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Messages - Kram

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DF Spoilers / Who is the North American warrior in BG?
« on: January 24, 2021, 07:05:00 PM »
When Harry and Butters charged Ethniu at the last battle once Marcone arrived with everyone else from the south, Butters struck the helmet off a friendly who “... turned out to be a rather unremarkable-looking young woman with medium brown skin and the arched cheekbones and angular eyes of a native of the far northwest of North America, her face twisted with utter terror—and I saw it when the Sword passed, and its light burned that fear out of her. She blinked twice, as if waking up from a nap that had been plagued with a bad dream, set her jaw, and rose with her weapon in her hand. “Sir Knight,” she bade me, by way of greeting, gave me a short nod, and rose to drive her sword into the throat of an enemy soldier that lay on the ground...”

Who is this? Someone from the comics (I didn’t read those) or some other story I’ve missed? Seems like a significant mention since it put their very important charge on pause to describe what was a very normal thing that the Sword did for all friendlies on the battlefield.

DF Spoilers / Re: What do you look forward to in Peace Talks?
« on: May 29, 2020, 12:44:37 AM »
I feel I could echo many things here, but I’d add for myself:
- Seeing where Marcone and his enterprise stands now
- Seeing more of any of the Accords signatories we haven’t really heard much from (Mr. Ferro, Drakul, ....I’m forgetting who else)
- Seeing the equivalent of Mouse’s puppy stage with Bonnie
- Charity reacting to Molly as Winter Lady. I don’t think we’ve seen that

DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas Crack Prediction
« on: May 28, 2020, 08:46:05 PM »
It could be that Lara dies in Peace Talks or Battle Ground saving Thomas. Then Lord Raith is freed from Lara and chaos breaks out because he's insane by now. If you recall, Thomas was planning on either dying or ending up in charge in Blood Rites.

I’d be very interested in how Lord Raith would behave if left to his own devices at this point. Certainly nothing good would come from it except maybe some interesting information he would never reveal otherwise. This whole hypothetical scenario is one I’d love to read but would hate for it to happen!

DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas Crack Prediction
« on: May 27, 2020, 01:48:24 AM »
Don't forget Thomas is feeding on svartalves, too, per Bombshells. That would seem like a pretty potent food source that could make Thomas' demon stronger... if it works that way.

I don’t remember that part of Bombshells! I’m gonna have to reread the shorts, because I haven’t read them as much as the books.

It’s been theorized that by starving his Hunger, he has made it stronger. I don't recall the reasoning (or if there was any) behind the theory.

Interesting theory. I feel like there’s a lot about a White Court vamp’s demon that we don’t know when it comes to its limits and growth. We mostly hear of its weaknesses and Hunger.

DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas Crack Prediction
« on: May 26, 2020, 02:48:53 PM »
Thanks all for the thoughts!! It's fun nerd about this stuff :)

I guess a big question that I have that could perhaps help or hurt the theory is “can a WC demon’s power be grown through feeding or other means?” If so then that sort of power could be attainable, even if by time. Justine has already revealed her workaround to keep Thomas fed without hurting anyone too seriously. I consider that a Thomas power up, because he isn’t starved anymore.

I tend to give Thomas more credit in the political side for the subtle things. How he slid into Harry’s life at the right moment. How he disguised himself as a no-threatening screw up when he was really watching (and miserable). But also when Madelyn got too bold, then he slapped her down *hard*, displaying he is not to be trifled with. He is a secret operative for the Oblivion War. Those things I think could make a basis for qualifying on the political side.

I agree that Lara wouldn’t take the challenge lying down. As I think about it, the only way Thomas would be in a position to be King would be if Lara is dead. She's kind of like Marcone. She's not good but it could be worse. But please, not Thomas :(((

I agree, it does seem the puppet show is an open secret. If Lara falls I think the only way to save face would be to outmaneuver everyone into keeping the throne. We know you can’t just beat everyone in the head to get respect in WC, although I think being able to doesn’t hurt.

As far as Thomas assassinating Lara, I could only see him attempting that if he knew she had been corrupted by Nemesis (or had super convincing evidence) and he was the only one in a position to have a chance or else [major consequences].

What sort of secrets are in that library anyway tho?
I see where you are coming from, but I’m not sure how well Thomas and Lara would cooperate that way. They understand each other and they care for one another as family (which is a redeeming quality of Lara). Yet I don’t think Thomas would stand for having Lara’s plans and actions be “publicly” portrayed as his own, much less support most of them behind the scenes.

DF Spoilers / Thomas Crack Prediction
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:39:42 PM »
I’ve been entertaining an idea that could possibly be in the future for Thomas. King of the White Court. Obviously he doesn’t want it. Lara has her hooks in the current King who is no more than a puppet now. But as we’ve seen with the Winter Ladies, nothing opens up candidacy like an unexpected vacancy. Thoughts:
Lara gained power smoothly, but also is in a fragile position as well. She ISNT the Queen, although she operates like it. The instant something happens to the former king she will have to fight hard and fast against many her discover the truth. She has time to prepare, but isn’t guaranteed anything if her secret comes out.
Thomas isn’t necessarily portrayed as being able to take Lara on 1v1, but he also is like Harry in that there is power he won’t take for himself because of the grief he knows comes with it (besides, raw power isn’t really what rules the White Court, but being savvy. Thomas’s ability to protect himself and hold himself somewhat apart from the WC is a good demonstration, and he also has innate power). Imagine Lara is gone - who could possibly sit on the throne in the WC that wouldn’t be a disaster? It would be almost Godfather-like, a prodigal son inevitably sucked into the headship of corruption. It’s the worst thing that could happen to him aside from taking away Justine, being King of Monsters, which makes me think it might happen. So many of Harry’s companions including Harry himself have found themselves fighting the good fight from ground they thought of as bad after all.

This is my first crack theory post I think. I haven’t engaged in this site much but with the new books coming I’m on a 5th read-through to get ready for the new books and I’m having thoughts and felt like sharing 😄

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: ID animals, and figures from the books.
« on: September 04, 2017, 11:10:35 PM »
Hi All,

I judged started a new topic related to the Children of the Sun in this Spoilers forum.

Quartus, I find your comments about the CotS really interesting! And reflect some of my own imagination of the race. Would be happy to have your thoughts on the topic!

Codex Alera Spoilers / Feverthorn Jungle/CotS Hypothesis
« on: September 04, 2017, 11:03:14 PM »
Newbie here - first post ever! Just reread Codex Alera for the fourth time through and couldn't help but see what others thought. This relates to a quote from the Prologue in Book 6, First Lord's Fury.

From the beginning we learn that the croach didn't invade the Feverthorn Jungle. Aquitaine suspects it was "whatever the Children of the Sun [CotS] left behind has kept us out for 500 years...if we had more time, we could use that against them, somehow. I'm sure of it."

It's one thing to imagine what the CotS even are, but how to use whatever devices or enchantment they left against an enemy is a step further. 

I imagine if they really tried, they would have discovered that the CotS are not extinct, just wise enough to hide from Aleena attention, and that they may have been convinced to help the land of Alera itself to resist the croach. Though something tells me it would take more convincing than even the Icemen. Imagine if they didn't have to burn the land to the ground in retreat back to Calderon? It would have weakened the Queen herself to not yield the land to the croach, not to mention the effect on her armies. I imagine the CotS were not beings of great physical power and had abilities similar to woodcrafters, and perhaps even some fire. The CotS must have had a large empire if it "rotted back" to the Feverthorn, which is perhaps the center of their power. A great wood fury? Perhaps as old as Garados but not so homicidally senile? If only I could ask Alera herself... :D

If Aquitaine had the time, what do you think this would have looked like to turn the power of the Feverthorn onto the vord? 

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