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Messages - jonas

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Hmm, I heard that Mark was having trouble getting the correct emotion in that scene with the lines being said by Prowse so Lucas pulled him aside and told him and him only what was actually going to be said. After that Mark got the take right and they went with that scene in the movie. I wonder which version is right?
Mark's talked about how he was the only one in on it actually.

DF Spoilers / Re: Are the Old Ones also locked out?
« on: June 13, 2018, 12:54:47 PM »
AFAIK the Old Ones are a type or group of Outsiders, and as far as Outsiders in the DV go they are all either Locked outside the Outer Gates and trying to break/sneak back in, or else are Imprisoned somewhere on Earth.  The imprisoned ones are also called Sleepers, and would include the ever-famous Cthulu.
DR holds the sleepers to be awoke according to Maeve's gleeful villainy plan spill.... I could see them being the Old Ones. As they actually do exist in reality, but are just forced out by, more or less, a wormhole/pocketdimension existence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Question about beer bottles
« on: June 12, 2018, 07:17:34 PM »
Yea, you can find Eagle Claw Kung Fu guys on youtube literally ripping holes in the sides of cans with their fingers. I can see someone who tends a bar developing said ability on a standard human level. Or regular drinker I suppose.

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 07:15:14 PM »
I cant imagine that without having to imagine some horrible way for her to actually amass all that power. Lea was known for being a vampire muse and impressed mab by managing to use the desire to Create Beauty (ie Artists) to increase her "dark and evil power".  Jenny Greenteeth liked to drown children and the elderly.  Let Amanda go have a promising career in, I dunno, Law Enforcement or engineering or something so steeped in computers that the supernatural world just looses all interest in her.
iirc though her mythology as a vampiric being came around in the 1800's were as her mythos is much older. So maybe she's just what we remember her for now?

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:41:31 PM »
GodDAMMIT!!!  That makes sense.  A lot of Sense.  Fuck, those poor kids. 
No, no, no... Think about Amanda Carpenter being on the level with Leah... those poor dupes who stand in her way! ..... Damn, you know, I kinda see the cynical beginnings of Leah in her too. Mmm... if Molly were in actuality Mab then..

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 03:20:57 PM »
She won't do that to her sister especially because she did not even tell her parents. It is also not practical because a useful handmaiden needs to be a power on her own.
A. your assuming she's gonna do anything willfully
B. how do you know she doesn't.... Molly proved the fae heritage in her bloodline, Molly, as WL, has been spending time around her family like it's just her family, with her sisters, acting like everything is the same. But the dynamic of what she is is entirely different. And exposure to the fae has consequences. What I describe is perfectly correct, regardless of intention. If Molly suddenly learned to feed on latent adoration or other belief powers latent in the world, can you say her sister would not be a primary boost right at this very moment?

Dual meaning to the title perhaps? Maybe the environment where the gods wrestle is like a prison of sorts? And we are dealing with an outcast of gods?
Oooh, Mayhaps they are stuck being embodied by weakling wrestlers just to survive in reality, a Body Slam :o

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:09:12 AM »
  On that note, has there been any mention of Molly's handmaiden?  Does she have a Jenny Greenteeth yet, or has no one asked?
Ima bet it's going to incidentally be one of her sisters, Amanda, I think, is prominent enough to fit Just has to be someone who idolizes her, after all.

If he hits his September-something self-imposed deadline goal, I think it'll be a bit sooner than that. I don't know if he has honeymoon plans or what have you, but he's done a lot of what disrupts post-marriage life already (moving, getting into a routine, etc.) Anyway, I figure he'll start editing publisher drafts sometime in October/November. I think (assuming no further delays) we'll be able to get copies no later than March 2019.
Oh? sweet, those are the kind that really matter imo.

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 11, 2018, 04:36:30 PM »
Ok, ok.
A. Harry as WK might have a protocol for calling upon any one of the queens
B. Mab can not show and/or send her own proxy instead, she only has to show if it violates the above precedent actually. Harry had cause to summon Leah remember...
C. Can't imagine her being mad over an honest mistake in summoning her, Mad he was trying to undue her intention, maybe. But since he's not at the time privy to that I can't see why she'd be mad at something he couldn't by her own design know about. Like Being mad a kid playing with matches when he's no idea what fire is or that they make it.... illogical to me.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Mavra be under Eb's control?
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:26:55 PM »
Admittedly the Straightforward goal of Bring Back the rule of the Old Gods would a Damn Hard Sell.  If they were trying to take advantage of the Outsiders for a more cosmic goal like Overthrow Free Will, or Kill Death, or something then there is more room for Spin.
I find it likely the two are mutually exclusive in this case. Just from Cosmological studies, some of the DB convo with Kumori and an idea death or 'non-existence' is part of what actually makes the Gates happen. Balance.

In book 7, which was to be book 8, a magic tries to become a god.
In Book 18, maybe, a magic user kills a god.
I think the theory where first 10 book plots mirror last 10 book plots is still in play.
See, I think the opposite, it was Halloween, EK was in the sky with the hunt... I think they meant to kill/consume an immortal, Mayhaps book 18 will be a God killing a mortal... one close to Harry.. in revenge for raiding his 'woodshed'?

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:20:27 PM »
I have to think this is too simplistic a description.  His whole purpose is to Utilize his Mortal Free Will to do things for the Queens that they cannot do for themselves.  The fact that Winter traditionally interprets that to mean "Kill the Unaffiliated for Me", there are a bunch of other uses that could come up.   And in the case of the Mother, I have to think she's got more important things to worry about than the killing of any One being (that Harry could actually take).
His technical purpose is being able to violate free will as a mortal himself(also maybe creating insulation from Mab being mortal) They use him to do anything they see needed they cannot directly do themselves. I'm sure there's even more to it, But what they've used him for is to effect their Will on reality by proxy of a Willful Cat's paw.

Also what if Kemmler just pulled another Kemmler into this reality, and then stepped into that Kemmlers reality temporarily?
My going theory is Kemmler tried to summon his 7th version(having faked his death 6 times) and he was greater than the sum of his parts, ganked Kemmler and took Justin to hide in for the future... the WHY though...

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 11, 2018, 01:20:21 AM »
I thought about it, but it felt too much like a gotcha question at the moment.  He also contradicted a previous comment on the death curse being satisfied by his death, this time saying it wasn't because Harry didn't really die.
To be fair the official woj I've read on that was 'sorta, maybe and we'll see'.
Personally... I think he had a really good tie in to why Vlad was there but it changed slightly from 'because of Mab' to the more ephemeral 'custodian' answer.... Short answer is he found a place to add another layer at some point. The BC was pissing everyone off with their sudden growth in power though, personally I think he ended up there for much the same reason Leah was, except he's not going to be cured BUT... we know the people in the ice are not frozen inside, else she could never have worked on Leah's mind/spirit while she was frozen. So Vlad saw Harry Dresden :o

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