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Messages - EBRIEN

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DF Spoilers / 30 Coins (HBO Max)--Not exactly a spoiler for DF
« on: January 11, 2021, 07:38:55 PM »
Have you seen it? I just finished the first episode. Not bad. There were moments when I
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When a character
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Just needed a White Council wizard to pop in via the NN and help out the priest.
All in all, I thought it was good fun--and a little disturbing.

Happy Monday!


DF Spoilers / Re: Random thought of the day
« on: January 04, 2021, 11:51:39 PM »
Cool! Haha--That would have been awesome! Boom crash explosion explosion explosion! Somebody sees a building on fire and we hear, "It's not my fault!" I enjoyed Terminator. It didn't move the way the original did when I saw it in the theater as a kid, but it was fun.

I'm trying not to get too worked up about movies these days. It's challenging to find really well-thought out and engaging scifi/fantasy. (Or to make it!)  I think one of the issues is how to encapsulate everything in a two hour framework. I guess it's the same with a Dresden Files film/TV series--How do you make something that honors the love readers have for the characters while checking all the boxes a film studio has to check? I think you have to have someone onboard like Favreau and Filoni are with Mandalorian. Cool concept is fine, but unless you have someone without (or at least without too much) ego, you run into what, I believe, happened with many of the X-Men films---average filmmaking that irritates fans of the series.

Okay...rant rant rant...

Cheers and Happy New Year!


DF Spoilers / Random thought of the day
« on: January 04, 2021, 06:37:00 PM »
If AI gains power in the world, just send in the Wizards!

That is all. Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year.


DF Spoilers / Re: The Accords, the Council, and Harry
« on: November 23, 2020, 05:25:53 PM »
I wonder if Bigfoot would be willing to take on young human apprentices recruited from the paranet that would fall under Harry's organization rather than the council...

I like this part of the idea! This could be JB's YA title involving Maggie.

DF Spoilers / Re: [BG spoilers!!] Like the n_
« on: October 22, 2020, 07:47:43 PM »
Doesn't the Nag also gain power when brought up? Something about the more they're discussed, the more they gain or remain? There was a conversation about not mentioning them because you never know who might be listening or that the person you're speaking to could be one.


Oh and one more thought, since Chandler was booted into with might be an alternate reality by
Drakul, Harry meets up with him.  Chandler then becomes Harry's "Spock" if you will, keeping him grounded on what is real and what is not.  If anyone makes it back to this reality with Harry, it is going to be Chandler.

I kinda thought this played into Chandler being Black Council Cowl more than anything. The others were taken to be eaten/changed into Blamps and Chandler was sucked into nothingness. (Or some dark, dank, mildew-smelling dampness)



DF Spoilers / Re: HUGE BATTLE GROUND SPOILERS - (Un)Answered questions
« on: October 01, 2020, 12:38:07 AM »
Murphy's scene was rough but gave a good glimpse at what a villain-Harry could be.

I'm curious about the smell of sulphur and brimstone when Butters passed the sword thru Harry. Winter Knight mantle wouldn't smell like that. Residual Lash?

DF Spoilers / Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« on: August 03, 2020, 09:47:26 PM »
I love Toot getting a power up!

Here's a thought: With all the mortal world finding out about the supernatural world, wouldn't all those involved get a power up? Doesn't their power increase or decrease depending on belief?

Toot's the man!



DF Spoilers / Re: What is Lara's problem? [PT Spoilers!]
« on: July 22, 2020, 12:14:51 AM »
Maybe just an author's excuse to show what Harry can do in a somewhat purposeful way as the Warden. Regardless of Lara's fatigue at helping Thomas, this still seems out of character.

Also...Thomas as scapegoat for killing Austri? Cat's Paw? The more comments I read, the more I think this whole book is out of character. Maybe JB's been nemfected. Maybe I'm just cranky at having to wait until September.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 20, 2020, 09:00:52 PM »
Perhaps, but it seemed more like declaring war than making peace.

Agreed at this point. Gotta find resolution afterwards. Make Peace with those you love even if it's difficult.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 20, 2020, 07:01:07 PM »
Peace Talks...Lots of family stuff happening. Maybe the peace talk is more about finding peace between Eb, Harry, Thomas, et al. Murphy finds peace with herself and her injuries. Just think it's more than the accorded nations. (My obvious statement for the day)

« on: July 16, 2020, 02:50:44 AM »
I have read it now, and by the time you have all finished it I imagine I will be asleep.

Spoilers below read at your own peril!!!

First things first. Oh. My. God.

Secondly, what was your favorite part? What did you like and dislike?

I really enjoyed some call backs to Harry's former cases. Things like old potions being used again was lovely. Also lots of great one liners.

Some truly incredible reveals as well.
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DF Spoilers / Re: Some Thoughts **Spoilers for Peace Talks**
« on: July 16, 2020, 01:32:45 AM »
You give me an awesome idea.
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I was JUST thinking the same thing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Christmas Eve and Peace Talks theory (spoilers)
« on: July 13, 2020, 05:37:25 PM »
Has anyone else commented on the fact that Christmas Eve spoils the plot about Harry no longer being on the White Council?

I reread Christmas Eve and Harry, when encountered with the challenges of putting together the bike for Maggie, notes to himself and/or Mounse that a Wizard of the White Council would not be defeated by such an obstacle.

This is curious to me...being on the White Council. Harry's on it. A member. But we believe he's gonna be booted off it. Cowl has WC-level power--Harry speaks to this in DB or one of the later books.

Makes me wonder how many WC-level wizards are wandering around the world because they didn't play nice with the WC.

Elaine is one. What about others like Elaine? I'd think there'd have to be some.
Was Molly ever officially a member? Or just in training?
Warlocks that don't go..ummm...Warlock?

I mean..there are 8 billion people in the world. Even the smallest of percentages gotta add up to more.

Just a thought.

Happy Monday!


DF Spoilers / Re: McCoy and Bob
« on: July 11, 2020, 08:13:13 PM »
Do we have a definitive date of when Kemmler first appears on the scene? I know we have references, but was he someone else prior to Kemmler? Body switch? Was he a WC player before he was the bad guy?

If we follow the "Harry is betrayed by McCoy" line of thinking, maybe Eb's been in league with the Black Council for centuries and the reason Bob knows the work of McCoy is a lot more insidious. We know McCoy knows about Bob. Maybe he KNOWS about Bob in the sense that he possessed him prior to Kemmler.

I don't know. Ugh.

Dresden Spoilers, thy name is rabbit hole.

Scratch that...reverse it. lol

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