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Messages - PerfectVeil

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in Chicago, IL (Skokie) 11/30/12
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:08:20 AM »
  :'(   No sign of Australia huh? Sigh.. I'm so alone out here.

( Although on a happy note I recommended Storm Front to someone who appeared really interested so hopefully a new Dresden convert ! )

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:23:19 AM »
Since the first time I read the description of Lucio 2.0 ....."long, lush, curling brown hair, a sweetly pretty face, killer dimples, and nice curve"

Um.. That kinda bothered me too.
I figured that maybe what had occurred in the building had changed it's relationship to him so that it was no longer *just* a warehouse, but something significant that would therefore be safe for him, like his grave was.
Sorry, but that was the best I could come up with.
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DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:52:35 PM »
They were drunk? That does explain a little bit!
I saw a tiny bit of dice rolling but I think without the book it would never have made any sence no matter how long I stayed !
Just let me know if you ever have a ( gotto think time zones here now ) Thursday morning or Friday or Saturday night session. I'd love to participate next time. 

DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 25, 2012, 03:00:13 AM »
I've heard both sides on this-- and been on both sides.  Some couples like to do gaming together; others find it as a nice time-apart activity.

Both are valid approaches, but be sure your Sig.O. knows about and is cool with your hobbies.

Alas, I only mentioned the forums today and was again accused of being obsessive. Little did my husband (Yeah I'm a chick ) know I had an rpg going too !!

Thanks for the sit in. Hope I wasn't too much of a nuisance.....
I finally get this though. And I'm pretty sure I could have fun with it. Will have to get hold of the book.

DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:38:04 AM »
You are very kind Ghsdkgb. I would love to watch a game being played. Although I'll have to try and sit in on one going on when my other half isn't home. I'm already accused of being unhealthily addicted to Dresden, without throwing RPG's in the works  :P

DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:10:42 AM »
Wow that was quick. Thanks for the replies guys.

Devonapple: I'll read up asap. I'm at work now.. though not sure how much I've achieved so far that's actually work related. 
UmbraLux: I think I get what you are saying....Ok... yeah I think I do. It's not a board game or a video game or a card game..... it's just a game !

I'm on the verge of buying "Our World" ... I want the short story. I guess this will be my start then!  8)

DFRPG / RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:04:10 PM »
OK. I've heard about RPG's thanks to my love of the Dresden files.
But I can't seem to find a thread that will explain to me, in ultimate Vanilla-Mortal style, how the heck these things work?!
It's not like I haven't gone to the main website and checked out some character sheets, but i just can't work out how those things tranlate into an actual game.
Please can someone patient and practical clue me in?

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 11, 2012, 06:00:21 AM »
I'd seen the show and fallen in love with it and was very disappointed to find there was only one season. Then in October they put on repeats so I watched again and was busy cursing the lack of a second season when the magial words appeared at the bottom of the screen, "Based on the books by Jim Butcher".

So I picked up my Kindle (I love my Kindle)  and found and bought and started reading SF right away. I was hooked immediately though I recall having a small adjustment period because of the differences between the show and the books. It took ages before I saw Bob as a skull and not Hrothburt of Bainbridge. I still struggle in how I see Harry.... sometimes he is Blackthorn and sometimes more like the Harry in 'Welcome to the Jungle'. Often a strange mix between the two.

I finished the 13 of the series all .... I think it was late December maybe? Mid Jan. Not sure because I immediatly started re-reading !

I am constantly relieved that I discovered the books after GS came out. As it was, I finished Changes and (did I tell you how much I love my Kindle ?) immediatley bought GS and just kept reading...

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