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Topics - Sygyrd

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Cards: Locations
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:56:17 PM »
There is a great resource in use by SotC players, that as far as I can tell is not being used here.  I figured I'd give things a jump start by offering DFRPG cards here.  To quote Tonpa:

"The basic premise is easy. You look out some nice picture and with use of some card making program you make the basic premise. Then you add name, quality and if you like some side marker for GM:s aid. The main writing block then holds the Aspects. Put the card to Photobucket or similar online storage and post the card for general use." is a great site for generating said cards.

For Dresden Files I'm using the following conventions:
Colors: Earth (Mortal); Sky (Wizards and Werewolves); Fire (Demons); Water (Fairies); Onyx (Vamps); Quartz (Locations)
Title: (Name of Character)
Sub-title: (Type of Critter)
Description: (High Concept; Trouble/Motivation; Aspects; Relationships; and OWpagenumber for OW characters)

You can add icons to the cards to signify power level, but as these are subject to change during the course of a campaign, I'm leaving mine icon-less.

I'd like a form to print on the back of my cards that has key stats for the characters, but haven't found/made one yet.

I made a number of cards for my own campaign before I decided to post here and to do the OW Who's Who, so these cards won't agree with the above conventions in all respects.  I'll note them in the posts.

DFRPG / Cards: Faces (Not From Who's Who)
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:31:03 PM »
There is a great resource in use by SotC players, that as far as I can tell is not being used here.  I figured I'd give things a jump start by offering DFRPG cards here.  To quote Tonpa:

"The basic premise is easy. You look out some nice picture and with use of some card making program you make the basic premise. Then you add name, quality and if you like some side marker for GM:s aid. The main writing block then holds the Aspects. Put the card to Photobucket or similar online storage and post the card for general use." is a great site for generating said cards.

For Dresden Files I'm using the following conventions:
Colors: Earth (Mortal); Sky (Wizards and Werewolves); Fire (Demons); Water (Fairies); Onyx (Vamps); Quartz (Locations)
Title: (Name of Character)
Sub-title: (Type of Critter)
Description: (High Concept; Trouble/Motivation; Aspects; Relationships; and OWpagenumber for OW characters)

You can add icons to the cards to signify power level, but as these are subject to change during the course of a campaign, I'm leaving mine icon-less.

I'd like a form to print on the back of my cards that has key stats for the characters, but haven't found/made one yet.

I made a number of cards for my own campaign before I decided to post here and to do the OW Who's Who, so these cards won't agree with the above conventions in all respects.  I'll note them in the posts.

DFRPG / Cards: Our World: Who's Who
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:12:51 PM »
There is a great resource in use by SotC players, that as far as I can tell is not being used here.  I figured I'd give things a jump start by offering DFRPG cards here.  To quote Tonpa:

"The basic premise is easy. You look up some nice picture and with use of some card making program you make the basic premise. Then you add name, quality and if you like some side marker for GM:s aid. The main writing block then holds the Aspects. Put the card to Photobucket or similar online storage and post the card for general use." is a great site for generating said cards.  

For Dresden Files I'm using the following conventions:
Colors: Earth (Mortal); Sky (Wizards and Werewolves); Fire (Demons); Water (Fairies); Onyx (Vamps); Quartz (Locations)
Title: (Name of Character)
Sub-title: (Type of Critter)
Description: (High Concept; Trouble/Motivation; Aspects; Relationships; and OWpagenumber for OW characters)

You can add icons to the cards to signify power level, but as these are subject to change during the course of a campaign, I'm leaving mine icon-less.  

I'd like a form to print on the back of my cards that has key stats for the characters, but haven't found/made one yet.  

I made a number of cards for my own campaign before I decided to post here and to do the OW Who's Who, so these cards won't agree with the above conventions in all respects.  I'll note them in the posts.

DFRPG / Anyone in DFW?
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:01:38 PM »
I want to play this game!  I'm in Anna, north of McKinney, BFE central.

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