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Messages - Braincandy

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DF Books / Re: Harry making money
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:48:11 AM »
sure I'm almost up to date on the books, I've just begun on Brief cases.
I'll assume u are up to date on changes as well :)

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DF Books / Re: New reader here
« on: April 14, 2019, 01:06:09 PM »
Just don't read the short stories ahead of books that take place earlier. The Shorts frequently address the fallout from major plot events and tend to be loaded with potential spoilers.

DF Books / Re: Butters
« on: April 14, 2019, 01:03:53 PM »
The idea of JC having kids has been around a lot longer than The Da VInci Code. Hell, it was a major plot point in Dogma, which was released 4 years before the Da Vinci Code book came out.

That's right, Dan Brown stole from Jay and Silent Bob.

It's most likely King David. Since the other well known Jewish King was Davids son, it all goes back to David.

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: December 16, 2018, 05:42:04 AM »
Copy paste of the whole thing for the lazy among us.

"An explanation, so you can stop emailing complaints to the feedback box, which doesn’t reach Jim, and mainly just frustrates the folks running this site.)

Personal problems/life events spanning the past several years are what gummed up the works.

    Got divorced, with all the fallout that comes from that
    His dog died, who was “the brains of the operation” as Jim tells it
    Got engaged
    Moved to another state to live with his fiancee
    Had to live in an apartment with no private writing space for years longer than intended because the contractor setting up his new house has blown the deadline by a couple years at least

That latter bit made it especially hard for him to get traction on Peace Talks. Thankfully the house is finally inhabitable and Jim’s been back at work.

As of December 10th, 2018 the current draft of the novel is up to chapter 37. Progress!"

I was among those grumbling but I can understand all of this. A divorce alone is rough. Losing your dog is also a heartbreaker. Sounds like Jim has been deep in the crap, I can relate as my 2018 has been the same way. It'll get done when it gets done.

DFRPG / Re: how long does thaumaturgy take
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:32:44 AM »
Thaumaturgy usually has 2 types of bonuses: complexity and control. Complexity raises the "no preparation" level of lore, control raises your discipline for the purpose of gathering power. It would only be logical that there is a third type, power, that allows you to draw in more power per exchange. On the other hand, you are usually sacrificing time to cast a ritual, anyway, so those points are probably better spend elsewhere.

That depends. If you have a sponsored magic and you are casting some "evocation speed" thaumaturgy, wouldn't a hypothetical power focus come into play? In this case, complexity isn't a factor, only how much power you can call up and control in one round.

DFRPG / Re: how long does thaumaturgy take
« on: January 17, 2014, 03:22:35 PM »
I think you have to feed it an extra shift or two to last the whole day.

While on subject, why is Conviction important for thaumaturgy? Just for the extra mild consequence?

You still have to feed power into the spell. The higher your Conviction and Discipline the faster you can channel power into it, it helps get those high complexity spell done quickly.

So while it may not be a big deal with Harry's simple tracking spell, if you were trying to get a complexity 6 or higher spell done and time was a factor, those stats would come into play.

DFRPG / Re: how long does thaumaturgy take
« on: January 17, 2014, 12:26:57 AM »
Being able to quickly cast simple thaumaturgy won't devalue Evocation at all. The strength of Thaumaturgy is the fact that you CAN do the preparation to hit really high complexity levels that Evocation can't touch. Unless you are using Sponsored Magic, you will need to have a high lore, Conviction AND Discipline to make a really impressive Thaumaturgic effect quickly, where Evocation just needs Conviction and Discipline.

DFRPG / Re: What would a power granting ritual look like
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:25:30 AM »
Because that's the rules. Says so in the book.

Where does it say that?

DFRPG / Re: Golems Are Great
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:35:36 PM »
But that was a construct made of ectoplasm. Braincandy talks about earthly materials. Which is the point of a golem. If you create an ectoplasmic construct, that's just summoning and binding.

By the way, why does ectoplasm melts if you trap a construct in a circle? Can you explain it, please?

He's right about the ectoplasm melting. It's because it's material ripped right from the nevernever. The circle breaks it's link and it melts. That's why I specifically mentioned a construct made of an actual real world materiel, like iron or stone. A magic circle wouldn't destroy that body, the spirit would still have it's vessel but it may well be trapped in the circle.

DFRPG / Re: Golems Are Great
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:59:50 AM »
The material of the construct itself wouldn't dissipate most likely (ectoplasm and water being possible exceptions) but the spell energy powering the construct would be gone, returning the construct back to whatever normal, inanimate state the material usually has.  A Wardhound for instance would become a stone statue of a Tibetan temple dog.
That would depend on how the construct was made I think. If it has a body made of real material and is driven by a bound spirit, It wouldn't go inert in a magic circle, it would trap the spirit and it's body with it.

DFRPG / Re: how does sponsered magic work
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:41:58 AM »

The fire reference explains what it does if you don't have Evocation also.

The fire reference is if you use Soulfire as the element instead of another traditional one. Someone who has Evocation could do that too,  but they are more likely to use whatever element that are already skilled in rather than just raw Soulfire.

DFRPG / Re: how does sponsered magic work
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:21:49 PM »
Aren't the Outsider pure evil though?
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DFRPG / Re: how does sponsered magic work
« on: December 29, 2013, 08:35:59 AM »
Soulfire writeup doesn't mention "with the methods and speed of evocation" at all, though. It just allows all thaumaturgy to be done with the Sponsored Magic. Which... makes it really not worth -3 for somebody who's already got Evo and Thaum.

I think the using up soul thing is a combination of Compels on Sponsor Debt and taking consequences to power a big spell with it. I don't think it really NEEDS any special mechanics... especially since Harry does cast soulfire spells without noticing anything, so it shouldn't be some extra penalty every time you cast a spell with soulfire.

He sure as hell noticed something the first time he used soulfire, his hand went numb for days. I think it is possible that since he did not know he had soulfire, that first time he did the magical equivalent of "emptying the clip" so to speak. He used far more than was needed for the effect, hence the lasting harm from one spell.

DFRPG / Re: how does sponsered magic work
« on: December 28, 2013, 11:17:04 AM »
Soulfire was written before the novels revealed further details about it. As such, it is outdated.

I didn't realize how old the RPG book was until I just went and double checked it. It was written right after Small Favor, but the only thing that they really discussed in the book was the cost to the soul of using it so I am still surprised that that part isn't in the RPG.

DFRPG / Re: how does sponsered magic work
« on: December 27, 2013, 04:39:52 AM »
that's why I asked the descriptions are vague, that's one of the problems with the system, games require a bit more rules to make them doable in game. So what I find in games like this is a lot of house rules to clarify things and prevent Omni characters. I almost think some modern version of D&D d20 would almost be better setting for Dresden world. At no point was I suggesting that either. I've played a LOT of D20 and I do like it, but I like this system precisely because it is so different.  D20 tried to be a light combat sim while this is more of a storytelling aid.

Soulfire is the only really vague thing and everyone knows why that is. It is still, even now, a largely undefined commodity in the books and therefore nearly impossible to stat in the game. I suspect that we will get a bit more definition to Soulfire in the new book, running around with the Denarians makes it likely that Harry's Soulfire will be a topic of conversation.

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