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Messages - Amber

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DF Spoilers / Re: Skin Game Interview gathering topic
« on: May 30, 2014, 03:13:14 PM »
I've been trolling Youtube's murky waters since "Book Launch" and still none of the Events have popped up online. I figured there would at least be one up by now...

The San Diego event had no audio system, and I'd be surprised if anyone got a usable recording.  Mine was nothing but crowd noise.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim in San Diego, CA - May 28, 2014
« on: May 27, 2014, 06:11:04 PM »
I'm going to take a second to say how awesome MG is. 

If you plan on attending this signing, you can get your book over the phone and get your number for the signing line :)

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: May 27, 2014, 03:43:52 PM »
I don't usually pop into casting threads, but my hubby and I just binge watched the last season of Once Upon a Time, and the guy that plays Hook took the place of my mental Harry.

Author Craft / Re: Any Grad Students/Scientists/Technical Writers?
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:17:39 PM »
I tend to start with my figures.  I'll construct a general outline of the paper by ordering the figures in the way I want to tell my story.  Write up that results section first, sometimes only in outline form, then fill it out as I go.  The most painful part for me is always the introduction/literature review.

I've done a lot of writing both academically (despite quitting pre-PhD) and in a corporate setting.  The two are very different writing styles.  It's always useful to consider the audience.  I hate science writers who purposefully make the language inaccessible, so I tend to write in plainer language than my advisers ever liked, though my bosses in the corporate world seem to prefer it.

I would call or email the store to confirm, but that should work.  MG hosts a frightening number of signings.  They've got it down to a science.

If you follow the link Pris posted to the MG website, there is a bit more information.

Their signings are usually numbered - the earlier purchases go first.  I've not actually been to a release day party, but what they usually do is start assigning numbers the day of release - they do not take pre-orders.  As a general rule, I call in near opening that day and purchase over the phone.  Getting there earlier will help you get a good spot for the talk part of the signing, get your book in your hands, etc.  I don't know that I'd camp out in store all day, though.

MG is an awesome store.  They're very responsive to emails and phone calls and can probably help you with questions that I can't answer.

(I haven't been to the RB store much, but the original SD store is great.)

So!  Who all is joining me? 


I'm going to go to the SD one because it's so much closer to me.  Are you doing both?

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim in San Diego, CA - May 28, 2014
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:27:27 PM »
*happy dance*

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Tapatalk?
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:00:52 PM »
I installed it on my own SMF forum awhile back, and it was easy.

There may be other implications beyond my knowing that make it impractical - like slowing down the server we're on, etc.

I haven't used it for awhile - did they go to an ad-based app?  That might pose problems, as well, if there's no control over the ad content.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: December 13, 2012, 04:11:52 AM »
My two theories on Cowl - Mirrorverse Harry (Mostly because you just know that he's going to show up at some point) and Justin (Justin - wears gloves because he is burned, voice sounds unnatural because of the fire he got "DED" in.  Almost any Simon argument (strength, knowledge of Bob, knowledge of Kemmler) can be applied to Justin.  About the only argument I've thought of against Justin is that he's supposed to be dead, but, well, dead seems to be somewhat flexible in the Dresdenverse.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The identity of the Mothers [CD spoilers]
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:35:43 AM »
I was kind of going with all of the above.  I think that they're something older than old, something from which the stories of the gods and goddesses derive, kind of like the Wiccan idea that all gods are one god, that every name is just the face that a culture tried to put on something great an unknowable.  The invocation of the Goddess that I've used in ritual, "Lady of a thousand faces, a thousand names, from a thousand places."

Somewhat like Odin - we've talked of mantles, just a way of saying that he is many things to many people.

I like the second much better, myself :)

He said he's leaning toward
(click to show/hide)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in Kansas City, MO 11/29/12
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:43:11 AM »
No matter what one's mind may have intended to do, once in a while one's body just plain jumps the queue and outvotes all the other person-pieces. Laid out dog sick is absolutely a rotten thing to have to go through.

And while traveling, just to make it worse.

Best wishes, Jim, to a speedy recovery!

Mysterious Galaxy provided four of them!

Because they're awesome like that!

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