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Messages - Snowleopard

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 83
Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:41:17 PM »
Congratulations Farmer Bob, way to go.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for someone who can do Space techie art
« on: June 23, 2015, 06:43:04 AM »
Many, many thanks FarmerBob I will check that out.
And I understand about the friends rate.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for someone who can do Space techie art
« on: June 21, 2015, 07:05:02 PM »
Many thanks Noquiexis - I shall check those sites out.
It'll probably have to be on commission - there are some
specific colors involved - not often found on military relay sats. ::) ::)

Author Craft / Looking for someone who can do Space techie art
« on: June 21, 2015, 08:11:39 AM »
Greetings good folk.
I'm hoping to put a novella up on Amazon.
(We'll see about that however.)
But it needs a cover - and it's beyond my art skills at the
Looking for someone who could do a deep space satellite set against
an asteroid field - no planet.
At the moment, I'm just looking - I'll be honest.
Thanks for any help.

We seem to get a lot of new lurkers late at night, male, USA, no other real info, their join date is
whatever date it is now with no posts that I remember, with what look
like computer generated names and usually an ad for something
to be bought or a service in the signature line.
I think I left a note for either Iago or Priscelle about it.
So I've noticed less of them but every now and again we get a spate of them.

Author Craft / Re: Switching between editor mode and creator mode
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:09:52 PM »
To borrow a line - "Get black on white!"

Author Craft / Re: Making it real
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:04:46 PM »
In Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson series - the supernatural world has always
been there but has been staying hidden but now because there are a LOT of humans
it's a lot harder.  So the Fae came out first and now most of them live on reservations
of some type.  The werewolves are also coming out because, I believe, they were
going to be outed if they didn't come out on their own.
They have a far harder time of it than the Fae because they are big and a rogue one
can be very dangerous.
The vampires don't dare come out - werewolves look downright cudley next to a vampire.

You could look at the supernatural world as the shadow plane of this world.

Author Craft / Re: Vilify a Spider
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:56:22 PM »
What images we draw from our own imaginations is oft times far scarier than
what we see or read.  So, yes, as someone said, less is more in this case.
Also each person will have a different take on the instinctual creepyness of a spider
so leaving a lot of the reader's imagination will mean each person will envision
it in their own form of creepy.

Given multiple eyes - it might be interesting to have your Spider Spirit - open and close different
arrangements of his/her eyes depending on what he/she is speaking about or dealing with.
That would tend to throw somebody off kilter.  We're used to focusing on two eyes only
and not a bunch of them in what, to us, would probably seem to be a random pattern of opened and closed.

There's also scent to consider.  I'm not sure if spiders have a scent but if they do - it would add
another dimension to the encounter.  Some venoms are probably rather acid or alkaline and webbing
would in itself have a scent.  Perhaps the absence of scent would also work.  Most humans have a scent
so dealing with something that doesn't - a bit odd.

And there is body hair also.  Some of the tarantulas will shed or flick their hair at a predator or
an annoyance.  Perhaps having one hair the size of a hair brush bristle or a thin cord floating down out of the air
to light on the MC - it would be a way to convey size without coming out and saying it.

The more senses you involve the better.

Author Craft / Re: Writing gigs, part four
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:00:28 PM »
Some new writing gigs.

3 RECENTLY UPDATED BOOK PUBLISHERS lists more than 1,000 book publishers for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three recently updated listings:

Arte Publico Press publishes 25-30 titles per year focused on Hispanic literature for adults and children. This press accepts submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry through an online submission form.

Menasha Ridge Press publishes 20 titles per year in the areas of outdoor sports, travel, and diving. Prospective authors should submit a query either via post or e-mail.

Sourcebooks Landmark is a fiction imprint of Sourcebooks. At the moment, this imprint is specifically looking for romance submissions via e-mail or post; guidelines online.

Heyla Neuro, how are you doing?
  That sounds interesting. ::)

Hey, Farmerbob,
  Yeah, links are acceptable.
I think a general content comment like - I'm doing a Steampunk story or I'm doing a Space Opera story
is okay also.

Folks just be careful of what you post here.
We don't want to muck JB up.
See the (READ THIS) thread below.,15778.0.html

Author Craft / Re: Writing gigs, part four
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:41:55 PM »
Wow, didn't realize it had been that long.
Here's some more possible writing gigs.

3 RECENTLY UPDATED MAGAZINES lists thousands of magazines for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three recently updated magazines:

American Cinematographer is a monthly magazine devoted to the art and craft of cinematography. Writers should query with clips first. Magazine pays $400-1,500 for nonfiction features.

Farm & Ranch Living is a bimonthly magazine aimed at families that farm or ranch full time. Pays up to $300 for photo-text packages focused on people-not products and profits. Writers should submit complete manuscript on spec.

Texas Monthly pays very competitive rates. This regional monthly magazine focuses on issues concerning Texas. Writers should query first.

Community Cork Board / Re: Ravati Aziz and the Terror of Twelvety Town
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:25:28 AM »
It's an awesome story.  I do highly recommend it.
The kid's got major talent.
(The one doing the writing not the one with the chip on her shoulder.) ::)

Just wishing my Kindle hadn't gone belly up - now can't download the newer version
of the story or even get at the older version of it.
Grumble, fudge, mutter. :( :(

I heard a tale of someone who was saving his work to a - wait for it - rewritable CD-R - despite warnings not to -
so guess what happened?  Yup, rewrote over most of his novel and had to rewrite most of it.

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