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Messages - Zaphodess

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DF Spoilers / Re: Hierarchy of the Courts
« on: August 22, 2017, 02:41:43 PM »
Cold Days might have been a special case, Kringle and the Erlking might have decided to help themselves. I got the impression that the usual rules don't necessarily apply when it comes to Outsiders. They're everyone's enemy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Hierarchy of the Courts
« on: August 22, 2017, 11:52:24 AM »
Toot painted his face half blue when Harry became the Winter Knight in Changes. He said "We are Winter now".

It could come down to individual bargains and relationships, just as in medieval feudal society. A simple peasant or soldier was directly related to his lord. The lord was in a direct relationship to a duke e. g., the duke then to a king and so on. By these indirect links, the king ruled the whole country.

Things like Kringle being Vadderung with different relationships to Queen Mab were not uncommon at all in the higher aristocracy. These guys held several titles. The king of one country could own a duchy in another and technically be the vassal of someone with whom he was otherwise in an equal relationship and maybe even be at war with him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Brief Cases
« on: August 21, 2017, 03:53:30 PM »
No idea but when I read the news I assumed the rights for some of the newer stories might not have been available for an earlier release date.

DF Spoilers / Re: Faith's importance spoilers
« on: August 20, 2017, 11:06:30 AM »
Actually I believe Harry was only nineteen or twenty when he left Eb.   He was 16 when he was sent to live with him under the Doom and stayed for three years..  Not sure if he traveled around a bit or just when he studied for license and went to work for Angel Detective Agency and settled in Chicago.  If I remember correctly in Storm Front Harry is twenty five or six..
Yep, I think it was confirmed in a WoJ that Harry was about 25 or 26 in SF.
He was 16 when he went to Eb, stayed there for 3 years, travelled around almost a year then went to Chicago. So he was about 20 when he became Nick's apprentice. The apprenticeship lasted 3 years, then he got his own office. Which he had for 2 or 3 years in SF.
Lets assume Restoration of Faith happened during the first year he was with Nick. Faith was 10. So she was about 15 in SF. That's about the age that magic can manifest. Assuming Cowl was the one who corrupted Victor Sells, he might have been around Chicago and met Faith. Cowl would only have taken her as an apprentice (rather than just corrupting her and see what flew up as he did with Sells) if she had real potential and was ready to take the left-hand path. Lets assume she was.

She was at Bianca's party with Cowl. Age 17. Not impossible.

In Dead Beat she would have been 20 or 21. That's also not impossible. The only one who saw part of her face was Lamar, the paramedic. He said she was white. Nothing about her looking a particular age.

Cowl and Kumori talked in English, even when they might not have wanted Harry to understand them. An older wizard might have picked up a language or two that was not so commonly understood all over the place.

Kumori's belief that Necromancy might be used for good is rather naive. Also fits a young person who got trained by a bad guy. And she was the one who tried to not kill Harry several times. Could be because he saved her once and introduced her to the world of magic in the first place.

The only complicated bit of magic we knew she did was the resurrection of Marcone's man in Dead Beat. Which was a bit stupid to do because she exhausted herself in a critical situation to save a criminal. A more experienced wizard would have had other priorities. This also indicates that she can't have understood the consequences of the Darkhallow - the guy she saved would probably have died anyway.

DF Spoilers / Re: Hot water
« on: August 20, 2017, 10:38:56 AM »
I hope he figures out that it is quite possible to heat water for showers or baths in a fire-burning bath oven when he gets his new place. The cold showers really were a bit ridiculous.  ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Faith's importance spoilers
« on: August 19, 2017, 10:42:53 AM »
Will she be Cowl's apprentice?
I like her for Kumori a lot better than Elaine. The only issue would be age. She was ten in "A Restoration of Faith" iirc. The timeline places her age during DB at about 18, which would be awfully young for an accomplished apprentice. But I think there's some room for her to be older, because Murphy was a beat cop during the story. You don't become Lieutenant in 3 years.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« on: August 19, 2017, 09:34:54 AM »
That was weird, wasn't it? 
I dunno. She must have been pretty confused and wary. She had a hard time accepting Harry's death and finally managed to in GS. Then the guy seems to be back. It could have been an impostor after all. I think she didn't trust her own feelings and reverted to safe mode. For her, that's going on the offensive.

DF Spoilers / Small Favor: Why Mab got involved in the first place
« on: August 18, 2017, 04:05:12 PM »
It's always been a bit of a mystery why Mab tried to save Marcone in Small Favor, even before he was actually attacked to boot, and I think I might have an explanation that's both logical and doesn't give Mr. Occam too much headache.

Maeve was involved.

Mab knew that Nemesis had gotten Maeve. She wasn't ready to kill her just yet, but she sure as hell kept tabs on what she was doing.

So, if Maeve was active in Chicago, Mab took notice too. Hence the snowfall. It couldn't have been obvious to her what exactly the plan was, so she decided to spend a favor to hire Harry and had the new Accord member under observation as well. Maeve wouldn't have liked that much, so she made sure that Titania knew about Harry becoming an Emissary of Winter, making him a legit target for her revenge. There might be someone Nemfected left in Summer after all, after Aurora. That's why the first move from Harry's pov was from Summer's Emissaries, trying to kill him. Ironicyally, it made Mab's job to convince him to take it up a lot easier (ok, maybe she engineered that herself, wouldn't be the first or the last time she puts Harry in a corner to get him to do her bidding). Anyway, Marcone was abducted by parties unknown to Mab. She said so explicitly when she showed Harry the snow model, so she didn't knew at that point in time who else was on the enemy team. Harry finds out and gets the Council involved and everything ...

Here comes Maeve's most likely move (imho): Catching the Archive at the train station (or maybe at the place she intended to stay) before Nicodemus could lay his hands on her.

Mab figured it out just in time. She realized that she had made a mistake in assuming that Marcone was the (primary) target Nemesis/her daughter was after. In a desperate attempt to prevent that, she sent the Hobbs, taking the risk that they killed the current host of the Archive. The Archive would have gone to the next person in line and been safe from Nemfection.

Harry (with Uriel's help) did the rest.

I suppose that conversation Ivy had with Mab was somewhat awkward.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob, Butters, and the White Council...
« on: August 18, 2017, 08:42:08 AM »
It's not like Machael and Sanya look at all alike, or that any of the other swords have looked anything like a Crusader sword (at least for the last half-century or more).  Langtry personally could see Michael and Amoracchius, was told Michael's name and that he's a Knight and he Still had to ask which sword!  If he got a file on the Knights, he didnt read it.
Well, you can't read them all.

That Langtry didn't recognize Michael probably says more about his priorities than about Michael's standing in the supernatural world.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's Personality, and Justin
« on: August 15, 2017, 08:44:43 AM »
When Justin got Bob (hereafter "proto-Bob") he too was attacked by a creature whose had been "twisted" by kemmler and had to Order the SoI to Forget some and suppress other Knowledge/Memories of his time with Kemmler, just as Harry did. The only difference is that Justin actually cared about saving the secret arcane lore contained in the SoI, so his order didnt go as far as Harry's did and left the "pieces" that harry woke up in DB. 
This makes perfect sense. Justin wouldn't want to lose the knowledge permanently, so it was there, but Bob was ordered to suppress it. Harry was the one who told him to get rid of it, so Bob was free to lob it off after Dead Beat.

I envision Harry digging through the ashes looking for Elaine's body, finding a skull, touching it, and discovering it talks.

If he never saw Justin speaking with the skull, it's personality but would be almost entirely the imprint of Harry's teenage subconscious.
That's what I think too. When the Wardens came, Bob must have told Harry to hide him. Harry probably got back to get him after he left Ebenezar.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's Personality, and Justin
« on: August 14, 2017, 11:10:08 AM »
Harry never originally told bob to block those memories. It's almost implied he did it himself but I doubt his ability to.

*we need to look more far reaching into who and what bob is...
I think Justin ordered him to suppress that part because evil Bob was dangerous - to its owner too. We saw that in Dead Beat when he tried to kill Harry and in GS, when evil Bob sort of betrayed Corpsetaker's ghost.

DF Spoilers / Re: Many Questions on Proven Guilty
« on: August 11, 2017, 11:01:58 AM »
Eb on Rashid's role:
Likely he knows already. Knew already. Maybe even pointed you in a direction that would show you more. Assuming he wasn't simply using you to poke a hornet's nest and see what flew up.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Attack Arctus Tor?
« on: August 11, 2017, 10:16:43 AM »
Just to make things more difficult to comprehend, there's a question no one seems to be asking and one that really needs to be answered in order to understand what actually happened.  Why did Mab order her forces to the border with Summer in the first place?  I used to think Mab made a deal not to attack the Red Court and help prevent Summer from doing so, but if this was the case, why did Maeve make it possible for Summer to attack the Reds?  Do you see the contradiction here?  Jim has been holding out some vital information which would allow us to untangle this puzzle.
There's actually a pretty straightforward explanation for that one imo. She was biding her time and waiting for a better opportunity to strike back. And she needed more information about the various players. The Red Court provided a clear provocation and everyone expected the Faeries to strike back immediately. Including the RC probably. So Mab had good reason to assume it was a trap. And she didn't want Summer to fall for it either, because Nemesis is the biggest threat out there and the RC was obviously in league with it somehow (all these Outsiders).

DF Spoilers / Re: The most frightening Denarian yet?
« on: August 10, 2017, 02:50:04 PM »
How so? Because he has a bigger will and a direct access to the core of their being? and yet his daughter plots to overthrow him... don't mistake a compulsion for a lack of will. You can do pretty much the same thing and worse to any human with the right connects.
Well, exactly like that. The compulsion is relevant because it's built into their nature. Not having free will doesn't mean that you can't have desires and thoughts, it means the Red King can set the law and force the Ramps to act according to his will. Because he is their progenitor imo. They can't not obey. His daughter has to plot really carefully to overthrow him. The compulsion seems to come from the blood connection, meaning that the Rampires higher up in the family tree are automatically more powerful and can compel their "children". We've seen hints of this as far back as GP, where Bianca controls her household of freshly made Vampires.

The same as Molly not being able to act against Winter Law or a direct command from Mab.

Also consider Bob, he has no free will so he can't act against his nature. Doesn't mean he can't try to strike deals with Harry or not like a particular command. But he can't disobey a direct command from whoever possesses him atm.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Attack Arctus Tor?
« on: August 10, 2017, 02:32:05 PM »
The dot that Ive long wanted to connect was Marcone to Mab, via the nebulous events of PG.  There's got to be some reason she involved herself in SmF, and the best I have so far is the idea of a back-room deal between Vadderung and Mab, purely one asking help to defend his favorite pet project.
I'm rereading SmF right now and that's exactly what I was wondering about: Why did Mab bother? Ok, her Accords were broken. But so what, someone who can't defend themselves doesn't have any business joining the club. Marcone must have earned a favor from her in some way. It makes sense for him to collect a couple of solids before joining the Accords.

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