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Messages - Thanatos

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DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:45:58 PM »
If you could tell me what you think of the plan I posted in reply 12 of the linked thread, that'd be excellent.
Is there a need for a -0 power that is essentially covered by the high concept?

(Incidentally, if executing a complex program may still make one mindless, then we all are.)

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:16:12 AM »
System mastery matters less than you might imagine. Really, I just need a sounding board.
I can understand that.  Creativity probably works best that way for most people; we're a social animal, after all.

Where did you want to start?

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:06:26 PM »
Reading other things you've posted, you're far more conversant with the system than I am, so I'm not sure how much help I would be.

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:44:58 PM »
Actually that sounds familiar, now.  Apparently Sailor on the Seas of Fate is not so much a second book as a second collection of short stories.  Anyway, forget making it Stormbringer specifically, then... Just reduce it to an intelligent item that can empower and possibly control its wielder.  I've done things like that in homebrew RPGs (from before the first DF novel was published) making an evil version that dominated its user and a good one that could cause fiery wings, halo, etc. to appear on it's wielder.  Then there were the warforged from Eberron, which I liked.  I thought the idea of making a character from the perspective of the item could be interesting, but as already mentioned, others were recently thinking the same thing and it seemed to be shot down, though I hadn't seen the thread before it was linked here.
The 'Character Design Challenge' idea doesn't seem to be interesting many.  Maybe I've picked poor examples, or maybe it's something else, but it doesn't seem worth continuing at this point.

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 08:14:17 PM »
Is there a guide for the acronym soup around here?  I'm not parsing "ACaEBG", and I'd been wondering about a few others like "ROI".

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 07:33:30 PM »
I've only 'read' the first two because they're all I could find on audiobook (vision issues).  Guess I was thinking of a less OMGWTFBBQ-epic version.  It's okay, the CDC thread I tried last week didn't exactly take off either.  I thought it would make a fun and interesting series of discussions, but if it doesn't work, oh well.

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 06:49:17 PM »
This seems relevant.
Didn't see that, since there's no way I'm reading every thread.  Oh well.

DFRPG / Character Design Challenge - Stormbringer
« on: October 14, 2012, 04:31:19 AM »
This is something of a game but also an exercise in creating game content.  The idea is to create a character, either one from a fairly well-known source outside of the 'Dresdenverse', or new one that doesn't appear in the books, but has a High Concept and description that fits.  Include names, aspects, skills, powers, etc. - everything that would be needed for someone to play the character or for a GM to 'borrow' and use as an NPC.  If you have an idea for a new Character Design Challenge, copy this introductory text and paste it into a new thread.

This time, let's try Stormbringer, the demonic black blade wielded by Elric, from Michael Moorcock's series.  The sword itself is a character, similar to the way a Denarian's coin is.  It could be handled with the Demonic Co-Pilot power, but what about looking at things from the sword's perspective?  If you can drink in the lives of those you kill and dole that power out until your wielder becomes dependent upon it, they'll eventually become dominated compel-bait.  If one wielder dies, no matter, any fool capable of lifting the blade can make a suitable replacement, in time... the sword itself is the villain.

Happy Hacking!

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Dexter
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:05:13 PM »
I have no idea why, but I find this little factoid rather amusing.

In the end I guess it really depends what theme you want for your game. Sometimes being able to blame it all on magic really is the escape we need. On the other hand you might really start exploring dark places if the biggest monster in town is not a creature of the night but a human. For some reason that reminds me of Marcone.
That's why I mentioned the alternate concept actually haha.  I've yet to read the books, but I know after season 2/book 2 the TV and the books diverge quite a lot, but both concept work quite well in the Dresdenverse.

I do agree though that the pure mortal concept is more interesting.  Making some big supernatural big bad for the players to beat down is easy in this game.  Making your players question if it's right to kill someone like that, or if they even should in the case of a character who only kills bad people, can make for very interesting situations.

Yep.  Comparing him to Marcone, as a sort of 'monster' that you don't quite know how to interpret, is what got me thinking about this idea.  Are they villains?  Anti-heroes?  Some new category of "useful evil"?

Anyway, I like your version, JDK, but I'd like to see more... unless everyone thinks that first one nailed it outta the park?
What other characters would you like to see for a future CDC?

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Character Manager v2.0 (Phases Worksheet)
« on: October 07, 2012, 05:28:38 PM »
First, thank you for making this!  The skill calculation part alone is very helpful, especially when you have a skill-shuffling were-form.  Currently, I'm transferring the information over to the fillable PDF form for two reasons.

Using 2.0.3. Love it!
Only thing I have noticed is the Phases Worksheet. The Guest Star, and Guest Star Redux both print the information from Guest Star. Redux is not printed.
The first reason is similar to this issue.  When I look at the Phases Worksheet, it shows my Phase Four (Aspect, title, guest, story recap, everything) in both the Four and Five spots.  I don't know why it's doubled up like that, but I decided not to print it and just went back to the PDF for that page.

The second issue is much smaller, but it's why I decided to stick with the PDF for the main sheet as well.  I miss the pentacle graphic that normally shows up in the lower left.  I guess people could use that blank circle for their own symbol or a small character portrait, though.  Have you considered adding a way to import a character graphic to appear there?  The original pentacle could be there as a default, or someone could select a blank JPG to import if the really want the blank circle so they can hand-sketch something in.

DFRPG / Re: DIY Dresden Dice
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:10:51 PM »
Somewhere online I saw some dice, that had the pentacle from the lower left of the character sheet on each face, with the Positive and Negative signs superimposed over it on the appropriate pairs of faces.  The dice were black, the pentacle was white, and the signs you'd count were red.  Maybe it was just a prototype or even just an idea put together in photoshop, but now I can't find even one image of them.  Does anyone else recall seeing them, and where?

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Dexter
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:27:58 AM »
Why not go all the way and make Dexter some sort of emissary/servant of the Erlking? It would definitely fit into the hunter theme.
Alternatively, you could play into the "dark passenger" as an actual entity, and give some sort of power involving sponsor debt with an agenda of pushing him to kill more and to drive him away from friends and family.  Nothing huge, a -1 or -2 cost maybe.
Actually, that's what the original author did with the character in the third novel, after which I stopped reading them.  I think the character works better as a psychologically damaged human than a case of demon possession.  You can wonder what it is about the human mind that breaks in that way, leaving it to develop without empathy, and you can consider just how far the average person is from becoming like that.  Saying, essentially, "um... it's magic!" is a rather unsatisfying non-answer.  The show isn't perfect, but it's the one case I can think of in which the show is more interesting than the books.
Still, if you prefer the demon-possession or hunter emissary ideas, more similar to the character in the books, write one up!  I'm trying to start these CDC threads as a way of collecting content for DFRPG games. 

DFRPG / Character Design Challenge - Dexter
« on: October 06, 2012, 03:01:35 PM »
This is something of a game but also an exercise in creating game content.  The idea is to create a character, either one from a fairly well-known source outside of the 'Dresdenverse', or new one that doesn't appear in the books, but has a High Concept and description that fits.  Include names, aspects, skills, powers, etc. - everything that would be needed for someone to play the character or for a GM to 'borrow' and use as an NPC.  Use the refresh level necessary to represent the character, without going overboard (in other words, try not to jump straight in to 'Submerged' - Ha!).  If you have an idea for a new Character Design Challenge, copy this introductory text and paste it into a new thread.

Let's start things off with someone that would have a Pure Mortal template:
Dexter Morgan, from the Showtime series that shares his first name.

Happy Hacking!

DFRPG / Re: Voodoo practitionner
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:43:39 AM »
He should work "You remind me of the man..." in as an aspect.  Everyone is going to be saying it anyway, whether it's the version by Atomic Fireballs or the Labyrinth one featuring David Bowie's codpiece.

DFRPG / Tap that...
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:31:30 AM »
My wereraven isn't much of a fighter, but I can maneuver and assess aspects for others to use.  The pure-mortal of the group who probably gets the most use out of that recently referred to it as "tapping that as...pect". 
It took a little while for the game to get back underway.  :P

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