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Messages - Myyrdn Eopia

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*fingers itch* Must... precioussssss....  clicky clicky... Nooooo.... Must wait for lodging arrangements.... nooooo...  *gasp*  oh, it burnssssss. MUST CLICK ON THE PRECIOUSSSSSSSS

There.  My late night randomness for tonight.  And holy crap it's 3:12.  Must be the time Smeagol comes out to play...  Either that or Hyde.

Though now I understand why some loved and miss the old Angst corner so.  I'd love to spew and rant about something right now, but in my current state... It wouldn't be kosher.  I don't think I could tone it down, either.

Heck, if I had the money, forget the grey cloak.  I'd go with being Steed.  As it is, (praying I have money between college expenses and numerous foreseeable needs) I'll probably show up as Butters.  All I need are scrubs and a polka shirt—I pretty much AM the physical description.

... huh. Just realized that there will be at least five mods there. WORLD, BE WARNED.

Okay, we need to find a suitable Mac's.  All four barkeeps will be there.

Party?    ;D

Love ya too, Katty! 

Same to you!  And the honored Kapitan!  And Pris! And Blaze!  And Everyone Else!

Oh yeah, and the Burger King!  ;D

Put me plus 2 others down as maybe.  Mutable figure, though—it all depends on how many people want to share a room with me, and then want to come see the Burger King hisself.  Probably 3-5 people, myself included.  If that be all right.

The ticket fee, fine.  The train bill, fine.

Lodging on the other hand....  damn.  Cause my list of friends who would be willing to go to NYCC with me is rather short, and most of that list doesn't get the amount of scholarship money I do, so most of their hard-earned dough goes toward tuition.  Still, attempting to round up a crew.

I am sooooooooo tempted to come up for the con (and food!), especially seeings as I don't have any shows that I'm playing in that time period.


yup, you heard the "but" coming.

BUT.  There's a small issue of transportation and lodging.  Not to mention the cost of it all.  For my meager budget it's a bit... pricey.  DAMMIT.

That's probably because the thread that it was linked to was purged when the boards underwent the mass renovation/purge, to free up memory space.  Just my guess.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Suggestions for FAQ topics
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:36:02 AM »
I like this idea.  Recently I haven't spent enough time in the spoilers, but I know some of the questions that come up repeatedly are:

Is justin really dead?
Who are Cowl and Kumori? (Or just Cowl)
Who's going to get the swords?
Who is Mac?

Many of the questions that newer posters have cannot be answered at this point in time, however.  In my examples above, only one can, at this time, be put in the FAQ section as I see it.  However,  prior to the purging of many of the threads on the boards, I had begun compiling some of the various threads for the other questions.  Those would be the realm of the DF Spoilers section, so I'm not sure how those would be handled. 

However, I'll talk with Priscellie and see what we can come up with for the FAQ section.  Thanks!

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Threads that need to be joined?
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:11:13 AM »
Huh.  Missed that one.  I need to update the Twitter Tidbits.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Threads that need to be joined?
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:25:40 PM »
I'm not sure how much lower you can go, Shecky.  It's not like ducking will make much of a difference.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Board FAQ?
« on: July 04, 2010, 12:45:19 AM »
With positive whole numbers, ordered in increments of 1 ?


I wasn't clear with what I said.  Let me clarify.  For with the FAQ section you have three boards.  And a bunch of sub threads.


I completely misunderstood.  It's about the boards as a whole FAQ, relating to functionality, etc.


Yeah, the headings would definitely be a good way to organize.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Board FAQ?
« on: July 03, 2010, 03:17:12 PM »
Okay, seeings as the FAQ is my ballpark, I'm liking this idea.  Numbered how so?

(Also, feel free to PM me regarding it, if you would rather do it that way.)

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