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Messages - PamelaHeath

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Wait...3 DVDs? That can't be right...that's 6 eps a disk, plus pilot and docs, plus commentaries. The compression algorithms for that would give very poor image quality. 3-4 eps a disc is needed. So that would be three discs for the episodes alone, plus a bonus features disk.

I'd thought about that, too. They say it's 530 minutes, too, which makes me wonder whether there will truly be the 2 hour pilot, as there's barely enough room for 12 episodes in that time frame....

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:46:59 PM »
I am only currently published in nonfiction (I have a paranormal romance, "Out of Nowhere" still languishing at Tor, from when they requested the full manuscript 3 years ago - have a feeling its past time to rewrite the thing). The nonfiction books are both parapsychology:

The PK Zone: A Cross-Cultural Review of Psychokinesis: This is a 3 parter with part I stories of PK (including miracles) from around the world from the earliest recorded literature on; Part II is the experimental PK research; Part III is experiential research (what it's like to do it) plus how people can get better at doing it themselves. It was originally published in 2003, and I'm in the middle of a complete rewrite and update now. I hope to have a new version out within the year.

Sucide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife was put out by North Atlantic Books last June. It looks at reports said to come from the afterlife (through mediums and other methods) regarding what it's like to be there for 3 types of suicide: traditional, assisted (euthanasia), and suicide mass-murder (like suicide bombers or what happened in Virginia). I went through over 400 channeled books to find the info, plus did some Q&A sessions with spirit guides and supposed deceased suicide bombers through mediums. It's interesting stuff.

My website is my name:

FROM: S1-11: Things that Go Bump Thread:
I checked the credits when I watched this episode again last night and the screenwriter credit went to our friend, Robert Hewett Wolfe. I just have to say that every episode that I have really liked has been written by Robert. I personally wish he could do them all!

Hm. Lets look at this. Like it or hate it in terms of continuity, you have to admit that "Storm Front" was more true to the books than many of the other episodes, and Robert Hewitt Wolfe would have spent extra time on it to sell it as a concept for a series. More time means more direct input. Then we look at "Things that Go Bump," which Robert wrote. Wonderful writing. Great moments. Chock full of classic Harry lines. Very true to the book characters. I'd say Robert not only understands how to produce a good show (and it a terrific writer) but has one heck of a good take on the Dresden universe. I for one, am deeply grateful that he took this project on. Coming on the forum and answering our questions is just icing on the cake. I know how busy he is, but I really hope he doesn't get so caught up in other things that he can't write more episodes. He's GOOD at it.

I see a lot of nit-picking on various threads and complaints about advertising (much needed dollars for a show - I'm glad when ANYONE wants to pay good money, supporting the show, to be seen during the commercial break). Sometimes I feel people have lost sight of the bigger picture. The simple truth is that we owe Robert and his lead stars (Paul Blackthorne and Terrance Mann) our heartfelt gratitude for bringing Butcher's delightful characters even further to life, and in doing it so very well despite the constraints they fight against in terms of time/money/corporate politics. They do a fantastic job.

So, to Robert, Paul, Terrance, and all the others who work on this show and do their best to make it a good one:


Your efforts are appreciated.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: What, do we have leprosy or something?
« on: March 27, 2007, 01:33:35 AM »
Maybe he heard you NorCal people are a bit upity?  He is after all a Midwest boy.

Hey! I'm in the San Francisco Bay area, and I grew up in Missouri. There are a lot of us Midwesterners out here!

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: March 20, 2007, 11:05:18 PM »
Robert...So am I right in this...magic only screws with stuff when actually ACTIVE, rather than a general field of roll-the-dice around Harry? Or dead wrong?

Yeah, that's pretty much it.  Or when he's upset or emotional.  Or when the stuff is delicate and high tech.  Note how he hovered back from the computer in Boone.  Note that he still has a ton of candles around and cooks with gas (which is electronic free if you hand light the gas burner).  Note that his lab is basicially entirely electricity free.  And he uses a rotary phone.  And he still drives the a relic of a car, too.

Interesting. That would make it like true psychokinesis (mind over matter). You see that with ghosts (or some psychics) when they cause batteries to quit working, or when people get pissed off and objects go flying or electrical equipment blows. I know if I'm angry, I make light bulbs blow. LOL. I had to keep a lot of candles around for awhile...

I like it. It fits.

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