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Messages - Jebm

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Could you do an updated version of Martin and Susan, when you get around to re-reading Changes?. If Vitto gets Deep Cover Agent then Martin definitely should.

Can we get an updated version of Lily and a build of Gard if possible?. I think the axe she used in Even Hand is a pretty neat enchanted item for her to have.

Hey, I've been curious about something, does Harry's use of soul fire count as sponsored channeling?. We only ever see him use it for his evocation spells.

Ok, then is Sir Stu's build doable then?.

He's got good contacts and knows how to use the little folk to his advantage as a hit squad. It's also implied he made Lacuna's weapons.

Can you do a writeup for Ace?

that's fine by me. I've been re-reading his fight scenes and was curious on your opinion of whether he merits supernatural or merely inhuman strength.

Can you do a write-up for Cat Sith and the Red Cap?

I'm pretty sure Eb had a magnetic ring he used in Blood  Rites to rip Kincaid's gun from his hands. So maybe that's it?

Can you do a write up of Cold Days level Toot-Toot , as the little guy clearly shows he's terrifying once he's taking on something in his own weight-class.

I think Harry brought it up in Turn Coat when Listens to Wind was examining Lafortier's body.

Since we now know that the Items of Power aren't needed to grant the Sidhe Knights their physical enhancements, what would you suggest  to replace those powers?.

Hopefully we'll see Fix finally get some more weapon related stunts. Since Harry mentions that Fix has instinctive fighting knowledge  on how to fight his Winter counterpart would you put that as a custom stunt?. Also since Harry specifically refers to him as a White Court Champion, do you think that would merit becoming one of Thomas's aspects if not his new HC?

CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:21:43 AM »
why?. It's Murphy's fault not his.

CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:03:16 AM »
I'd never thought Maeve would need a hug.

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