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Messages - Serack

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How you know dis?  Mebbe he did, mebbe he didn't.  :D

dis how I know

Is there any online evidence of Jim speaking with Bob the Skull's voice?  I hear that it is very good.
I don't think so.  When I asked Jim if he would be willing to read a snippet of Bob at the dinner, he said, "Potentially."  Didn't happen.  Ah well.

Thanks, MarsCon1!  Much appreciated and Caveat understood--helps me plan my leaving work a titch early on Friday to get down there for the JB-SB-DF fun.

Bob is probably in Ghost Story, eh?  So we could get double the fun by having him read a passage from Ghost Story w/Bob in it!  Win-Win, eh?  :-*

Bob did not make an appearance in the draft of ghost story's first 4 chapters read at NYCC

If there is a reading, my guess is that it will be from Ghost StoryIf folks want, though, I'll ask him if he'd be open to reading a bit of Bob.

I'm only a folk, I need at least a second for it to be "folks"

I made the mistake of buying a camcorder with an internal battery, so I'm going to have to order extra batteries for this con...

The Hotel Staff looks forward to MarsCon every year.The owner is Pakistani and is there most of the weekend. A few years back, we asked for permission to set up a decoration in the main lobby. He enjoyed it so much that every year he is asking us what we are creating for the lobby this year. He also enjoys our Dance Troupe, so they get asked back every year. This is a smaller hotel - when it comes to the number of rooms - but when the hotel truly wants you there then it is hard to leave.

Just a quick note on the tentative schedule for Jim and Shannon. Before I post this --- THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ---- Friday: 6pm Opening Ceremonies 7pm Jim & Shannon panel (Working Title: Urban Fantasy)  Saturday: 12noon - Jim's panel (reading potentially) 1pm Jim and Shannon Signing 3pm Jim Q&A. Sunday: Early morning panel (Their flight leaves around 1pm so they don't want to be late)

Now this is subject to change. Also as a favor to the MarsCon staff. For the members of this board - Please don't hog Jim and Shannon all to yourselves. Give the other fans a chance. See you at the con.

Jim usually defers readings and does Q&A's instead, saying that he assumes most people can read his books themselves, and he gets a new croud to laugh at his jokes.  Personally, I love watching Q&A video's on the internet, but I really, really, really want to hear the fabled Jim Butcher reading of Bob that there seem to be no recordings of, but those that have heard report to be amaisingly laden with snark.

DF Reference Collection / 2010 Buzzy Multimedia interview
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:37:52 PM »
Dictation by Serack

2010 Buzzy Multimedia interview youtube video

*Harpsichord Music in the background*
*end text*

Flash to poster of Changes cover

author Jim Butcher on
a novel of The Dresden Files
*end text* *End Harpsichord Music*

In a non Spoilery way...

Dresden finds out he actually has a child by Susan Rodriguez whom he had a steamy encounter with way back in book 5 and finds out that he has a daughter who's about 8 years old.  And not only that, but that she's been taken by the Red Court.

He Has to do something about it because nobody else is going to.  He tries to go get some help from the White Council which does him about as much good as it always does, which is to say they make things worse.  After that everything is going to be up to him so he is going to find out exactly how far he is willing to go to save his daughter.  And exactly what he is willing to sacrifice and give up to do so.  Dresden has been offered so many things over the years.  This is one of those books where all of those old deals are much more tempting than they ever have been before.  He's got to decide, he may not have the options he had before of just calmly turning away from it, where now, if he does, it might be his little girl who dies.  

Why did you give Harry a daughter as opposed to a son?
*end text*

I wanted him to get hit with absolutely the worst person he would need to protect.  He has so far resisted all these offers that have come along.  I wanted to give him the absolute worst, or absolute best maybe, reason to get over his moral objections that he's had before, or force himself through them in order to protect a life.  

Harry has always had this real Cavalier complex, especially where women are concerned.  It isn't a survival trait for him, but he's got it anyway.  Not only was he going to protect his child, but his child is also female and that makes a difference in his thinking.  It isn't rational, but it is part of who he is.  Harry wouldn't be "ah it's a boy screw him," but it's not just his child, it's a little girl who needs protection.  It's something that can change his mind about decisions he's made before.  

Writing this book was like I was finally getting to pull the trigger on so many things I have been building for so long.  I felt like the special effects guy in "Tropic Thunder", you know.  Just havin way too much fun with my job.

Do the events of "Changes" happen about when you expected in the Dresden time-line?
*end text*

When in the Dresden Files did I know the plot of changes?
That was when I first set up the story, which was originally for a class project, so uh, it would be about 1996.  I kinda planned out the entire story arc of the series.  I knew the general events of it.  Specifically how things were going to work out with Susan and so on was something I adjusted to on the fly, but I knew this was going to be kind of a mile stone moment in his "wizardly" career.  

Did you go from two-word titles to a one-word title to signify that "Changes" does mark a change?
*end text*

*Jim* *Vigorous head nodding*
Absolutely, that was one of the things.  It was a, supposed to be indicative.  The same thing with the doo, this is my promotional doo. *points at his freshly shorn hair*

What is your writing process?
*end text*

I write linearly from beginning to end.  Chapter 1 to chapter whatever, to the end of the book.  I don't think I'm smart enough to do it the other way, I just have to go one bit at a time.  

Which characters are the most fun to write?
*end text*

Oh, I have fun with so many characters.  I got to do some more Mab in this book, and Mab is always one of my favorites to write.  Mouse is also great fun to right.  Sanya, the last Knight of the Cross who's in operation got to show up.  *Russian Accent*Is always fun writing Sanya with his Russian accent in my head. *end Russian Accent*

Does Mouse look anything like this?
*end text*

*jim holds a, 8 inch statue of a Chinese temple dog almost exactly like the right statue in this picture, but a darker bronze*

Yes, this is a statue of a foo dog, or at least a replica of a statue, Mouse himself is a temple dog.  The way he looks in my head is he looks a lot more like a Russian Caucasian.  The Soviets bread them as security dogs, from Tibetan mastiffs, and I think Saint Bernards.  Mouse looks quite somewhat like this, if you scale up a Tibetan Mastiff, you get to Mouse Size, and that's about where he is.  He gets to take part in the adventure in this one, and have a lot of fun as well.  You'll get to find out more about Mouse, and exactly where he's fun, and about the kinds of things he can do and why.  But you know, I don't want to spoil that for anybody, that's for the future.

There are people that ask me if I could ever write something from Mouse's point of view, and I say, "I would, but then the reader would know too much."  Mouse is quite a bit smarter I think than Harry in some ways.  

mythology in The Dresden Files
*end text*

One of the things I wanted to do for the Dresden files was, I wanted to create a world not where I was going to pick one mythology or the other that was the correct one, but where they could all be true, and yet not true at the same time.  Something that could encompass virtually anything anyone believed, and to explain how it got to be that way.  To make it feasible for them to exist side by side.  So that I could be playing around with demi-gods from one culture, struggling against divine beings of another.  

Favorite Files?
*end text*

Oh, Changes is pretty close.  It's right up there between Changes and Dead Beat, because Zombie Trex! I mean what else do you need to say about Dead Beat.  That was an enormous amount of fun to write.  But Changes was extremely gratifying for me because there were so many things that had been building up and building up over the course of the entire series before, that I finally got to make happen here.

Do  you write the dialogue with the Dresden FIles audiobooks, read by James Marsters, in mind?
*end text* (Transcribers note, Buzzy Multimedia is the company that produces the audio books)

I don't really write the dialogue thinking about the audiobooks, mostly because I only have the vaguest understanding of how that gets put together.  I am not an audio performer myself.  Even if I tried to put it together for the audio books, I'm not sure if I wouldn't be making it worse.  So mostly I just try and write like I always have.  I probably should apologize to James for that sometime.  I should research the audio thing and see if I can write something friendlier.  

Will there be more Dresden Files graphic novels/comics?
*end text*

Yes, there will.  Dynamite is going to be busy issuing the second four issues of Storm Front which should be out in the next few months.  And then after that they are going on to Fool Moon, and they are already trying to convince me to write another original story like "Welcome to the Jungle" was.  I'm really tempted, because writing comics is fun.

What are some of the big debates among fans of The Dresden Files?
*end text*

Some of the things that I've seen:
There's enormous arguments about who should get one of the Swords of the Cross, and which person should be wielding them.  Who might have stolen Thorned Namshiel's coin, and who's actually a secret Denarian now, and walking among the members of the cast.  Of course, who Harry should wind up with romantically is always a huge discussion on the boards.  I am sure there are many many others, the exact way magic works, you know, what Harry should be doing to manufacture the most advantageous gear for himself, and so on.

Did your beta-readers have opinions about your "Lord of the Rings" recasting?
*end text*

At one point in the books, the characters are arguing who they are in The Fellowship of the Ring.  There's some fairly unusual decisions about who was playing who.  And in the discussion inside the books, the beta readers had their own take on it.  There was this huge discussion on, well if we were casting Lord of the Rings for the Dresden Files, who would be who.  We're not even sure who might be Frodo.  It might be Murphy, because I think everybody there would be afraid to cast Murphy as the dwarf, I think because she would have something to say about that so.  I know if I was standing near Murphy I wouldn't suggest that she should be the dwarf.  

Why did you cast Harry as Sam?
*end text*

Sam was really the Hero in The Lord of the Rings in a great many ways, he was the one who mattered.  But yah, I had a great time writing that scene, and I'm sure the Beta's had a great time arguing it, and I'm sure that argument will carry on to the fan forums.  If you wana drop by and check out our fan forums, you might be able to throw in your own 2 bits into the discussion.  

By the end of the Dresden Files series, will all our questions be answered?
*end text*

I hope so.  I do want to be able to answer all the questions at the end of the series, mostly because I'm fundamentally a lazy writer so I don't want to write something that I don't want to use for something later on.  All the threads I've got hanging, I want to make sure I have them all tied up nice and neat before we are done.  

Book Twelve is not the last book, so for all the people who are asking, Fear not, there will be a Book Thirteen.  The Publishers already payed me for it so I have to write it.  Look for it Next year.  

interview conducted & edited by Abbie Bernstein
Music by Eric Kufs (transcribers note, there was also acoustic guitar music for each text interlude after the intro with harpsichord.)
special thanks:

Jim Butcher
Angela Januzzi

Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Huntington Beach, Calif.

This interview has been a presentation of

*end text*

Ok, just like I thought when I started this topic, YOU GUYS ROCK!  Thanks for all the effort.  As Tsunami's post illustrates, having dictations of these is really helpful to a lot of people out there that have issues with watching/listening to video/audio recordings of these, because of reasons like lack of broadband, or hearing impaired.  In addition to that, it can make it easier to find obscure WoJs like the one about how he spent the summer doing things with his son who is going off to college (Just an example of something that I wouldn't have taken a transcription of for the DF compilation).

I'm going to start small with
2010 Buzzy Multimedia interview youtube video

Site Suggestions & Support / Jim Interview dictation cluster project
« on: November 18, 2010, 06:25:20 PM »
Forum members are doing some great work taking dictations of audio and video Jim interviews in this thread and I suggest that a mod snatch the individual posts and split them into their own topics on the WoJ forum.  I know that Myyrdn doesn't have mod privileges in the Spoilers section, but they had to be posted where people were alowed to make their own posts.

Here is a direct link to the first dictation already done.,22558.msg972829.html#msg972829

For future posts in this topic that I want to recomend for transfer to the WoJ section, would using the "Report to moderator" button be appropriate?

I'll take these

2009 Kansas City Public Library Q&A (Audio)
2009 Mr. Media Radio Interview (Audio)
2009 Whisper radio interview audio (interview starts at 49:40)

If they get to be too much I'll speak up.    That Kansas City one is annoying because it's hard to hear what the audience asks, but I'll do my best.

For Q&A's that had a crowd with no mike for the askers, Jim usually repeats back the question for the croud to hear, and I usually just wrote down the "repeated" question as the part I bolded (with some exceptions).

I think you're missing a part of that 2008 Comic-Con Q&A session.
There is this Video out there, that i'm pretty sure is Part 0 of that panel.

I've already transcribed part of that here.,14868.msg687203.html#msg687203

Sadly I've no time to spare to transcribe more at the moment, but feel free to use what's already there.

Thanks for pointing that out to me, great job with the transcription too!  That is probably by far the best telling yet of the story of how he came up with the idea for Codex Alera, I've added the link to the list of interviews.  It's also a pretty good example of how having transcrips is a great tool, but it's always fun watching/listening to the actual original media, because he was so expressive with this story.

man that's a lot of characters, I doubt knnn will be able to fit the whole thing into his earlier post...

P.S.  With the changes in how the forums work, important posts like this can now be lost.  If you know of a post that is already auto locked due to being inactive for too long, and is in danger of being gobbled by the decay factor, there is a sticky in the "Site Suggestions & Support" forum where you can do us all the service of pointing it out to the mods so they can be sure that it gets preserved.

I'm willing to help out.  I think I'll start with 2008 ComicCon (all five parts).

That's one of my favorite WoJ sources.  It's got some of the best Lash info.

P.S.  I recomend anyone who wants to contribute to post like knnn did so that someone else doesn't end up reproducing your work while your still working on it, and then when you are done, go back and modify your post to contain the actual dictation.  (don't forget to change the subject line!!!).

DF Reference Collection / Example of dictation
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:54:12 PM »
Ok this Post is to serve as an example of the Formatting I recomend any dictations take.  The actual dictation will have different forms since some of the above recordings are Q&A's some are interviews, some are pannels.  For Panels I recomend doing the actual dictation in a format similar to Myyrdn's dictation of the Beyond Binary panel from the 2010 Dragon*con.  If a Q&A, I recomend using the format of Bolding questions and leaving JB's answers Unbolded, since that has become a common format on the forums that I have picked up and used in the compilation.

First please change the subject line of your response to the title of the interview/Q&A/pannel thingy (Like I changed this one to "Example of dictation").   The actual example will fall under the Horizontal Lin.  I will do some coding using {} instead of [] to show my recomendations.  And notes will be **surrounded by asterisks (and I can't spell that word)**

Name of recorded WoJ with embeaded link **the easiest way to do this may be to quote the OP and copy and paste it out of that quote**
Transcription by {url=link to your profile}Your name here{/url}

Text of dictation here

Jim Butcher has a lot of interaction with his fans, including on these boards, and a huge amount of it has been archived in the Word of Jim (WoJ) section of these boards.  If you haven't visited them, I highly recommend you do, and in the context of Dresden Files Spoilers, I highly recommend you visit the "DF WoJ compilation" which goes through a lot of trouble to list everything that Jim Butcher has said about the Dresden Files.

There are lots of recordings of Jim Butcher interviews, Q&A sessions, and panels that can only be found in audio or video formats.  These are fun to watch/listen to (after all don't they say that 80% of all communication is non verbal or something like that?), but several people have voiced that they would enjoy text versions better, and others have expressed appreciation for transcriptions that have already been done because of hearing impairment or other reasons that make listening to them impractical. 

There are a LOT of videos and audio clips though, and although I have done some of them, I have found out that a lot of our forum contributors are much more efficient at it.  So if you wish to contribute to the effort, please post your work here, and I will put it in the WoJ forum as well as link to it in the interview list.  Any help is appreciated by myself as well as everyone else that loves to read Word of Jim sources.

It is usually not necessary to point out things Jim Butcher has said on the Forums that are not in the WoJ area.  Those are generally kept where they originate so that discussion can be continued, and I frequently check Jim's recent posts for them using his profile. 

List of Audio & Youtube JB interviews and appearances that need Dictations

2006 Buzzy Multimedia Interview (youtube, well edited) Blampira
2007 FictionRight Interview with JB and his wife Shannon (audio) Blampira
2007 Dragon Page interview audio Blampira
*2007 Cinemafreaks interview of JB and Fred Hicks Audio (interview starts at 31:45)
Dorkgasm interview May 16 2008 on youtube
    Part 1
  |  Part 2  |  Part 3 Icecream
2008 Book signing at some unidentified Boarders each vid is ~1 min with lots of laughing
    "McAnally"  |  "Siblings"  |  "Apocolyptic Trilogy"  |  bob the skull...and scobby doo
Slice of SciFi youtube, Interview starts at 6:49 derek
2008 Seattle Book Signing
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4
Interview at NY Comic con with Jim Butcher and Paul Blackthorne (TV HARRY) Crawker
2008 The Dragon Page article (audio podcast) LML
*2008 Comic-Con Q&A session youtube video
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5
2008 Interview Writen interview + short video derek
2009 Barnes & Noble Interview (audio) derek
*2009 Turn Coat Release Party Interview youtube vid
2009 Jim telling story about his dog in Chicago derek
*2009 Dayton Book Signing Q&A youtube video
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4
*2009 Kansas City Public Library Q&A (Audio)
*2009 Mr. Media Radio Interview (Audio)
*2009 Whisper radio interview audio (interview starts at 49:40)
2010 Powells Books Signing Q&A (youtube vid)
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6
*2010 Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego on April 9th youtube videos
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5
2010 Buzzy Multimedia interview youtube video Serack
2010 Dragon Page interview audio LogicMouseLives
2010 Question from Dragoncon video (here's the comic they are talking about) derek
*2010 Dragon Con Q&A session (Part "7" picks up where Part 6 leaves off, but was made by a diff. person who numbered it "8")
    Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6  |  Part "7"
Suduvu interview video crawker
2010 Fantasy authors panel @ NYC Comic con Videos
2010 NovelsAlive interview youtube vid derek
Absent Willow Review interview Written Crawker
2010 SFBC interview @ NYCC youtube video derek
*2010 The Walking Eye Interview about the DFRPG with Fred Hicks (Iago) and Jim podcast audio
2010 Brief Side Jobs interview from his Publisher youtube sjsharks

2011 stuffs:
Marscon Q&A session (youtube) cass
Marscon Panel "Urban Fantasy, is it an ocean or just a wave"
Ghost Story blerb with Jim produced by his Publisherdagaetch
* interview
Patrick Rothfuss interviews Jim Butcher for SUVUDU (SDCC) Ziggelly
Jim Butcher interviews Patrick Rothfuss for SUVUDU (SDCC) Ziggelly
Gamer's Haven interview(audio)dagaetch
Fast Forward, Contemporary Sciency Fiction interview] (youtube) Serack
2011 Release party Q&A at Kansas City (youtube) (part 5 done by derrek, parts 1-3 done by thelordbeans)
*Atlanta Signing Q&A (large portions of this have been finished here)
*Washington DC signing Q&A (youtube) AcornArmy
NYC Signing Q&A jeditigger
Naperville (Chicago area) Signing Q&A  dagaetch and Serack
Boston Signing Q&A (Last 20 minutes) cass
Bevercreek signing Q&A
The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy phone interview
Short Story Geeks phone interview

*someone has already offered to take dictations of these (but most of these offers are stale)

One more suggestion
Jim is a lot of fun to listen to, but when you transcribe what he says verbatum it sometimes comes out like this excerpt from the 2011 Marscon Q&A:

Um, and it…almost all of them come from stuff like that. Um, some characters are…I only needed for a minute, some characters that I only needed for a minute were actually too cool and I had to keep them.


Almost all of them come from stuff like that.  Some characters that I only needed for a minute were actually too cool and I had to keep them.

Is much more easy to read, yet still stays true to what he was saying.

But doing editing like that might be one of the reasons why it takes me a bit longer to do these transcriptions compared to some other people.  Any work is appreciated.

He meant Jim and Shannon's son, J.J., who's in his first year at college. Shannon used to hijack grocery-store supply 18-wheelers to feed him.

lol, my brother and I used to go through a loaf of bread a day just for lunch PB&J sandwiches when we were that age.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim and Shannon at TusCon in Tucson, AZ
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:59:58 PM »
Not this one specifically but one of them on "creating fan bases" actually did cut Shannon off or would come in right on her heels. It actually drove me nuts to the point that I won't buy/read anything of her's. Can't remember her name but I'd know it if I saw it.

I'd leave it that way in text, Jim doesn't like mud slinging of other authors here.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim and Shannon at TusCon in Tucson, AZ
« on: November 15, 2010, 07:05:17 PM »
*orders a round*

Back to video editing you! :D

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