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Topics - digital3lf

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DFRPG / Focus/Enchanted items and non-spellslingers
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:32:44 PM »
In eagerly awaiting my hard copies of these books I've been reading and re-reading the preorder PDF versions and preparing to run a game as soon as my group gives me half a chance to. I'm really excited that most parts of the system look like a perfect fit and I'm very worried that my own Dresdenverse will go over well. One of my concerns, though, is mortal/supernatural balance. That is, mortal characters keeping up with others that are invested heavily with supernatural powers.

Overall, most of the lower cost supernatural powers don't seem to be too much more powerful than regular 'ole stunts, not to mention the downward spiral it can put a power-hungry player in if they take them too far. But, all the better for the plot, I say! But, I notice that spellcasters all get a particular edge that isn't available even to other supernaturals. Magic items!

I really dig how specializations & items flavor the spellcasting types. On the other hand, they are also series of bonuses that are not only given freely with magic (as potent as it is already), but that others don't (generally) have access to. Rather than try to stifle how items work, I'm trying to come up with a way to let non-spellcasters (pure mortal and supernaturals) have a form of "focus items", maybe even enchanted items, for themselves. Ideas would be like a fetish for a shapeshifter, than enhances a skill while in their alternate form; a family heirloom that does something similar for a mortal; or a personal holy symbol for a true believer.

What I'm looking for is ideas on implementation. I was thinking perhaps just giving 1 focus item slot per each amount of refresh spent on stunts/powers (like 1 slot/3 refresh or so?) and/or opening up "refinement" to all characters to purchase a single time for 2 slots. I'm also interested in hearing any pros/cons anyone can think of if this is done. Thanks very much for any feedback!

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