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Messages - Spot

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Oh wow, congratulations! I am tempted to buy a t-shirt myself.

Very pretty! I'll buy a t-shirt when I have some moolah. :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Badelynge of Quackiness
« on: June 14, 2012, 12:14:03 AM »
Believe it or not, some people have asked me to put a master index together again. So here goes nothing ! (like my repuatation or your sanity)

Who are these people, and where can I find them? *runs away laughing*

Actually, I think I'll read these instead. :)

Author Craft / Re: Do you blog?
« on: June 08, 2012, 06:30:18 PM »
Forgot to check this thread hehe. Yay! I'm glad to see some other bloggers! I'm in dire need of tips for how to keep up a blog and make it gain some followers. My idea was for the blog series to bring in some readers that liked the premise, novel and college/work almost stopped that project dead.

As for Wordpress. I'm still a big newbie to blogging, but I feel like it's really easy to get a hang of the basics. I haven't really tried to customize too much of it yet though.
I make it a point to update my personal blog every day. It's just something I do, no matter how busy I am that day. As far as the professional blog goes, I have to put some thought into what I need to write, and that can take time. So what I do is I schedule posts. So when I'm free, I'll write a few posts and have them ready to go. And then I publish them one at a time. The idea is to put as much effort into your blog posts (no matter what they are about) as you would in a day job. The moment your blog becomes "not as important" is when it starts to die out and is going to start losing readers.

A good way to gain followers is to use social networking websites to blast information about your blog posts. Whenever I publish something on my professional blog, it goes out on Linkedin and Facebook. Husband evangelizes his posts on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and some other websites that are related to what he's blogging about. For example, if it's a post about photography techniques, he'll post on photography forums. He's gained a few followers that way.

I also find that joining online communities or commenting/reading other people's blogs that are about the same topic you write about, is quite helpful. I've gained a few followers that way.

Author Craft / Re: Do you blog?
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:00:45 PM »
I have two blogs, or rather one personal journal on LiveJournal ( and a WordPress blog that the husband and I maintain for our consulting business.

I find that LiveJournal is pretty neat because it offers so many more privacy settings than WordPress, and so it works really well as a personal journal. WordPress is really user-friendly too, and offers many more settings for commercial blogs (such as user statistics, integration with analytics tools, and so many free templates).

* If you'd like to read my LiveJournal blog, you will need a LiveJournal account because a lot of my posts are tightly locked up to keep trolls and stalkers (:P) away.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 03, 2012, 01:06:33 AM »
He chased them out of Ireland....
Ok so that's ONE little piece of land. What about the rest of the planet?

Snakes are Creation's version of "Hey y'all, watch this." Not evil, just weird. ;)
How much did the snakes bribe you to say that? ;D

who started this convisation as it is defently off track
it was not me i clame no responserbilaty for this okay
and snakes are a little strange but cool
and misuderstood most of the time so long as they stick to there native country i am fine with them
*shudder* They are definitely NOT cool for me. *shudder* Also, we derail threads. That's what we do. Not your responsibility.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 01, 2012, 08:52:25 PM »
i never had a problem with snakes infat there is a picture some hwere of me holding a gient albino phythan when i was about 14  ;D
I am mortally afraid of snakes. Even the cartoon or animated ones. Can't stand them. *shudder*

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:24:09 PM »
God'll sort 'em out, because He WANTS us to eradicate those emissaries of Satan.
You have a lot of faith in God - he won't do any such thing. Because he hasn't eradicated any snakes until now, has he?

Edit: pardon the lack of capitalization on the "he".

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 31, 2012, 10:10:11 PM »

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:51:17 PM »
It's become second nature to me too. Anytime I buy something off Amazon, I'll use the JB store link. :D

Author Craft / Re: Kindle E-Publising. Show us the ropes?
« on: May 11, 2012, 05:53:33 PM »
Oh, right. Heh. Can't get anyone to spread the word if they don't know what they're looking for.
I'll have to check it out this weekend.

Author Craft / Re: Kindle E-Publising. Show us the ropes?
« on: May 10, 2012, 07:44:05 PM »
You can have it up to font size 18. When you publish it to the Kindle, Amazon makes the required changes when converting it to the .mobi format.

Also, keep in mind that most readers pick their preferred sizes on their device anyway.

Author Craft / Re: Kindle E-Publising. Show us the ropes?
« on: May 10, 2012, 07:12:20 PM »
As far as formatting for the Kindle goes, a quick search yielded a lot of links, but I found the following links helpful:

I think the major takeaways are that you should keep it simple. No fancy formatting gimmicks and as long as you keep it left aligned, you are good to go.

Author Craft / Re: Kindle E-Publising. Show us the ropes?
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:52:11 PM »
I've heard it takes anything from 18 to 36 hours for them to process it.

Author Craft / Re: Kindle E-Publising. Show us the ropes?
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:38:41 PM »
This post is now a sticky, thanks to the Goddess Priscellie! All hail the Goddess!

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