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Topics - Fyrchick

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Undertown: the Game [OOC]
« on: September 09, 2019, 02:23:47 AM »
So I just wanted to toot our horn and share that the Undertown game that we started in 2010 with the release of the first DFRPG is still going strong.

We had to change our Parachat accessible game to Dischord, but we still have 2 original players [Enjorous and Fyrchick}] and the amazing award-winning GM, Mij!

So here's to everyone playing and posting and keeping the world alive!
There are a few people around who might remember us....

Cinder Spires Books / Release Date?
« on: March 16, 2014, 08:44:30 PM »
 I was wandering through Goodreads and saw an "expected publication" date of Aug 7, 2014.
Any info on how accurate this might be?

Edit by Priscellie:

We have a release date! September 29th, 2015! 

Full Details:

DFRPG / Fate Core made Buzzfeed...
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:52:32 PM »

It was part of the top Biggest Kickstarter Wins list, but still a great way to get more players!!!

DFRPG / Kickstarter for Torment: Tides of Numenera
« on: March 24, 2013, 08:40:04 PM »
I just wanted to share...
Patrick Rothfuss posted a link to this as he will be participating:

"A story-driven CRPG crafted in the tradition of Planescape™: Torment & set in the world of Monte Cook's Numenera."

It seems like there MIGHT be a few people that would be interested in this style of CRPG.
12 days left to kick in, or just make a note and try to get it when it is done.

Thats all!

Site Suggestions & Support / New sub-board or Tag for RPG
« on: February 05, 2013, 09:21:27 PM »
Would it be possible to make a special sub-Bar board for all the RPG threads? Or at least ask that the ongoing threads get labeled as RPG rather than actual discussion topics?

The first 10 threads a few minutes ago were all RPG things.  It just seems to be getting a little cluttered....

DFRPG / Kickstarter looking for old D&D campaigns....
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:45:20 AM »

They are looking for homemade adventures for consideration in the book. I am reasonably confident that there are at least a couple people here that might have one or two old campaigns filed away.  ::) ;)

Just thought I'd share.

Site Suggestions & Support / Memorial Thread?
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:31:52 PM »
I know it sounds kind of odd, but would a thread dedicated to members and their loved ones who pass be morbid?
Maybe just a spot to acknowledge and celebrate and post obituaries or memories.
It seems to help a lot of people grieve and celebrate the people that are important to them (including pets).
This forum is remarkably comfortable and I think it would be a good place to share these things without fear of ridicule or backlash.

This way the threads won't be lost in the general social area.


DFRPG / Virtual Tabletop Kickstarter
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:18:08 PM »

I wasn't sure if this has been shared anyhere else so...

Release for beta is suppssed to be May 1.
Looks like it will be awesome if it is anything like the plans....

Site Suggestions & Support / More Suspect Members
« on: April 04, 2010, 10:55:50 PM »

Yes, I was bored at work. But I did find these:;u=16440;u=16449;u=14640;u=10874;u=14612;u=15586;u=13975;u=15443;u=15079;u=17072;u=16283;u=19285;u=14364;u=15892;u=15342;u=15627;u=13558;u=15945;u=10848;u=16970;u=14138;u=15156;u=16162;u=17182;u=14438;u=10315;u=16305;u=13750;u=16079;u=15425

Site Suggestions & Support / Search function
« on: December 11, 2009, 10:11:51 PM »

I have noticed that there seems to be an increase in multiple threads on the same topic. At first I got all indignant  ;) that no one seemed to use the search function.

I decided to see if it was me and typed "SUSAN" in the seach field on the home page.

The "I Hate Susan" thread wasn't displayed as an option as a thread title. It did find all the references in the text of various threads. If I actually go to the SEARCH from the menu bar I can be more specific and get the results I am looking for.

Is there a set parameter for the search field? I think that is why there are so many duplicate topics-people DO do a search and don't get the appropriate threads listed as results. I know thats where I'd go first... I had assumed I'd get the same results from using the button as I would with the menu option. I think if you just get to the site thats the first place you'd look before posting a new topic. (Confession: I never really used the search menu option because I assumed I'd get the same results  ::) )

Is this something that can be changed or otherwise re-parameter-ed? (I know, I know, its not a real word... don't tell Shecky ;))



It seems we have a large number of pharmacies and "teens" willing to do various questionable acts listed as members. I know there are a lot of auto-registration spam programs...
But I was amazed at how many spam members we have! Is this something admins need to clean up?
I was just curious.....

Site Suggestions & Support / Dresden Index??
« on: February 10, 2008, 12:55:32 PM »
I was poking around, and searched a little, and this may already exixt, but:

Is it possible to create a thread or what have you that would make an index of topics?
No discussions, just topics and book/chapter. (including the comics as they are published).

Maybe by book and chapter rather than actual page# (to avoid the insane notation that would have to happen with all the different MM and HC editions..)
I know you can do seach on Amazon and all that, but
Obviously, we can't note every appearance of every character, but maybe say, significant descriptions of them, or reference to an event???

With all of the forum members, it might fill out fairly quickly....
 For example, I was wondering where St. Mary's of the Angels was, or how JB had described it...

St. Mary's:
   address:GP/3 (Grave Peril/chapter 3)
   description: GP/#
Cassandra's Tears GP/2
Father Forthill SF/1
Toad Demon SF/5

OR even things from the TV show.... Like Morgan's sword TV/2 (TV show, episode 2).

(I'm just guessing on the actual chapters #'s and episodes and stuff.)

Mostly as a resource on this a quick reference....
Then, if we ARE searching on the forum, you only have to type like "series index" and the topic rather than sort through all the threads.....

or am i just in need of more coffee?

DFRPG / Alignment?
« on: May 30, 2007, 11:53:00 AM »
So, I was wondering how everyone would assign alignment to Dresden characters....not referring to RPG rules. Just your opinion.
How would you do it?
What would Mac be? Is/has Harry changed alignment as the books progress?
Just bored and wondering....

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