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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: The British Prisoner
« on: July 26, 2020, 10:15:46 PM »
My hope would be Mordred.

Arthur's heir. Born of a sin he's not responsible for, but by right of birth and debatably conquest, Pendragon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
« on: July 26, 2020, 10:04:12 PM »
I'm not expecting him to decide that Marcone's a good guy -- he's not. It's just Harry's reflexive violent threats against Marcone every time they work together that's a bit tired. Way back in Storm Front, it was necessary to make sure Marcone didn't see him as prey. At this point, Harry should be more confident in his power and not need the threats and posturing to hide his fear.

Marcone is his mirror. Harry is also a tiger. He hates Marcone because Marcone accepts himself, and Harry denies himself.

It's actually fairly realistic antipathy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks Thoughts [SPOILERS]
« on: July 24, 2020, 10:13:45 PM »
And his true love thing reads like true lust.  You don't turn love off and on like a spigot. And he's developed a fascination with threesomes.  He has two out of the oven and one in development with Murphy.  I'm as happy go lucky as the next guy, but this tires me out just reading it. At this rate Harry ain't gonna have any energy for the BAT.

And who in Gods name puts a cripple in charge of security?  Nobody seems to think it's absurd that Carlos can just barely walk but he in charge of the security detail. Jim on the other hand thought it was such a good idea he used it twice in the same book? And the White Council has a fornication detector?  Really?

Few things.

The detector makes sense in a world with Whamps. In short, the way they used it. They were checking for White Court manipulation.

Also, it's not being in true love that protects you. It's an *act* of true love that entangles two souls together and gives them both protection. There's just a really efficient and common act. Self-sacrifice for love should do it too.

Also, regarding the baby: It consumes extra life force from the mother relative to a human baby. Posit: Thomas is wrong. It's not that WC are all-but infertile. It's that few humans have enough juice for the fetus to take. Bipolar Justine is actually probably at high pregnancy risk.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: July 24, 2020, 05:14:45 PM »
My 2 cents is that that's the currency Monoc accepts: Einherjar.

I'm firmly of the opinion that Hendricks was either re-hired from Monoc, or he's pledged to Gard on death, and that Gard has a remit to recruit from Marcone's soldiers. I imagine that Lara has a similar contract now that she's using professionals.

How immortal Einherjarin are is an interesting question.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Conjouritis, Why??
« on: July 21, 2020, 05:24:43 PM »
Put me in the Maggie camp.

There was a frying pan in the first few chapters Harry didn't conjure but turned into ectoplasm. My vote? Maggie did it.

His noticing Hope Carpenter gaining a figure was part and parcel with him realizing she's only a few years older than Maggie.

Same with Ivy.

Eb's objection to keeping with Maggie was that she didn't have her power yet. This stops being a bone of contention between grandfather and grandson if her power is already manifested- it's a moot point. Harry would then gain a new apprentice- or maybe as a peace offering, Eb will.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab, So Who. . .?
« on: July 18, 2020, 08:54:10 PM »
As I recall, there's a WoJ about what happened to Maeve's father that mentioned being caught in a love triangle with Mab and Titania and it not ending well.

If he was Aurora's father too, well, ouch

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Resources [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 17, 2020, 08:27:30 PM »
I'd guess the opposites of the Signatories, largely.

So, Norse Gods with Valkyries and Einherjar- Grendelkin? Jotuns? Dishonored dead on a ship of fingernails?


Daoin Sidhe- Formorians

Svartalves- Light Elves

The Tylwyth being a first strike is interesting. Did Gwynn ap Nudd know something, or were his people considered dangerous?

What's the natural enemy of a vampire? A ghoul?

If the ghouls are Sumerian, I suppose some kind of Zoroastrian djinni?

I expect Gothic living weapons, given the Fomorians predilections. Also why they went for the Paranetters- the same conservation of mystical mass is probably at play.

Oh, and so much iron.

DF Spoilers / Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« on: July 17, 2020, 05:13:49 PM »
31) Eb has cancer or some other disease that will shortly kill him, and it's adding to his irrationality.
32) Maggie has met Eb's criteria for not being hidden (showing power)
33) Old WAG, but if the Starborn is only every 666 years, the seventh son of a seventh son- I've thought might end up referring to Nicodemus. As in, he's the original 7x7 and it's a twisted memory of that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Thoughts on Peace Talks (spoiler heavy)
« on: July 17, 2020, 05:12:06 PM »
Point 6. The frying pan. Harry didn't sneeze the frying pan into existence. Someone else, with the mortal gift of magic, that was thinking of pancakes. Someone who makes sense to have a "child's" wizard disease who could pass it to maybe a family member who'd never had it.

The two combine to point to Maggie having what Eb already listed as a criteria- proof that she'll have mystical power.

But unusually clumsily done by Butcher, agreed.

Heck, maybe Eb's got cancer.

As I recall, what Butcher said was that he knew everything he'd need to know to figure it out, but was really hostile to the idea and so hadn't. Not quite a lie if I recall correctly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why, Thomas, Why? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:54:50 PM »
I'm not saying that the True Love angle makes Justine a saint, or definitely inclined to make the best choices, but practically by definition, it must make her loyal to Thomas.  I'll accept theories where she was genuinely deceived, but not ones where she willingly betrayed Thomas.  She's been quite consistently devoted to him.

Mother's love versus true love, it's an angle I personally would accept.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Resources [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:53:03 PM »
Counting only new text, or also old?  I mean, I think a good 25% of the book was summarizing what had happened in the previous 15 books, short stories, or graphic novels.  Telling readers what they already knew if they have read the entire series.  It really made especially the first half of the book a slog.  I found myself skipping whole pages on the first read through as he dropped the same summaries of people we know or things that have happened before into this book that he dropped into previous books (or at least it sure felt that way).  By the BAT Jim is going to have to decide if he is writing for readers of the series or not, because if he continues to write each book so it can be read by a new reader, its going to be 75% summaries of previous books and only 25% new text, and I'm not sure I can take that.

All long series go through this. I've also yet to read a long series that didn't need a book that served no other real purpose then lining up the finale and ensuring all relevant plotlines advanced, at the cost of the book of a standalone.

For Jordan, it was Crossroads. For Martin, A Feast For Crows/A Dance With Dragons. For Goodkind, I rather think it was Soul of the Fire.

For Butcher, apparently it's Peace Talks/Battle Ground.

Also, concur on the hardback. Butcher's people publish a trade paperback sized hardcover. Longer hardcovers are typically full size; his people may not have the equipment. Which I'm fine with- I want them to fit on the same bookshelf.

DF Spoilers / How long can Butcher maintain WC suspicion of Harry?
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:49:37 PM »
Butcher's done an outstanding job of keeping the literal angels that will vouchsafe Harry's character from the Council.

Have we seen Ancient Mai since Mouse testified on Harry's behalf, revealing that he's chosen to accept being Harry's pet? She might have converted on the spot politically- explains the Merlin's desperation.

From the Council's perspective, Harry is a loose cannon who deals freely with vampires, the nastier fae, and other monsters. He's worked with Nicodemus, the White Court, the Black Court; he has an unexplained knowledge of necromancy, Etruscan, and Sumerian yet struggles in Latin (this implies he practices the other two frequently, so dealings with White Court and ghouls); he starts the war with the Red Court, largely stays out of it (aside from eliminating the Tigress) until drafted, but then when they strike at his child he up and eliminates them all like they are nothing.

He's been known to throw Hellfire.

Yet he also has Soulfire and is close to the KotC. This should create cognitive distortion or cause the Senior Council to reconsider.

Has anyone seen him use Soulfire on the Council?
Have we seen Mai since Mouse testified on Harry's behalf?
Does anyone on the Council know that Harry is a frequent collaborator of the KotC- recall, they're not members of the Accords?

Do you think Battle Grounds will touch on this point, given the weapons Harry is wielding, and the implied revelation of his role as Warden?

EDIT: Going to add that from a Doylist POV, the point of Kemmler is throw suspicion on Harry, who appears to tick nearly all the same boxes. Which is part of why I am so confident that he was the last Starborn, and he used that ability specifically to seek knowledge beyond the Outer Gates.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezar and Harry (peace talks spoilers)
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:04:07 PM »
Harry is letting Thomas around Maggie unsupervised.

Y'know, the girl named for Eb's own daughter?

Thomas is defiant and comfortable in Harry's home.

I think Eb's supposed to have been *stewing* about Thomas and whatever "hold" he had on Harry. He may have had a similar confrontation with his Maggie, and she chose Papa Raith. Now here's Harry doing the same.

From Eb's perspective: Harry has, in this book and Changes, tossed in his face a "Let the world burn, then!" attitude when it comes to family. His defiant comments about the foster system initially would have seemed to be purely about his daughter. Eb, an old and wise man who cares deeply about Harry, realizes that Harry is including Thomas, *similarly abandoned by their shared mother*, under that defensive blind spot. Harry will choose Thomas over the Council, and the consequences be damned.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why, Thomas, Why? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 17, 2020, 02:56:33 PM »
I think she wants "out" to protect her baby.

The true love angle does tend to make readers sympathetic, but this is a very damaged woman. The mental health issues, falling in love with a born predator; living among the same, the entire nature of their relationship (she brings in other people so she and Thomas can be together, that's a bit predatory on its own as presented)- she is not necessarily a nice woman.

The open question has always been, what does she know? The the Raiths are killers and how? That's probably a given; being Lara's secretary means she probably has to make "arrangements." A twist that may be out there- she doesn't how they become vampires or how it's passed on. She may think it's something done to them, instead of something that happens on its own unless prevented by circumstance. So, you could plausibly have a scenario where she doesn't "blame" Thomas for what he is- but thinks that if she escapes with the baby, it can be "normal."

Amorrachius seems more scarcely used.

One assumes love is a harder concept to find an embodiment for- Michael's embrace of traditional charity via religion- love for fellow man- is probably his foot in the door.

An uber-Catholic cop in Chicago, that loves the people of his city as a defining trait, is not an impossible trope to call on- and Butcher loves putting his own stamp on traditional tropes.

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