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Topics - Dougansf

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Ley Line Attunement
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:30:54 PM »
In our current game, we're about to head over the ocean to attack an island base of the Formor.  It just so happens that there is a ley line running from the coastline to the base.

The plan is for the wizard to attune himself to the ley line, in order to maintain magic while on water, and under water at the base.

The question is, how much Refresh would that cost?  I was thinking -1 to be like Demense.  I'm not sure if it's worth Sponsored Magic, especially since that would put the wizard to 0 Refresh, and this is likely a one time trip (possibly multiple sessions, but not likely to return after the situation is resolved).

Thanks for the help

DFRPG / Social Conflict Examples
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:34:39 AM »
I'm having trouble figuring out how Social Conflict is supposed to work.

What is an appropriate situation for it to be used?
What skills can cause Stress at any given time?
When is it Social or Mental Stress?
What skills defend against which?

YS seems to be very loose with this, and doesn't give the best examples.  So I'd like to hear how you've used it in your games.

DFRPG / Black Cat Files
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:40:15 PM »
Hi all,

I've had an idea for a game that would help introduce players to the Dresden system.  I've learned a lot from reading the forums about how the Aspects and Fate Economy work, so I think a handy thing is to take the Powers out of it, at the start, and just have Pure Mortal PCs.  Namely, the cops working with Jacky Murphy back in the day.

Thanks to the great timeline on the forums, I've pieced together some details of the main line characters that are (or could be) active or involved.

I'm putting my research up here in case anyone else would like to use the setting, and for any additional input you might have.  Enjoy!

Time points:
29 BSF ~ 1971.  Karrin Murphy is born
19 BSF ~ 1981.  Michael Carpenter (born 43 BSF ~ 1957) kills Mavra's "children" and "grandchildren," after some three dozen people were killed in the space of a month. Gregor has a cult, Charity (Carpenter) may not be a member yet.
17 BSF ~ 1983.  Lisa Murphy is born
17 BSF ~ 1983.  Collin Murphy suicides
14 BSF ~ 1986.  Michael Carpenter saves Charity
Vargassi - Mob family of Chicago?

Real World Facts:
1979 Jane Byrne Chicago first female mayor
1979 Blues Brothers filmed in Chicago.
1983 Harold Washington first black mayor

Collin J. “Jack” Murphy - wife Marion, father to Karrin and 2 boys.  Expecting Lisa?

Ron Carmichael - ?  Uncertain if he was old enough to be active at this time.

Henry Rawlins - Late 50’s in 2005.  As a young cop, he protected a woman from something scary, then got saved by Collin with a shotgun of rock salt. 

John Stallings - Older than Rawlins?  Skeptical of supernatural.

Mickey Malone’s Father? - I figure Mickey Malone may have been a generational cop as well.

Potential Plots
As you can see under Michaels entry, there's the potential for going up against Mavra's spawned Black Court Vampires (I haven't found any confirmation that this was in Chicago).  I like this option, as it means the PCs could encounter Thralls and Renfields as lower level opponents before building up to actual Vampires (with the Bram Stoker disads).

I think the cult that Gregor and Charity were involved in may have been in Chicago around that time period.  This could be a decent segue into the magical side of things.

Ghosts and goblins, etc.  All pretty standard, I would think.  I wouldn't muck around with the Queens at this level.

DFRPG / Easy Light Spell
« on: July 28, 2012, 08:57:58 PM »
Apologies if these are repeat questions, but I've looked and searched and found nothing.

At various times, Harry casts a "simple" spell to light the area.  Either "Flickum Bicus" or light from his pentacle amulet.  These seem to be very easy for him, and yet they don't even make it onto his Rote spell list in the book.

DFRPG mechanically speaking, this seems to be a Maneuver to place an aspect on a location (Dimly lit, what have you).  With Flickum the candles are lit and don't need to be maintained.  The amulet however needs to have enough power to last the whole scene, often while in combat.  Is there a recommendation for making spells not cost Stress?  Refinement maybe?

In most situations, the light spell wouldn't be contested, but what if you're trying to expose a stealthy person in the shadows?  How about casting light against a magical darkness (I imagine comparing shifts would come into play here)?


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