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Messages - Watson

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DFRPG / Re: GM Help - Forcing Realistic consequences...
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:20:00 PM »
You would say "my action is to attack with my Fists skill"? Really? How does that add to the narrative that is being constructed here? Richard

I would definately go for a narrative description of the attack. As long as it just causes stress, it does not really matter. If the target chooses to take a consequence, then it is up to him to decide what that consequence is, more or less regardless of the description of the attack (as long as it is relatively appropriate and approved by the GM).

DFRPG / Re: Using Plot Maps for DFRPG
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:39:08 AM »
Other ideas (more "generic, but still Dresden Files"):

A Ritual Murder (using Thaumaturgy or a Common Ritual)
An Execution (of course with witnesses)
A Special Time of the Year (Midsummer, Halloween)
A Prophecy
A Curse

A Book of Rituals (or spell or something else similar)
A Symbolic Link (to someone powerful)
A Spirit of Knowledge (like Bob)
A Religious Artifact (like the shroud of Turin)
A Warden's sword
A Sword of the Cross
A Hexenbelt

DFRPG / Re: Using Plot Maps for DFRPG
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:25:52 AM »
Anything I missed or screwed up on?

You are correct - the triangle created between the "nodes" shall be used to kick-start ideas - that's all.

DFRPG / Re: Using Plot Maps for DFRPG
« on: October 12, 2011, 07:01:34 PM »
The thing is that you don't have to know anything about the system to use it as inspiration. Just generate three randomly chosen "nodes" and write them down on a blank piece of paper and draw a line between them (thus forming a triangle). Then come up with a reason why, for instance, there is a line between "The word of Kemmler" and "The Armenian Druglord" - has he stolen it? Does he want to use it and in that case why? The relationship between the three "nodes" form the core part of the story.

So ideas for Events and Objects is highly appreciated.

DFRPG / Using Plot Maps for DFRPG
« on: October 12, 2011, 04:23:11 PM »
I have found a really cool aid for getting inspiration when creating scenarios - the "Plot Maps" from the game Technoir (a really interesting read, more info can be found here: and I would like to use it for the Dresden Files RPG.

The basic idea is that the GM randomly rolls up three things (called "nodes") from a table that is representing the city where the story is taking place. The game Technoir comes with a number of pre-set tables called Transmissions (one example can be found as a download here: The tables contains "nodes", six of them: Connections (persons the player character knows), Events (big, important stuff), Factions (major groups or organizations, like the White Council, the Red Court etc), Locations (important places, relevant for the ongoing campaign), Objects (important things, could be physical or stuff like information) and Threats (individual persons or groups that a Faction can use to fulfil a goal, like hitmen or Ghouls). Technoir have six of each, creating a matrix of 6x6 cells for a total of 36 cells. After the initial three are created, place them in a triangle with lines connecting each other and come the reason A is connected to B, B to C etc (thus kickstarting the imagination). The game also have rules (very interesting ones) how to use the Plot Map and expand it during play, but that is outside the scope of this post.

Connections are rather simple - use some of the Faces from City Creation.
Factions are also simple, as some of these most likely have come up during City Creation.
Locations are very simple - use some of the Locations from City Creation.
Threats can be created from the general ideas that have come up during City Creation (either general, or city-specific).
These four are more or less city-specific.

This leaves Event and Objects - what kind of Dresden Files-specific Events and Objects could one have? Example of Events could be A powerful storm or A Ritualistic Murder. Example of Objects could be The Mantle of the Winter Knight or The Word of Kemmler. For instance, the starting point for the Case File Storm Front could be a triangle with A powerful storm, A Ritualistic murder and Marcones Thugs (the last could have been specific to the city of Chicago, most likely Threats).   

The idea is to fill a table with stuff that is both from your own City Creation as well as things that are very much Dresden Files (and things that you as a GM would like to see in the game). What else could we have in terms of Events and Objects?

DFRPG / Re: Help with Themes, Threats and Conflicts for New York?
« on: October 06, 2011, 06:15:26 AM »
We have now done the City Creation session for New York (Manhattan) and come up with some interesting stuff. The short version is the following:

Three gangs, all more or less involved in drug trade: The Gangas (Haitian voodoo), The Black Tongs (Chinese mob) and The Lennons (hippies, led by John himself, now as a fully changed Changeling). We have the Red Court based out of Bellevue Hospital (using the blood bank as a way to influence people by contaminating their blood) and the White Court (arranging death-fights, feeding from the pain caused by the fighters and the crowd, with Don King working for them, close to the top as a “White Court promoter”), plus a small group of Black Court. The old Warden of New York have been killed recently, and his apprentice have taken over (but the apprentice do not have any real power, creating a power vacuum in the region). The main bad guys are the Dutchmen – the original settlers of New York, led by the a 1600’s sorcerer. The reason why they came to New York to start with was the strong ley lines, that cross themselves at Lower Manhattan. They hate the White Council and their rules and have fought the original Indians that they bought Manhattan from. The Dutchmen have also been behind the numerous outbreaks of the Yellow fever a few hundred years ago. We also have a small representation of the Fey, in Donald Trump (who is an Emissary of the Winter Court) and his ex-wife Ilana Trump (an actual Fey). Plus of course the usual corrupt police and some politicians.

In addition to this, unknown to my players, I have an additional bad guy that eventually will be the focus of the campaign (currently not active, but started to awake as a result of the destruction of the WTC). 

I will start to clean up and fill out the blanks in the coming days. If you have any scenario ideas, you are most welcome to post here or send me a PM.

DFRPG / Re: Help with Themes, Threats and Conflicts for New York?
« on: October 05, 2011, 10:44:25 AM »
Thanks for all replies so far. I have more or less decided to go for Manhattan, divided into south-, midtown, upper west-, upper east- and Harlem (as regions, generating more of it's own Theme). Within these, we'll put Locations as per the book. Central Park will be it's own region/Location. I think that we will have to put Locations outside Manhattan as well, but the main action will be on Manhattan.

What did strike me is that Manhattan is an island = surrounded by water (that will be used).

I also found this site, after hours of surfing the web: (other states are also available). This gave me a few very interesting things in the state of New York: Bannerman Island (Beacon, upstate), The Abandoned Monastery (Staten Island), The Montauk Project (Staten Island, they did some seriously weird research there!), The Mole People (underground society!), and the weird "Lincoln Tunnel Vortex".

I also got one idea from one of the DFRPG AP podcasts, that the indians that sold Manhattan to the Dutch actually did it as a kind of revenge as a very nasty creature was kept at bay there (Skinwalker?). This nicely ties to the fact that Manhattan is surrounded by water.

If you have any other ideas, please post them. We have our City Creation session today, so I will report what we have come up with later on.

DFRPG / Help with Themes, Threats and Conflicts for New York?
« on: October 03, 2011, 11:40:54 AM »
We are about to finally start up our Dresden Files RPG, and we have decided to use New York as our city (or more specifically Manhattan, as NYC is huge).

It would help me as the GM to have some additional stuff when going into the City Creation session, so I thought if you had some ideas in regards to Themes, Threats or Conflicts relating to Manhattan (or NYC)? Themes and Threats are rather straight forward, but Conflicts would be anything that is related to a “current situation” (i.e. what could be the current situation, and who would like to “rock the boat” or “maintain the status quo” and why). I am not asking for anything extensive, and I am thankful for any help that I can get.

Perhaps someone have already made a campaign in New York?


DFRPG / Re: How to model the redirection spell from Blood Rites?
« on: September 30, 2011, 10:53:58 AM »
A little more to go on would be nice.

Absolutely - When Harry tries to redirect the...
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / How to model the redirection spell from Blood Rites?
« on: September 30, 2011, 10:34:15 AM »
How would you model the redirection spell that Harry tried out (the one that was prevented by a certain female character)?

PS. Is there any thread where more spells from the books are modelled in the game (like the examples in the rule book)? If not, it would be a perfect thing to do - might even be perfect as a Resource. DS.

DFRPG / Re: Aspects from Maneuvers – how to keep track during play?
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:31:46 AM »
Thanks! I intend to use Index cards (or slightly bigger Post-its).

DFRPG / Aspects from Maneuvers – how to keep track during play?
« on: September 28, 2011, 01:45:06 PM »
My group is starting up Dresden Files RPG next week, with City Creation (New York), and there is one thing that I have been thinking of – how to handle Aspects from, for instance, Maneuvers in play.

What I mean by that is how people are handling temporary Aspects, most likely from Maneuvers, in play. It is fully possible that, during a conflict, a character gets access to a large number of Aspects where some of them might be Sticky. Do you simply try to remember them? Do you write them down on post-its? Do you have any ways to keep track of Sticky Aspects that a character have used it’s free Tag?

As creating Aspects is a new mechanic to our game group, it would be nice to see how it has been handled by other groups.

DFRPG / Re: Taking yourself out
« on: September 25, 2011, 03:05:57 PM »
Isn't there some sort of resistance roll for death curses though?

Yes, you are normally allowed a defense roll, but that is normally taken care of during the creation of the spell. Reading the examples on the book, it states that, for instance, that the spell has a starting complexity of 10, to take into account a defense value of Great plus a roll of +4.

DFRPG / Re: Taking yourself out
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:28:10 AM »
Weaker than? The death curse literally has no shift limit.

I would say that a death curse do have a limit, at least that is hoe I interpret the rules on page YS282. The consequences that you have can be tagged (seems a bit strange, but ok) and you can inflict more if you choose (why not, the wizard is going to die anyway). If there is no limit, each wizard could set of an equivalent effect of a nuclear bomb when they die...

Quote from: YS282
The Wizard’s Death CurseThe wizard’s death curse is actually very
easy to model. It’s a ritual, but with all of the
preparation ready to go. The components
of preparation are the circumstances of the
wizard’s death—all of the consequences he
has can be tagged, and he can inflict more
upon himself if he’s got the space
, since he’s
not going to be around afterward.

DFRPG / Evocation vs Channeling and Thaumaturgy vs Ritual
« on: September 12, 2011, 01:40:48 PM »
I have done some thinking around the four powers Evocation (-3) vs Channeling (-2), Thaumaturgy (-3) vs Ritual (-2).

My conclusion is that it feels like Channeling is not as limited compared to Evocation, whereas Ritual is very much more limited compared to Thaumaturgy. What I mean is that a person using Channeling can do all types of actions (Attack, Block, Counterspell, Maneuver) that a person with Evocation can do (except that the person with Channeling only have one element to work with, which is more or less color). But if you compare Ritual and Thaumaturgy, a person using Ritual is limited to only one kind of Thaumaturgy (which I see as a much bigger limitation than only having one element to work with) and both “lesser versions” cost on less Refresh than the equivalent “full version”.

I don’t see it as a real problem and the two “lesser versions” of the powers do not necessarily have to be equal, but I thought it would be a good topic for some discussions.

Anyone else that have noticed the same thing?

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