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Messages - Snowleopard

Pages: 1 ... 81 82 [83]
Author Craft / Re: Questions not for the feint of heart
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:19:42 PM »
Come stay with me for a while, we have lots to choose from.

Not exactly something the tourism board would want to hype.

Author Craft / Re: An ethics question.
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:04:09 PM »
PM me your email addy, I'll send it with a note to the dog owner and we'll let him weigh in.  If he doesn't reply, then I'd suggest changing things enough to be respectful.
Thank you paynesgrey that sounds like a good plan.
Okay, where do I get your PM?  I'm still new to this forum and don't know all the ins and outs.

Prophet224 - also good advice as the incident was very painful for the owner.

Author Craft / Re: character describtion
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:54:37 PM »
If I knew that about the character, there'd be no motive to write the story, because the story's about finding out which way the character will jump &c.

Neurovore, some people write to know their characters and some know their characters to write.  Every writer is different.

Off topic for a second - you might want to check out WRITERS ON WRITING by Jon Winokur.  It's a collection of quotes about the different aspects of writing by writers.  Great fun, especially when they have at each other.  Yeouch.

Author Craft / An ethics question.
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:45:15 AM »
I have a short story idea that's been fermenting in my brain.  (It may never see the light of day, but it's been rumbling around up there for awhile.)  It's about pets and ghosts - more than that I'm not going to go into.
Anyway, had a hazy idea for the start and the finish.  The middle is where I usually bog down.
I was over on the pet thread when someone posted about their dog and something that had happened to her.
The incident and even the name of the dog would be perfect for my story.  It cleared a lot of the haze away.
I posted to the owner/poster to please get in touch with me.  But it looks like they've left the forum completely.
Ethics question.  Can I use this incident as is, or would I, should I change some things, or should I use it at all without having talked to the original poster and gotten permission??

Author Craft / Re: Character Intro
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:14:44 AM »
hmm sounds interesting where could i get that show.

It's a made for TV movie staring Fred Ward, David Warner, Julianne Moore, and Clancy Brown.  Originally HBO put it out in 1991.
I have it on video but I believe that it's on DVD too. 
You might try Amazon or Netflix.

Author Craft / Re: Questions not for the feint of heart
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:08:51 AM »
As someone pointed out earlier if you don't sedate them they will go into shock and die fairly quickly.  So if keeping them alive is the game then sedatives are called for.  Besides, if the person knew that such damage had been done to them - the threat of the sedatives wearing off would be a really nasty form of torture.  (Brrrr, I just creeped myself out by thinking of that!  Gack!)

Author Craft / Re: Character Intro
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:08:26 AM »
Muahahahhahaha i am an evil genius. finally figured out a way to introduce magic into my story with out making it forced or dumb sounding.
one word ladies and gentlemen: Gremlins.
more accurately trying to remove gremlins from your tv or stereo with out blowing it up.

You might want to check out the TV movie - CAST A DEADLY SPELL.  It's Mike Hammer meets HP Lovecraft.  Actually quite good.
In it, someone is dealing, not too well, with Gremlins.  (At least I think they're Gremlins) Fat little obscene winged critters that moon you and chew on wires.  Also fart a lot.

Author Craft / Re: Questions not for the feint of heart
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:01:49 AM »
Along with heavy sedation, you could try lowering the person's body temp.  Slows the bleeding, slows the heart and tends to keep them sleepy and docile.

Author Craft / Re: character describtion
« on: July 11, 2010, 07:56:49 AM »
Some people do a full on biography of their characters so that they'll know, in any given situation, which way a character will jump.
And some people don't.  It's whatever works for you.

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