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Topics - CMEast

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DFRPG / Stunt/Power for Bardic style magic - What do you think?
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:44:56 PM »
Hey all!

So I was playing with the concept of a character that used rhyme and song to control/power his magic and there are numerous ways to do it in the DFRPG. For instance I could create a version of channelling/evocation that uses perform to control the magic, either with a stunt or just changing the power itself slightly (allowing the character to use perform instead of discipline to control seems relatively fair considering how relatively rare the perform skill is and how important mental defense could be). This could be a useful way to do it, possibly the best way to do it for a pure bard, but not what I was looking for.

Alternatively, I could use perform as a skill to gain a bonus to spell casting but again, that's really not what I'm looking for and will be expensive spell wise.

So how about this. A stunt/power that allows you to gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll if you actually make up a rhyme or song that matches the spell you want to cast. The +2 is justified by saying that if you can't come up with a good rhyme then you can't cast the spell. It's not skill based but role-play based (doggerel, limericks and cheesy lines from popular songs all count) and you can't ever repeat a rhyme. If you come up with a rhyme or song that isn't very good then you can cast but you don't get a bonus. It's done as a free action.

Of course, you could make it even more bardic and have this as a stunt.
'Once per exchange as a supplemental action you can give yourself a +2 bonus to a roll, or someone else either +1 or -1 to a single roll if you can come up with a relevant song or rhyme.

Of course you can create a variant of these with the perform skill, but I think actually saying rhymes or singing songs when gaming is a lot more fun :)

So what do you think? Is it balanced? Would you play a character that could do this? :)

DFRPG / Creating a variant of Feeding Dependancy.
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:43:27 PM »
Hey all, just wondered if I could get some help. I've come up with a new character concept, a Were-Spider, and the idea is that the PC has no control over her change. The 'monster' inside must feed at least once a month (or once every two weeks or something) and as the hunger grows, the PC finds it harder and harder to contain it. She must roll to contain it whenever she is in danger or whenever she is around vulnerable 'prey'.

I was thinking that perhaps every day she must roll discipline to keep the hunger at bay, if she fails then it increases by one. She can't reduce the hunger in anyway without letting the monster out to feed and the monster must eat a living creature (smallest is a puppy/small dog, worth one hunger point) before she can control it.
Also, whenever in a situation where she rolls to contain it, she automatically adds one hunger point to her stress track. If for any reason she wants to allow the monster out on purpose she can, but it automatically adds two hungers points to her stress track.

Do you think that works? I think it's harsher than normal feeding dependancy because she must kill to get rid of hunger stress and so I'd say it was worth at least [+2]. However it's a complicated variant and I can't help but feel there must be a more elegant solution. Any ideas people?
Oh also, what do you think of this?

Horrific Beast Change [-2] - As normal beast change; however the change is particularly gruesome and brutal. Either your new form bursts out of your human body in a shower of gore and viscera, or your body mutates in an insanity-inducing display of ripped sinews and broken bones.
As normal, plus when you change the effect is so shocking that people that see it must roll their discipline, if they fail they can only defend at an effective skill of mediocre for the PC's first attack that scene. (Alternatively, they get a fragile manoeuvre the PC can tag for free if the ambush effect is too powerful, for -1 refresh once per scene I think it's ok though).

DFRPG / Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: May 31, 2010, 06:24:24 PM »
I've created a character with the high concept 'Wizard-Blooded Martial Artist' who, as a focussed practitioner, has unlocked spirit magic through his martial arts training (think 'Chi/Qi'). I imagined him using his spirit powers to increase his prowess in combat, recreating classic martial art moments like breaking cement blocks with his bare hands, incredible feats of dexterity and speed etc.

This question would also be applicable for anyone that wants to use their magic to generally improve their fist, weapon or gun skills. Does your wizard create claws of flame? Does his sword drip with frost magic? Can he use air magic to speed his arrows or earth magic to magnetise his opponents so that bullets aim with deadly accuracy?

I've thought about a few possible ways to make it work, but none of them are ideal.

1. Treat every fist attack as a separate evocation. This works well because you can decide how much power you'll use for each attack round, but a) you suffer mental stress every time you punch/stab/whatever which doesn't match my intent and b) where does the roll for fists come in?

2. Evoke a spell with duration to give a +something  weapon bonus to damage. Most of the power goes in to duration, not awful as these aren't supposed to be awesome attacks that knock opponents out in one blow, just enhanced versions of normal attacks. However the need to top the spell up mid-combat again doesn't match my image of the ability.

3. Treat it as a 'navel-gazing' manoeuvre that again gives a +something to your weapon. This fits really well apart from the fact that it'll cost fate points after the first use.

4. Take it as a stunt/supernatural feat ala 'Claws'. Ok, so that's an easy way to get the desired effect, but then it costs extra refresh when it should really be something that can be replicated by a wizard.

So let me know if you can think of a better way to create this idea in the DFRPG, or tell me if I'm missing something. I'm not looking for it to be over-powered, just practical.

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