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DF Reference Collection / Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:01:20 AM »
I hope Im not doing anything wrong here.  I was looking through some old theads and saw this one and was going to respond but I got a warning message saying it's better to start a new thread.  Im not sure how to do that and still quote from the old thread, so I just cut and paste and tried to use colors to differentiate the posters.

This is jman's original post:


Quote from jman

Re: Uriel and Lash
« Reply #122 on: October 23, 2011, 07:53:03 PM »


Personally, I subscribe to the theory that the attack on Arctis Tor by the Black Council was to try to get Molly back. IIRC, it was a fairly recent theory under the title of something like "Proven Guilty Revisited" on the forums (link). It proposed the idea that the Black Council's entire purpose in PG was to get Molly onto their side. In fact, she would have met a BC operative / pawn, Madrigal Raith at SplatterCon, who could have easily controlled her, had the fetches not showed up. It further theorized that Mab sent the fetches to disrupt the BC's plans by getting Dresden's attention (and that of the White Council), making the BC's plan all the more riskier. As well, the fetches could have been sent to kill Molly (think hobs & The Archive in SmF), hence her being used as the beacon OR to get Dresden to rescue her, discover her talent, and take her on as his apprentice, making her a weapon against the BC. Unfortunately, Mab underestimated just how much the BC wanted Molly (or wanted Molly not to be Dresden's apprentice), and the BC attacked Arctis Tor to get her back (possibly with some bad information on Mab's current condition/health). However, Mab just used them to further her own purpose by retreating, with Molly, into the WellSpring Garden/Prison (I made the name up) that the BC would be very stupid to try to get into, while they cleared her personal defenses out of Dresden's way. So they ran away or got beat back; either way, they weren't around when Dresden stormed in, killed the fetch, and saved Molly. Mab got what she wanted, except for the little bit of fire damage to the fountain of power. She should have had Dresden Insurance.

And this is part of Mira's comments on Jman's post:

This all brings me back to jman 101's theory about the Black Council wanting Molly, that they wanted her as a recruit for their side, but why?  The young Korean kid that loses his head at the beginning of Proven Guilty appeared to have just as much talent to use his mind on others as Molly, why not him? Or was it just that the Wardens caught up to him before the Black Council did?  Actually I do not think so, I do think however that yes, the BC wanted Molly, but not so much as a recruit, but as a way to create divisions in the enemy..  I find it very interesting that Summer was eager to lend a hand in the rescue, though Lea thought it would piss off Winter. That Mab was also present in the Garden and winked at Harry.  Harry tossed the light down the wellspring.

And this is my comments now:

I like jman's theory.  I was never clear on what was really going on in that book, but I assumed we'd find out eventually.  His theory really makes a lot of sense - esp about the BC wanting to turn Molly.  Of course they'd want Molly!  She was halfway there already, she wouldnt need more than a little push and she'd make a great recruit for them because of who she was.  Her family, Harry, Forthill , Sanya - they'd all trust her, let her close.  Wouldnt be suspicious.  Unlike the Korean kid, she had access to some of the BC's worst enemies.  If she'd been trained by them to use her mind control powers, she could control them all.  At the very least push them in the direction the BC wanted them to go.  She'd be worth her weight in gold to the BC.

And it really helps make sense out of Mab's actions too.  Of course she winked at Harry.  He was doing exactly what she wanted him to do.  I have to read it again with this in mind.. 

Thanks jman!  It's a great theory!

Currated in a link in the quote -Serack

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