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Messages - Griffyn612

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 23, 2021, 03:06:06 PM »
It's in ch.50 of CD
The "elemental" idea probably came from ch.48
That makes sense. I'd probably argue that Harry was partly guessing at that point, based on Mab thanking Alfred for not handling things differently. I'm guessing he could have smacked them down, and Harry's presumption that he hadn't because he couldn't was likely wrong.

But I can definitely see where they might have some agency over the aspects of Alfred that are tied to nature.

"Demonreach was a genius loci, a nature spirit.  The fae were intimately connected to nature on a level that no one had ever been able to fully understand.  One could probably make an argument that Demonreach was one of the fae, or at least a very close neighbor." Cold Days page 473 Hard Cover.

Harry of course isn't a perfect source of information, and that doesn't discount Angel's being involved.  I wouldn't be surprised if an Archangel were powering it, with angel wards + Merlin using mortal magic + Sidhe magic all working together to bind the evil's that are there.
I think it's definitely more than just angelic Grace running things. But the fact that the raw power of the circle invoked Molly to think her mom would talk in her church voice seems suggestive of the nature of it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 22, 2021, 03:11:03 PM »
One thing to note is that Harry said something about Alfred being an Elemental when being attacked by the Lady's.  Vulnerable to elemental magic?  I don't remember.  But it may be a clue
I couldn't find a reference to Alfred being "vulnerable" or an "elemental", but I doubt read, I just used word search, so there may be something similar.

I did see where bits were coming off of Alfred's form, so the attack was doing something. But Mab seemed to imply that he could done more, which I took to mean Alfred could have taken them out. So I'm not sure how vulnerable he actually was to only a frontal assault without the big spell elsewhere.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 21, 2021, 02:17:01 PM »
Upon rereading/listening to Proven Guilty, Lash describes the ward guarding the Carpenter's safe room as a working by Rafael or one of his lieutenants. I don't know that this entirely negates Mac as being Rafael, but I think it's food for thought. A nibble at least.
Yeah, that's come up before. The hand wave possibilities are
  • Lasciel fell before Raphael would have transubstantiated and didn't recognize Mac for what he was. (seems unlikely)
  • She started saying Raphael and then remembered he wouldn't be available so she added the leuitenant bit.
  • She thinks Mac, even powerless, could have made the wards, and was in town to do so.
  • These aren't the wards you're looking for.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 21, 2021, 06:59:15 AM »
I think it's also interesting that Mab calls Raphael the Demon Binder (I think it was in SmF?).  There are alternative explanations, but if you're gonna call something a demon binder in the DV, somebody giving the juice for Demonreach is probably a good fit for the nickname.
Raphael isn't known for much in the source material, but what he *is* known for is binding demons. Twice at least. So it's a fitting description regardless.

But yeah, her comment in SmF wouldn't be about Mac. It'd be about Alfred. He's the vessel for the Grace (he calls himself a vessel), so Mab would see him as the bearer of the "mantle". So I think it could work.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 20, 2021, 09:31:20 PM »
First is your theory: I could be totally wrong, and Mac indeed used his Grace to help build Demonreach. "Raphael" would fit, at least in terms of the name's meaning, which literally means "God heals," (Hebrew origin) so that meshes well with the one supernatural ability Mac's demonstrated on the page. "McAnally" means "Son of the poor man" (Gaelic origin), if anyone's interested.
Or, if this is an accurate source, one origin of MacAnally means 'son of the chief bard or physician.'

The angel who's name means "God Heals" or "God has healed" taking a name that means "son of the chief physician"...


DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 20, 2021, 04:30:08 PM »
Since Raphael was the archangel tapped with punishing the fallen Grigori, and was referred to as a watcher himself, my guess is that he was in charge of at least that group of Grigori, which is why their punishment fell to him, and why he might feel responsible for everything they did.

DF Spoilers / Re: Agents of G.U.A.R.D. or W.A.R.D.?
« on: August 20, 2021, 04:16:47 PM »
Danger Response - Earth Strategic Defense Emergency Network

I don't know why but that makes me think of a lawyer commercial...

"If you have a paranormal emergency, don't try to resolve it on your own. Call the experts at DRESDEN. That's 1-800-373-7336. (Speed voice disclaimer: No love potions, endless purses, parties, or other entertainment) Again, that's 1-800-373-7336. They're in the book."

DF Spoilers / Re: Outsiders origins
« on: August 18, 2021, 04:38:35 AM »
I'm not really seeing it. I don't think there's been any mention of the Outsiders growing more powerful due to any human condition, has there? Beside talks about chaos being progress, but it's not like anything was said about them like it was said about the Eye of Balor. That fed off fear in general.

I still lean more towards fear being something Inside can use, but the Outside is beyond such things because they're just Chaos itself.

Like Serack's Theory, I think there was a balance of Order and Chaos in a space, and TWG separated the two, with Order staying inside and Chaos going out. And just like Avatars were made out of Order on the Inside, Avatars were made of out of Chaos on the Outside.

The only connection I see between Outsiders and fear in general is that fear can lead to desperation, which is close enough to chaos to help their agenda.

Do you have any examples of Outsiders and fear of the unknown, or any other fear? I know we're limited in what we've seen of them, but I can't recall much.

DF Spoilers / Re: Agents of G.U.A.R.D. or W.A.R.D.?
« on: August 16, 2021, 02:56:18 PM »
If you want mortals to protect themselves from the supernatural, you've got to get

Paranormal Intelligence Tactical Combat Headquarters For Observation and Reality Keeping

The supernatural community has to watch out for those forkers.  ;D
This should definitely be a thing.  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Agents of G.U.A.R.D. or W.A.R.D.?
« on: August 15, 2021, 10:15:31 PM »
M.O.B., the Mortal Oddities Bureau.  Staffed by the mobsters.  ;D
More like Moral Obfuscation Business if Marcone is involved.
Well given all the C names:

Coalition Obfuscating and Unseeing Random Threats, COURT

Cabal Obfuscating and Utilizing Nameless Critters Including Lawyers, COUNCIL

(seriously, the bar ain't high given Marvel's standards, poked fun at in Agents of SHIELD)
But would they really want ties to those the came before? Or would they want a fresh start?

DF Spoilers / Agents of G.U.A.R.D. or W.A.R.D.?
« on: August 15, 2021, 03:13:16 PM »
If we were making a Dresdenverse equivalent to Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D., what would we name it?

Global Unified Alliance for Reality's Defense
World Alliance for Reality's Defense

Or is there a better acronym?

G.U.A.R.D. agents could be called Guardians.
W.A.R.D. agents could be called Wardens.

The latter might be too well known amongst the magical community to be trusted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Storm Front - hidden clues
« on: August 13, 2021, 05:13:29 PM »
Don't forget the Victor Sells cluebats.
  • Worked at SilverCo.
  • Was friends with his boss.
  • Brought home books of magic.
  • Eventually found that lust was the best fuel for his spell work.
  • Was given or 'found' a spell for a drug/potion, putting him at odds with Marcone.
  • Happened to find the Beckitts as investors, people with a grudge against Marcone.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 11, 2021, 09:36:31 PM »
of course it does, he's the protagonist 🤣
Seriously though, Molly isn't an adult paving her own way, she has agency sure and no idea what to do with it. she's looking for a guide as it is, someone to show her an example of what she can do next. Harry is it, on top of the extraordinary amount of influence he has in everyone around him. An with Harry literally making the next choices on how things will play out, giving her specific options to run with. Some of those fates more heavily influenced of course. But the cheek scar has long been fabled about. (Recently feeling like knowledge has been lost here, or perhaps those who originally possessed it to spout are no longer here 🤔 ) Your view is very watsonian imo, but ignores the Doyalism of it all.
Unless there's some WoJ on it that I haven't seen (and there's a lot of WoJ I haven't seen, I avoided all of them for a long time, so it's a distinct possiblity), there's not much to go on from a Doylist perspective.

It seems to me like they can all be possibilities from that point, but for them to be truths in branch realities, and foreshadowing for those branches, it'd require that there be catalysts for branches. I tend to think branches are rare, but that's based on personal preference rather than evidence. I don't like the infinite-splinterverse concept.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 11, 2021, 08:26:33 PM »
🤔 even if you don't think they're directly connected to timelines why wouldn't this be the one where Harry teaches her tough lessons and burns her face with his little ball of sunshine?  I think everyone of them isn't just a possible timeline, but a timeline Harry himself would set her down. Especially because of when/why he did the soul gaze. He was literally looking at the possibilities of his own influence or complete lack thereof.
I look at them as the possibilities of her use of free will, not possibilities that revolve around Harry's free will.

It might look like it sometimes, but her life and fate doesn't and shouldn't revolve around Harry. I'd prefer to think her destiny was decided by her and not him.

In that moment, he could see what she could choose to do for herself.
  • She could choose to run, to hide from the Council. She'd end up on her own on the street, desperate.
  • She could go to the Council, give up her power, and live as a mortal revolving around family. A longshot, but possible.
  • She could go to the Council, and let someone other than Harry (who would be harsher in discipline) train her.
  • She could train with Harry.
  • So many options for this one. It's too vague.
    • Gives up power but leaves her family to go to school and have a career.
    • Keeps power and aligns herself with Lara as an aide a la Justine.
    • Gets tutored by Peabody and becomes a bureaucromancer.
    • Ends up the Winter Lady and has to do a lot of paperwork.
  • Also many options.
    • She gets a coin.
    • She gets possessed by Corpsetaker.
    • She gets tutored under Peabody and becomes an evil bureaucromancer.
    • She goes rogue and ends up as Cowl's apprentice.
    • She goes rogue and ends up possessed by Beside or another Outsider.
    • She gets turned into a Red Court vampire.
    • She gets turned into a Black Court vampire.
    • Some combination of these.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 11, 2021, 04:17:31 AM »
   One was an emaciated version of Molly, as
though she’d been starved or strung out on hard
drugs, her eyes aglow with an unpleasant, fey light.
One was her smiling and laughing, older and
comfortably heavier, children surrounding her. A
third faced me in a grey Warden’s cloak, though a
burn scar, almost a brand, marred the roundness
of her left cheek. Still another reflection was Molly
as she appeared now, though more secure, l
laughter dancing in her eyes. Another reflection
showed her at a desk, working. But the last…
   The last reflection of Molly wasn’t the girl. Oh, it
looked like Molly, externally. But the eyes gave it
away. They were flat as a reptile’s, empty. She wore
all black, including a black collar, and her hair had
been dyed to match. Though she looked like Molly,
like a human being, she was neither. She had
become something else entirely, something very,
very bad.
I think it's like the book said. Possibilities. Not necessarily actual branch realities or all things from the prime reality.

I think option one was if didn't get tutored by Harry, and ended up a junkie on the streets with a modest power.

I think option two was her giving up her power line her mom did, and being a vanilla mortal.

I think option three was her getting tutored by someone other than Harry. Luccio or Morgan perhaps.

I agree that option four is the road taken, tutoring under Harry.

Option five is the most nebulous. This could be her walking away from all of it and going to school. Not giving up her power, but not being trained, not getting drawn in, just her doing her thing on her own.

Option six is either her going full dark side, either via black magic, outsider corruption, or maybe even Black Court.

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