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Messages - g33k

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 143
DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: Today at 03:58:40 AM »
So, according to a reddit comment I found, Jim has apparently said that Harry's Pyrofuego spell in Grave Peril, the spell that ignites the canopy of the roof above him and creates tendrils of nearly-living fire that grab and burn vampires, the spell that stopped his heart and nearly killed him - that spell, is apparently not a death curse, but actually something that will be revealed at the end of the Dresden Files (not the BAT) ...

Did this redditor cite his source, or provide an exact quote?
Because you can make any claim you want online...

Jim says that in Twelve Months, we will learn that Harry's starborn powers tap into a deep-Nevernever realm called Equestria, and he will summon a steed named Tirek Rainbow Lord to ride into battle, who will trounce Mab's unicorn.

Prove me wrong!

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot toot says he remembers....
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:46:47 PM »
I assumed Toot was talking about Native Americans.

Possible; I don't think we have enough info.  It's also possible he means an "old country" reference -- the pixies are a very Euro/Brit sort of fae (not New-World) so he might have been talking about the Celts before the Anglo-Saxons, or the Picts before them, and so on back in time.

He also may have been making a more mythological reference -- maybe to the Tuatha de Danann or the like?

Or, on the Native American theme, to some of the mythical early-human / pre-human peoples of the new world.

Again:  I don't think we have enough info.  It'd make an interesting WoJ question at a signing or AMA event!

And, to return to the OP:
... throw away context or relevant?

Yet again, I chant the refrain:  I don't think we have enough info.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bonnea goes from zero to sixty
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:32:53 PM »
She matures "overnight" in coming books..

That seems extraordinarily-unlikely:  she has a huge amount of raw data, uncorrelated and largely without real-world references.  Getting it all organized, and making it RW-relevant, is just going to take time.

We've seen that Bob -- even though he has multiple centuries of experience --  sometimes still has problems with the sheer volume of information.

It's always possible that Jim could decide that the story needs Bonnie to make some dramatic strides in this direction, of course; and then he'll write it that way, applying whatever handwavium suits him.

DF Books / Re: Black Staff
« on: April 25, 2024, 03:01:08 PM »
...   Is the black staff her walking stick?
That is the general presumption hereabouts, yes.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:54:47 PM »
errrr... bump, I think.

Is there a way we could get some sort of microtransactions/commissions/etc, as discussed in this thread, to support the cost of hosting the Paranet?

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:16:31 PM »

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:18:44 AM »
I  think that Uriel  out-Mab'ed Mab, here...
page 454 Ghost Story
"When you say what comes next, what do you mean exactly?"
  "The part involving words like forever, eternity, and judgement."
 "Oh," I said.  "What Comes Next."
...  However if Harry opts for what comes next he will be judged as we all will when we face Judgement.
 Here is what Uriel says; same page 454 Ghost Story
"So I can stay Between," I said quietly.  "Or I can go get on that train,"
"If you do," Uriel said, his eyes intent and serious, "then you accept the consequences for all that you have done while alive.  When judged, what you have done will be taken into account.  Your fate, ultimately, will be determined by your actions in life."
"You're saying that if I don't work for you, I'll just have to accept what comes?"
"I am saying that you cannot escape the consequences of your choices," he said.
... You will remember that Harry did choose what comes next, though since he really wasn't all dead, he never went on to what comes next.

Here's the thing: "What Comes Next" is entirely informed by -- quoting Uriel -- "the consequences for all that you have done while alive.  When judged, what you have done will be taken into account."

It wasn't Harry's time; he wasn't dead.  So his "what comes next" was just more opportunities to perform the actions upon which he would be judged, i.e. the very foundations of (and effectively thus part of)  Harry's "... part involving words like forever, eternity, and judgement."

Uriel told Harry the precise truth.
It just didn't mean what Harry thought it did.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mister leaving
« on: April 20, 2024, 03:04:42 AM »
I'm pretty sure Jim has stated that Mister is just a cat (the Malk theory has come up before, including (I think) during some sort of Q&A or AMA).

Obviously, Jim could have been lying... or can just change his mind.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: April 17, 2024, 03:47:35 PM »
I think Harry and Lara do marry the wild thing honeymoon...and Lara conceives...just a afterthought twist... besides Maggie needs to be a big sister. 😳😜👍

WoJ is that there are no more plot-twist-new-family-member elements planned.

I don't think Harry & Lara can get together... WK+Whampire is a pairing of sex-mojo's that's very unstable!

WK-Mantle would almost-certainly try to kill the Whampire trying to control it, who would likely need to kill the WK if she was to survive.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 17, 2024, 03:40:27 PM »
I wasn't thinking of it as a teaching role but more of police function or even a position similar to Mab's but covering magic. Harry would get a limited Intellectus to warn him of major magical threats and events and have the newly formed Wardens as enforcers and the Paranet as the administrative and education arms of his new council/court.

So far as we know, all mantles are constructs, made by an entity for a purpose.
Who could (and would!) create such a mantle?

I suppose the Archive has the knowledge to create it; and there's enough power on the Island to do the implementation... but, why would she?  Her Oblivion-War duties are big on secrecy, and adding a new & independent globe-trotting Mantle to the mix looks like a huge gaping OpSec hole...

The Gatekeeper sent Harry that cryptic "black magic in Chicago" message; so he seems to already be capable of doing "black magic scans" & the like (though  that could have just been smoke & mirrors, with Mab tipping off the Gatekeeper to feed Harry the bait, so she could reel him in...) .
Also, Harry "I've got Authority Issues" Dresden would himself be a really ironic target for becoming the ultimate Authority Figure on the issue of Magic!  (this is not, I should note, any argument that Jim wouldn't inflict such a thing upon Harry!)

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 16, 2024, 03:16:10 AM »
Now that is a theory worth exploring.

What if at the end of the BAT, Harry becomes a new mantle like an Archmagus that governs or at least regulates magic in the Mortal Realms?

That seems more like something the Archive would do; I think the magic-knowledge there (everything ever written down about magic) is probably the most comprehensive in the world; though it's very possible that an Immortal being (like Thorned Namshiel) may know a bunch of stuff that never got written down.

But Harry is too ignorant of magic:  he's got more than a century of serious study before the senior wizards will take his knowledge-level seriously... and he doesn't have time to learn, before the BAT.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 15, 2024, 03:15:40 AM »
I think what's particularly interesting to consider is how long Harry will live, and how much will we see of his whole existence. Wizards live several hundred years, and give this story goes into the End of Days and is titled "The Dresden Files" one might assume we see his whole story. Jim has openly said in previous interviews that he isn't sure if Harry will survive the series.
Dresden may indeed die at the end of the BAT; it seems entirely possible, maybe even probable.  But I'll note that the series is also called "The Casefiles of Harry Dresden," so if he moves fully into the "Wizard of Chicago" gig, that'd be the end of the whole PI-oriented casefiles" schtick.

... Harry may well form another White Council after the inevitable collapse of the current one. But if the White Council collapses around the various apocalypses, is there even much point? 
My notion (I think it's one others share) is that Harry leverages the Paranet to build a broader coalition, one not exclusive to "White Council Caliber" talents.  The foundation IMHO would be educational:  "how not to fall afoul of Black Magic ways."  This, above all -- the lack of WC guidance for the proto-wizards who fall (all too easily) into the lures of power -- is the thing where Harry feels most-keenly that the WC is just not doing a good-enough job.  And the Paranet is well-suited (in terms of "feet on the ground" & connections into communities) to spot these cases and intervene before things get to the "call for the Grey Cloaks" stage.

It doesn't even have to wait for the WC to collapse -- it could start right away, using the Paranet to begin educating Paranet-level talents.  And if they occasionally don't report every single "Wizard Caliber" talent up the tree to the White Council...  Well.  That just adds more complication to Harry's life (which after all is Jim's bread&butter (and mortgage)).

... Not only that, I think it should be noted that Harry fundamentally rejects authority. While he has matured and become less abrasive, he ultimately still dislikes the idea of any governing body being in charge of him or anyone else. He's quite the libertarian. So, in the event the White Council does dissolve, I don't know that Harry would be the one to rebuild it. That's more of a Carlos type-of-thing ...
As others have said, it's not really anti-authority.  It's anti-bullying, and anti abuse-of-power.

But earned expertise and good judgement -- being an authority, not just having a position of authority -- is something Harry respects, and often yields to.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: April 13, 2024, 01:49:48 AM »
Spoilery discussions, speculations, theorizing, etc. over Dresden's mother's life and death?  Or who Dresden's maternal grandmother is?  I've searched the DF Spoiler folders without luck.  Thanks.
Margaret LaFey, aka Maggie Sr?
Yes, she has featured here & has been theorized-about a fair bit.

Her mother -- Ebenezer's wife(?) -- has IIRC been WoJ'ed as a full-mortal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab Roade with the conquerer
« on: April 05, 2024, 07:52:02 PM »
... do we know when the white council was actually created? I can't remember any hard evidence other than when Edinburgh was won...
"The origins of the WC were pretty nebulous... they were an advisory board to the Roman Senate for a long time"
But then Merlin reorganized them after the fall of Rome, for fear the powerful wizards (now ambitious independents) would war among themselves.

"for a long time" isn't terribly precise.  We don't know if they coalesced after Rome demonstrated its hegemony in the region, or were an older group that attached itself to Rome, or were part of the founding (which would firmly place them around 750BC(ish))... q.v. "nebulous."

Similarly, "fall of Rome" is pretty indeterminate... a long slide from about 375AD to 475AD; so there's at least a century where Merlin might have reorganized the old Roman group into the new White Council (and whether that took just a year or two, or decades, or even a century... also unclear).

No idea if this is something Jim just hasn't decided, or if he's intentionally obscuring something (for a later Big Reveal), or what.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 05, 2024, 07:26:01 PM »
...  given their rapid rise in rank and the fact that they seem to be trusted by the Establishment ...

I don't think Chandler was all that young, or that we know he had any "rapid rise in rank."  I got much more of a sense that he was long-established as a warden (and rather older than Dresden), by the time we first meet him.  Of course, this would just put him into the "50-250" range of wizardly "almost unaging," so we can't really be at all sure.

... Who are Carlos and Chandler's mentors.
Is there any Woj about them?

I think it might be interesting to know the mentorship of many of the WC wizards, in general (and the Senior Council in particular (I speculate (based on not very much of anything) that Langtry & McCoy may have had the same master)).

Other than:
 - DuMorne with Harry & Elaine
 - McCoy with Maggie & Harry
 - Dresden himself with Molly
 - I don't think there's a named "master" but Carlos was IIRC a brown-robe in an early DF novel
I don't recall any master/prentice relationships that have been specified in the canonical stories...?

IIRC there is some WoJ that Chandler's magical specialty is something with info/divination/etc: he's a magical "intelligence analyst" for the Wardens, rather than a combat heavy-hitter as most field operatives that we see.

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