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Messages - Xinkc

Pages: [1]
I honestly don't think it was "in cold blood," I think the massive screw-up just screwed up again. I think it was an accidental shot... This is terrible, and ugly, because it means Murph was a casualty of something so damn small. This should play out in an interesting way, but honestly is pretty ugh. I want to see Rudolph scarred by this, don't Dresden's reaction, but his stupid mistake.

It was Chekhov's poor trigger discipline. Every time we see Rudolph this book it's mentioned. It was pretty obvious by the second time that the idiot would kill someone because of it.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: April 8: Changes signing in Portland, OR
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:21:35 PM »
Finally, Jim's coming to a place that I can get to within 2 hours. I'm so going if only to make my birthday 8 days later that much happier.

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