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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: Who do you think the Vampires took from Eb?
« on: August 30, 2021, 02:53:55 PM »
Narratively, I'd much prefer if Eb's first fiance was a sweet girl, and one day he found himself locked in a room with her by her family just as her eyes turned silver...

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 27, 2021, 05:19:15 PM »
I'm thinking if that is what it comes down to in the end, it is a real cop out in terms of story telling..
Oh yeah, Harry or someone traveled back in time and altered all of that stuff... That for me at any rate would be a huge disappointment.

If Butcher does it, I would guess he'd base it on Wolfe's Solar Cycle.

(click to show/hide)

Butcher doing something similar would be fine by me- Harry hurtling around making sure his life is "close enough for government work".

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 20, 2021, 03:59:48 PM »
I don't see Mac as one of the Big Names like Raphael. Possibly a Grigori - watchers sent to Earth, partied it up, fathered the Nephilim, and were told "Don't come back". They are not banned to Hell, and I don't know they are jailed or bound to any one place.  Uriel could be running Mac as his observer, watching Harry. Mac is atoning for his misdeeds. hoping to return to Heaver. Think Uriel would employ one of those guys if he thought they were sincere and willing to work it off?

Here's a fun thought.

Where does wizardry come from? My wife and I have long thought it was something like a recessive Changeling- wizards being later-generation descendants of Scions, and that's part of why they "harden" as they get older, and why using their power starts to constrict their choices.

What if the Grigori fathered wizardry? In that case, Mac is watching over his descendants.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Justine Been Faking It All Along?
« on: August 17, 2021, 04:08:34 PM »
She became worth it the moment she became kine for the immediate Raith family..  Big clue here, she's insane, but feeding on her makes her sane?But Maeve was infected, not possessed apparently.. As far as that goes, Maeve never had a "handle" as you call it on Harry, but Thomas did as of Grave Peril.Nemesis has the time...  All that time it has someone on the inside, watching.. Hence the name HE WHO WALKS BESIDE, that is someone that goes along, they don't interfere they are just there watching and taking in information.Or because Justine was already possessed, Susan couldn't have fed on her if she wanted to.That isn't Lara's style.Yes, but that was before Margaret's curse, Papa Raith isn't the man he used to be.  He wasn't going to use Nemesis to take out Thomas, but use Thomas by way of Justine..

As a side comment, the feeding doesn't make her sane. It lessens her emotions. Justine apparently suffers from a form of schizophrenia or related disease that disallows emotional regulation. Thomas "eats" her to normal, as if he's constantly excising an emotional cancer that's constantly growing. I thought it was a brilliant tidbit for a "nice" Whampire.

The suspicious bit is her sudden sanity "due to medication". I lean towards Justine never recovered from that near-fatal feeding: Nemesis offered her "healing" from it so she could be with Thomas. My 2 cents.

Also, in general: True Love protection takes two people who engaged in an act of true love. They both have to love the other, or it doesn't take. Which makes the act of true love that created their bond being Justine being willing to offer herself to Thomas to heal him and Thomas rejecting it at the last moment- very Butcher to find a way to make rejection an expression of true love.

But it's a two way street- Justine can't have been faking. If it wasn't real from her, the protection wouldn't have manifested.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Harry become a signatory to the Accords?
« on: August 06, 2021, 08:02:01 PM »
Not his style, but.... the White Council has not tried to run him out of Demonreach - maybe that is not a WC job. Who had it before Harry?

Between that and the Eye, he has some serious power. Baron Marcone showed a human can sign. He needs two members to sign for him - Mab and Vadderung would likely step up.

Yes, he is the Winter Knight, but that is an AGENT of the Court, not PART of it. He not Sidhe, he is still human (mostly)

Then whacking him might be seen as an act of war against a signatory nation...

We don't know, and we don't know before that, but before that was Kemmler.

I think the analog of 7 Laws of Magic and 7 Senior Council members isn't by chance or mystic numeracy- I think originally it was the 7 roles associated with maintaining the Laws. Maybe mantles- evidence Listens-to-Wind's shapechanging- maybe not.

The Gatekeeper is probably responsible for the Outer Gates, the Blackstaff for killing with magic, for instance.

I tend to think the Warden was the original, and some Warden down the line founded the wardens as assistants/potential replacements. Part of the Merlin wanting Harry off the Council may be because if the Warden, he's in charge, not Luccio.

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning TWG WAG
« on: August 06, 2021, 03:51:43 AM »
Yes. Compare with the Erlking summoning

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 06, 2021, 02:02:15 AM »
That's true.

I've been part of a number of fandoms over my life; always important to draw the distinction between supposition vs actual canon. Bad assumptions are another input leading to GIGO. GIGO is the bane of human reasoning.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 06, 2021, 01:48:30 AM »
Disclaimer:  I'm an aerospace engineer that crossed trained as a lawyer.  So you seem about to get into the weeds past where I'm competent to trade blows with you.

That being said...

I am familiar with quantum entanglement and quantum encryption.  I have clients whose technology relies on quantum entanglement to create quasi-particles (like polaritons) that are then used in various applications ranging from quantum encryption and quantum computing to more exotic uses.  To assist their work, I have to half-way understand this stuff, although I was warned that only a dozen people on the planet actually "understand." 

I'm obviously familiar with the Schrodinger's equation, but I had to look up the Born interpretation. (Always good to learn something new). 

As for a theoretical explanation for why matter demonstrates waveform superposition distributions, etc., I'm aware that this is one of the postulated explanation for not really explicable collapse of wave functions.

This explanation has always dissatisfied me.  The uncertainty principle and the measurement problem are uncomfortable, but it seems un-parsimonious to postulate an infinite set of universes with all of their associated mass and energy just to cover up the fact that we can't know where an electron is and where it's going at the same time. 

My understanding is that while the Schrodinger equation is linear, wave collapse is not and so you just go round and round and round arguing about the probability function relating to the branch where we exist and the probability function of the particle to be observed. 

Worse, the attempts to use this concept to come up with a measurable observation (typically, trying to show the cosmological constant is a result of multiple universes) have failed. 

Smarter people than me, such as Sabine Hossenfelder, have explained why the multiverse/multiple worlds hypothesis is not science. 

Bringing this back around to my original post, the metaphysical impact that the multiverse/many worlds idea was intended to avoid is simply the fact of a cosmic beginning.

Born, like Pauli, is one of those who understood the math, instead of just how to use the math. Bohr was another, as was Dirac. Dirac's sense of humor was Dad jokes on steroids, though- I still sometimes eyeroll over bra and ket notation

The basic issue is quantum tunneling is an observed, measured phenomenon. The major issue with the multiverse, as I recall- I started in physics and moved into engineering- is that it inherently postulates infinite duplication of energy into infinite universes. But the alternative is that reality itself is fundamentally unfixed at the quantum level, and can- with low probability- just shift into a different possible state/configuration. Which doesn't really square with collective human experience.

In terms of fiction- personally, I don't mind Moorcock's take- where it was a vehicle for the weird and insane- though Marvel/DC's are for easy mode. Jordan's take was also decent- test models for reality- but that's not surprising, he was a physicist by training.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 05, 2021, 07:53:53 PM »
The Multiverse as a trope has always irritated me.  Just makes a mess of everything and drains the stakes out of any story.  After all, there is always some universe within the multiverse where the protagonist made the "right choice" and their lost love still lives, etc., etc.

Also, I don't like the multiverse because physicists made it up in an attempt to avoid confronting the metaphysical impact of their discoveries.

Do you know what happens with quantum entanglement, or how quantum encryption works- or are you familiar with the Born interpretation of the Schrodinger equation.

Multiverse is a decent theoretical explanation for why matter demonstrates waveform superposition distributions and interference/coupling patterns.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 05, 2021, 07:43:35 PM »
Don't presume, Grifyn, that the Sidhe can hold the Lady mantles. Everyone we have seen assume the mantles was mortal, or Changeling. The mantle *makes* you Fae; but you may need the free will of a mortal to become the Lady in the first place.

Did Maeve become a Fae and then Winter Lady- or did she go Changeling->Winter Lady?

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 05, 2021, 07:40:52 PM »
Was Karrin even a compatible vessel? I think but for Molly, the mantle might have gone flying off the island entirely to some random changeling who'd been having sufficient contact with their Sidhe kin to qualify.

They were *inside the circle*, as I recall. Could the mantle leave?

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 07:40:15 PM »
Yeah see, the White Court actually broke the Accords by killing Maggie...

Proof, please. How would killing Maggie count as breaking the Accords?

If they killed her at a reception where she was a guest, sure- but it wasn't that kind of situation. Harry didn't violate the Accords by killing Bianca- he granted the power to the shades of her victims to do it. But they did it of their own free will independent of Harry. That's why the war was Red Court vs. White Council- no violation of the Accords, everyone else stayed out of it.

Regarding the bullets: I think Jim's going for "A bullet that killed a hero is a hero killing bullet" kind of situation- those with great destinies that were broken gaining metaphysical mass. The bullet from Nelson is firing with the force of Nelson's life.

Regarding Papa Raith- he killed his brother by tossing him from an airplane. Papa Raith is 2k years old, and has lead the White Court for some time. Baby brother was probably not a mere few centuries old. Nice nod towards the Raiths realizing Papa had lost his mojo.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 03, 2021, 06:45:56 PM »
Personally in the Nephilim camp. Mac's a father- evidence his speech to Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 03, 2021, 06:44:35 PM »
The question is: Who knows that Eb is Harry's grandfather?

If Langtry does, he's stuck with eliminating Harry legally using the Wardens- difficult without Morgan and with Lucio down.

If he doesn't, I look forward to the scene where he orders Eb and then plays Roshambeau with the one wizard who doesn't care about his wards.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 03, 2021, 06:41:58 PM »
Remember: Nemfection is a deal- you change some part of who you immutably are, but until it cranks itself up to 11, you're still you.

Maeve was Nemfected and gained the ability to lie- but was still Maeve. We don't know what it offered Lea or what she wanted to do with it- I'm hoping for a reveal that she really does have a maternal bond with Dresden on her own, crazy-demented side and was looking for freedom to not have to deal in bargains (gaining the ability to unilaterally act), something of that sort.

Lara told us that someone fed upon into mental incompetence, like Justine, was unlikely to recover. If Nemesis was able to offer her mind back- without the crazy hormones- she would still seem Justine to herself and us until Nemesis was ready to do otherwise.

I do like how Nemesis is written. It's so <i>Needful Things</i>.

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