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Topics - kihon

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Refresh level of the Powers
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:37:05 PM »
In the books so far we have Valkyries and Odin.  Now I have to assume (but correct me if I'm wrong) that a Valkyrie should be about equal in Refresh to a senior council member.  Odin should be very much beyond any mortal refresh, so what might that look like?  I know - Plot Level Device.  I was just wondering what you all might be thinking though -- and his powers would be beyond what is listed.  Thoughts?

So we have the Norse Myths represented in the books - what about the Greek or Egyptian myths?  Finally - if the "gods" have a refresh equal to Odin's level (roughly) - what would the elder gods (Titans) look like, refresh wise?

I'm thinking about starting a campaign where there is an on-going thread of a necromancer that keeps trying to free a Titan in order to cause the destruction of the world - or at least a lot of people dead (which he could then control).

Any thoughts would be great.  Thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Strength/Might Question
« on: September 09, 2010, 05:33:18 PM »
Inhuman/Supernatural/Mythic Strength all adds to your Might roll.

So a plain mortal body builder / weight lifter has a Might of 5  (pretty strong),
and a vampire only has a might of 2 along with Inhuman Strength...  So the plain mortal is stronger?

I know this is a role-playing vs rules reading question, but "Supernatural Powers" should always be beyond the normal?

A discussion came up in our group in which the martial artist (might 5 - long story) talks about being able to be as strong as an "inhuman" strength category - assuming the creature has no "might" skill.  Good question - by the rules, perhaps he's right.  But I'm thinking that any "Supernatural Power" - even the base (inhuman) is going to be stronger than a normal mortals might.  Am I right / wrong???  Thoughts, comments, suggests welcome.  Thanks.

DFRPG / DarkHallow Question
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:21:08 PM »
Let's say that a very "evilish" minded wizard found a ritual very much like the DarkHallow.

Lets say he plans on sacrificing 1000+ living mortals to fuel his "ascension".

Question - looking for opinions - what would the ritual actually give him?

What would the "DarkHallow" do (mechanically game wise) for the caster?

Thoughts?  Any would be appreciated... as this is the route one of my main on-going bad guys is going.

He plans on sacrificing a whole group of people as they get together for a gathering.

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