd tend to be that way than fear that they'd degenerate into snipsnarksnarl. I think if we have something like that but keep a fairly regular eye on it (and maybe address via PM people who look like they're edging towards the Dark Side), it should work.

Still, that requires modding, and we're short-staffed. *shrug* In the end, there's no way to know other than diving in and finding out.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on June 03, 2010, 10:37:00 PM
Unless I misunderstand what you are saying, this out-of-sight-out-of-mind stuff gets dug up and slapped onto Fred's back.

You do misunderstand what I'm saying.  

Imagine a board where old threads /cannot/ be bumped to the top by latecomers, but only to the top of the /second/ page in a page list and not at all to the 'unread' list unless its a 'new replies to your posts'.

Imagine a board where private fights in old threads  /cannot/ be watched update-by-update by non-involved parties without specifically digging for them at each post.

That is what I mean by out-of-sight-out-of-mind: the automatic  elimination of  public spectacle and latecomer zombie threads in the non-directed sections of  the board.         No mods.

Sort of like sageru on 2ch except probably even more aggressive.

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: El Diablo on June 03, 2010, 10:48:56 PM
Just tossing this out, but can we have a chat for touchy topics? not in the main link, but a private link? Not public? Sign up to join in?

Board stays clean, chat is private, and well, I can have more fun again? :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: snowbank on June 03, 2010, 10:57:43 PM
You do misunderstand what I'm saying.  

Imagine a board where old threads /cannot/ be bumped to the top by latecomers, but only to the top of the /second/ page in a page list and not at all to the 'unread' list unless its a 'new replies to your posts'.

Imagine a board where private fights in old threads  /cannot/ be watched update-by-update by non-involved parties without specifically digging for them at each post.

That is what I mean by out-of-sight-out-of-mind: the automatic  elimination of  public spectacle and latecomer zombie threads in the non-directed sections of  the board.         No mods.

Sort of like sageru on 2ch except probably even more aggressive.

Personally, I still see the potential for extremely hateful nastiness. I vote for Fred's idea, after he formulates decrees it.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: iago on June 03, 2010, 10:58:34 PM
Just tossing this out, but can we have a chat for touchy topics? not in the main link, but a private link? Not public? Sign up to join in?)

Not on my server.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: meh on June 03, 2010, 11:11:02 PM
Personally, I still see the potential for extremely hateful nastiness.

I don't think you can eliminate such nastiness without extreme content control.

I merely propose to /contain/ it in ways completely new to most posters here, that would also directly attack several Internet cliches, such as the out-of-context indignant zombie thread revival 2 years later, and public flame wars.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Paynesgrey on June 04, 2010, 01:32:53 AM
Just tossing this out, but can we have a chat for touchy topics? not in the main link, but a private link? Not public? Sign up to join in?

Board stays clean, chat is private, and well, I can have more fun again? :)

Touchy Stuff never stays in it's place, keeps tracking stuff out of the celler all over Iago's fine carpets.  Much as I miss TT, I can't say as I blame him for wanting to keep it out of chat.  Besides, the nature of chat precludes taking a deep breath, going away and reading a book before coming back and posting a reply. 
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: El Diablo on June 04, 2010, 02:00:25 AM
Yeah, i just thought if you signed up for it and was held accountable for it, you didn't have any room to bitch.

But Fred pays for the hosting, so what he wants he should get. I'm a firm believer in "It's my living room and I'll shoot you if you piss me off". Even if I am the one shot.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Noey on June 04, 2010, 02:13:11 AM
The topics themselves stayed in Touchy, but the growly and the stompy and the "You wanna piece of me?!" is harder to corral, and when a discussion is centered around things that gets peoples' blood up, 'tude creep is inevitable. Like the Angst Corner, in my opinion it contributed to a certain mood that's not very glitteriffic.

I'm very much liking the new setup, especially the positive vibe of the Advice Corner. Like the others, though, I miss Weird. I'm too ...

Squirrel! Elephant! GLITTER!

... What was I saying? Oh, right. Chat. The scrolling text is too hypnotizing, and my attention span went and wandered into traffic and has yet to be seen. Possibly abducted by aliens. So, thank you for trying to find a compromise. It's very much appreciated. :)
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Chiana on June 04, 2010, 12:54:04 PM
I second what Noey a very quiet, poking my head out from the ceiling kind of way.
Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: ashton on June 04, 2010, 02:37:25 PM
Just tossing this out, but can we have a chat for touchy topics? not in the main link, but a private link? Not public? Sign up to join in?

Board stays clean, chat is private, and well, I can have more fun again? :)

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Priscellie on June 04, 2010, 02:44:35 PM

Title: Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
Post by: Myyrdn Eopia on June 04, 2010, 08:10:40 PM