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Topics - kertain

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:47:38 PM »
Afternoon Folks,
I have a player who acquired the "Sickle of Light" and he wants it to be an cool.
He left if up to me how to build it and I thought it would be cool to have it be Uriels Sickle and him not know it right away.

Can you guys help me build it?
This is what I came up with:
+2 Sickel of Light (weapon 3)
-1 True Stike (+1 Weapon roll)
-1 Deaths blow (+2 Stress to darkness)

I want it to be juicy but am running into a mental block.
Edit: He is a combat heavy character with "Marked by Power" already. So something to compliment that would be cool.


DFRPG / Sweet fudge dice!
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:59:12 AM »

« on: April 10, 2011, 03:01:52 AM »

I am running my first Dresden "demo" game and created three PCs for my group.
The setting is during WWII and the players are sent in to take care of an evil Nazi sorcerer...super original I know...  ;D

I wanted to show the group what could be done with the system and not limit myself to just 3x wizards. This will be a combat heavy session so I geared all my guys towards that..not super balanced in a "real" game I know.

Anyone mind looking them over and make sure I didn't jack something up?
I am thinking specifically on the Focus Items for the wizard, Item of Power for the Emissary, and Were Form powers/ were skills separation.

Up to your waist: 7 refresh, 25 skill points, skill cap Great
High Concept: Wizardling (wizard in training..not fully ripe)
Trouble: I pissed off something nasty...

Great: Conviction, Endurance
Good: Discipline, Guns
Fair: Lore, Fists, Alertness
Average: Intimidation, Might, Athletics, Rapport, Stealth

-3 Evocation
-2 Ritual
-0 Wizards Constitution
-1 Sight
-0 Soulgaze
Total Refresh Adjustment: -6

Evocation: (Fire, Water, Sprit)
Control: Fire +1

Focus Items:
Jade necklace: +1 Defence (Spirit)
Ritual Bone (wand): +1 power to fire and wair
2 open enchanted item slots

Physical: 0000XXXX
Mental: 0000XXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 1


High Concept: Emissary of Thor
Trouble:The gods themselves have pity on me

Great: Weapon, Fists
Good: Might, Endurance
Fair: Guns, Intimidation, Athletics
Average: Alertness, Driving, Discipline, Presence, Lore

+2 Thor's Hammer
    -2 Inhuman Strenght
    -2 Inhuman Toughness
    +1 Catch: Weakness to spirit attacks
-2 Inhuman Recovery
-1 Wall of Death
-1 Ripioste
Total Refresh Adjustment: -5

Physical: 000000XX
Mental: 00XXXXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 2


High Concept: Were Panther
Trouble:Soul of a Predator

Great: Guns, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Investigation
Fair: Driving, Scholarship, Fists
Average: Lore, Survival, Intimidation, Stealth, Burglary

Skills as a Panther:
Great: Fists, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Stealth
Fair: Might, Survival, Athletics
Average: x, x, x, x, x

-1 Beast Change
-1 Echoes of the Beast
+1 Human form
-2 Inhuman Speed
-2 Inhuman Strength
-1 Claws
Total Refresh Adjustment: -6

Physical: 0000XXXX
Mental: 00XXXXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 1

DFRPG / Magic system and concept overview
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:15:48 AM »
Evening guys!

I am looking for two thing:
1) Down and dirty overview of the magic system for the RPG
2) Overview/concept for the magic system in the "world"

Some of my players aren't familiar with Dresden at all and I fear they will be limiting their view of magic to something more "traditional"
Example: Gurps: you buy the spell you want and it does xxx yyy to zzz. Dresden magic is freeform mechanically and in the lore. Trying to find a way to get that point across.

It seems a common mistake is players forget that you can do a magic maneuverer to place an aspect on something..that type of free thinking isn't common with most of the popular RPGs out there.

I was gonna write something up myself but figured someone out there might have already put in the effort and have something far better then I could come up with :)

DFRPG / Ghost- PC?
« on: March 23, 2011, 03:08:50 PM »

Kinda of a wierd question..but has anyone run a game with a PC as a ghost?
Starting a new game with new players and one of them asked me if it were possible for them to play as a ghost.

I understand in the universe ghosts are pretty limited in their interaction with the "real world", but if this ghost in his/her past life was magical perhaps they could interact consistently? If its not feasible, i thought as a compromise was he could be an Ectomancer that has a "ghost friend" to help him or something.

Any thoughts, suggestions ideas?
I imagine this will be hard thing to make a template for, but thought it was a neat idea and did not want to dismiss it outright.


DFRPG / DFRPG- Intro Session
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:30:30 PM »
Hello guys/gals,
I have been wanting to get my gaming group to try the RPG for sometime and I finally have my chance to do a 2-3 game session short campaign.
A few of the players are a little cautious about new systems (been using GURPS) and I am new to the FATE system myself.

Since the system is pretty front heavy in character creation/city creation(which is great) I wanted to have pregen characters ready to go. The point of this session is to give them a taste and see if they like it, I don't want to spend a session on such a short game making characters for obvious reason.

So my question is: Anyone have any pre-gen charactes written up? Cities?

I searched the forums and most posts were a few months old, so I thought I would ask again. Also noticed awhile back there were some posts about convention games..this type of setup would be perfect.,19731.0.html

Anyone have anything they could pass along? Or know where I could find something?

Thanks alot!

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